Why do you think a crossbow was never added?

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James Snowscoran said:
This thread is the best troll

When something is a troll, then if you point it out they automatically win. Trolls feed on reactions, so if you think something is a troll then don't ever respond or acknowledge they're presence.
Nave Senrag said:
To be honest, I don't care that there are no crossbows in NV I'm more concerned that the prevailing opinion here is that no one anyone in the US would ever be able to create anything like a crossbow.
That's not really the issure here though. The point is that there is absolutely no need for a crossbow to be made, when guns are stashed everywhere.
I would also like to see xbow in the game provided it would have nice model, sound,animations and mods (see xbow from bioshock for instance).
Another thing i would like to see added in the game are makeshift weapons (pneumatic, spring based, (Metro 2033)) and deployable weapons (tripod mini turrets, yay!)
Ilosar said:
With just a bit of more effort, you can make a reliable ranged weapon with retrievable ammo that can be discharged whenever you want by pressing a trigger.

Retrievable ammo? You do realize that this is not realistic, right? If the bolt pierces something enough to damage it it'll be damaged too, and unable to be used again. Also, a gun fits all the above requirement, is more commonplace, and just plain better.

WTF, you think that a crossbow bolt usually damages when hititng a target? Um, not in about 99% of cases. My friends uses the same 5 Barnett bolts for the last 2 years (i think that's about the time when he bought the damn thing) for boar hunting because here we have quite a problem with wild boars mauling through corn fields. The bolt easily penetrates through chest bones and goes deep inside heavy bone matter like pelvis wich is great because if the animal doesn't die it can't escape the hunter so it's easy to finish her and bleed her out. As i said, in 99% of the cases the bolt is untouched.

And about the guns being common place and in general better; so what? Is that the reason why things like Power Fists, Tesla Cannons and Flamethrowers shouldn't exist? No, it's not. Imagine how dull the Fallout lore would be if all you see is a repeater or a 9mm because it's practical, easy to maintain and everything else. Dull, very very dull.

As i said, i would love to have it as a unique, niche weapon in the game, not as something commonly seen.

Spears are useful at close-range combat, and far easier to craft and use than crossbows. Power fists are pre-war, rooted in lore and serve an actual purpose; give you an edge in melee combat. Car bumpers are used by 8 foot tall, muscle-bound superhumans for the same purpose. Not the same as a weapon that is completely inferior to other, more common weapons.

Doesn't matter if the power fists are pre-war or not, they are still in the game and if "gives you an edge in melee" is a good enough argument to have a pneumatic slag of metal designed for falcon punching in Fallout then please don't try to design reasons to make crossbows somehow implausible to be in it. Flaming chainsaws give you edge in melee, i want them.

There are also tons of other Fallout weapons that share the same level of lolability as a power fist.

And a throwing spear is easier to use then a crossbow? Really?

True. But your mechanism will hardly be able to dent a tin can at ten meters, let alone kill a man at more than fifty.

The simplest crossbow mechanism made of metal can pierce through human body like butter. If you want to see some idioticaly simple yet powerful ones just watch some random Youtube videos of homemade crossbows made from scrap.

Because everybody has advanced synthetic materials and production facilities to combine them in their backyards, hmm? Well, the Gun Runners have, but they wisely prefer to stick to their namesake.

Um, metal?

True enough, rather than chop down wood, you could use the stock of an existing rifle and build up on it, I suppose. As to why you would do all that hard work to build an inferior weapon, I don't know.

Why would there be any wooden parts? The sheer existence of wooden gun parts in Fallout is retarded enough.
I'm not declaring sides, but with the above, I must agree with home-made crossbows. My friend made a wood crossbow, and the bolt he made fired extremely fast and pierced (albeit not a good example) a 1 inch thick wood fence. But to contradict the above, the bolt he used was absolutely useless after firing.
there is no such thing as a silenced SMG.

supressed maybe. the bolt recharging new rounds is pretty loud though.
DoubleRubix said:

There over with stop this thread!
That's bsicaly whatI and others have been saying from the begining.
..and we definitely shouldn't miss the famous Rambow, hehe. Exploding arrows included:
whirlingdervish said:


Since the fucking Paleolithic period.

Spears were some of the first wooden weapons used by man, EVER. For some reason I don't think it's because they didn't have crossbows.

Thank you. Besides my post before about Sawyer's response to why bow like weapons are in the game. Crossbow and bow and arrow are still unsophisticated compared to a gun. But I mean the average tribal probably isn't intelligent enough to conceive making bows on their own. Spears are just sticks with a stone tip. That is Childish in simplicity so of course throwing weapons make more sense because if you had absolutely know knowledge of weapons or any kind of technology you would probably make a sharp stick before making a tensioned bow and creating ammunition for it.
Richwizard said:
Even native americans gave up bows when they were able to trade for guns.

Only because they didn't need to use them as counter-sniper weapons. Duh.
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