Why do you think a crossbow was never added?

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TheDidact said:
Can someone tell me what it would've hurt to include a crossbow? e have throwing spears for Pete's sake, but a we couldn't put a crossbow into the equation?

Because it isn't necessary I guess. Groups like CL have enough guns that they don't need them and spears are just the remains of their tribal roots. Fallout tribals have always seen to be proficient in the use of spears, Caesar therefore allows them to use spears which don't require as much finese of brains to make than a crossbow.

I wouldn't have minded a bow and arrow personally but not a crossbow.
The Enclave 86 said:
Grec said:
The Enclave 86 said:
You know Silus I think that your understating the complexity of a crossbow. It's a pretty complex device in it's mechanisms and I doubt that after a nuclear war people would be thinking about such things.

Your un-educated in the construction of these weapons correct? Now remember how a crossbow works and just try to think in your head how you would build one. It's pretty much what your expecting the post-apocalyptic suburbanites to do; from zero experience mentally design and craft a crossbow. We can all do the mental part here right?

By that logic, nobody would be able to use or create guns.

A group of people with automated machinery and such with access to fully detailed schematics can; an average mainlander cannot create a gun.

The use of a gun is simple in comparison, you point at things you don't like and then they go away. You could give me a factory made pistol and I could probably find out, through messing around, how to strip it down for cleaning and such. Not exactly the same as scavenging the materials for a crossbow and designing and making a mechanism for increasing tension in the bowstring is it?

So who's to say a group of tribals didn't find schematics for a crossbow or found one and eventually learned how to replicate them?

And no, gun's aren't that simple. You don't simply point at something and shoot. There's stances you have to take to absorb recoil, certain methods of breathing you have to use for long distance shootings. A first time firearm user is probably going to hurt himself with a gun and never want to use one again.

I have no idea why people keep on saying that guns are lasers of death. Crossbows came before guns, they're much simpler weapons and that's a fact.
Grec said:
So who's to say a group of tribals didn't find schematics for a crossbow or found one and eventually learned how to replicate them?

Because they aren't very common things crossbow schematics. In-fact the Gun Runners monopoly comes fromt the fact that nobody else has the schematics for the pre-war firearms that they churn out.

Grec said:
And no, gun's aren't that simple. You don't simply point at something and shoot. There's stances you have to take to absorb recoil, certain methods of breathing you have to use for long distance shootings. A first time firearm user is probably going to hurt himself with a gun and never want to use one again.

All things which can be learned by firing a gun and not require weeks of scavenging and working to try and built a crossbow.

If they would just give up using a gun after a single injury then they clearly aren't all that fussed by the post-nuclear landscape then are they?

Grec said:
I have no idea why people keep on saying that guns are lasers of death. Crossbows came before guns, they're much simpler weapons and that's a fact.

Relatively speaking sure but the construction of both are still complicated to an average person. Do it yourself. Picture how you would build a crossbow, mentally design it's parts and mechanisms.
Well my thoughts are that crossbows are generally used in games like black ops, I find it unlikely that you find a crossbow in the middle of the desert, 270 years into the future, so there
The creators of VAN FRIGGEN BUREN were going to have a crossbow in the game. The CREATORS OF FALLOUT thought that a crossbow would be plausible in their universe that they have created. All other arguments are know void.

There's really only 2 reasons why the crossbow isn't in FNV

1.The crappy game engine

2.They never got around to the idea

Grec said:
The creators of VAN FRIGGEN BUREN were going to have a crossbow in the game. The CREATORS OF FALLOUT thought that a crossbow would be plausible in their universe that they have created. All other arguments are no void.

There's really only 2 reasons why the crossbow isn't in FNV

1.The crappy game engine

2.They never got around to the idea


Do I not warrant a response or something.

And in relation to crossbows in VB, they were used by a single merc faction in an advanced settlement. Could have been hunting or sporting advanced ones for all you know.
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".

Damn, my grammar sucks when im on a phone lol

And ya, but they're still crossbows. They're probably just plain old crossbows. There really is no incentives to even think that it's anything else then a crossbow, the name on the wiki clearly states "crossbow".
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