Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

Im gonna refer to all of Vektor's Terminal Redux album as giant rebuttal to anybody who thinks Communism whether violent or utopian form will ever work. At best the pillars will fall ever faster
Fuck me it was just a tune. I thought Vektor may have been like that prick on youtube ' How the world works' lol
Oddly enough, some economists here have been changing their tune recently. Where usually they'd propose a 35 hour week or even less for everyone, they're now proposing 42 hour weeks, raising the pension age and drastically increasing taxes because we're running out of money fast. We can't even start communism now when we're already running out of other people's money.
The term quantitative easing comes to mind. The money system is already broken. inflation is rising so capitalism is going into crisis. Recessions and financial uncertainty will pressure workers/consumers even more. All Western Countries poured Billions down the drain using Covid as an excuse. Not since the 1700's has capitalism gone so wild. Maybe a final money grab by the already rich has and will happen. When Britain was going to adopt EU workers rights, Thatcher screamed " This is Marxist " and threw a fit. A few years back in the USA, panic stations over their debt to China caused policies that could be described as Marxist. Therefore any economist with their salt could not deny the nature of Marxist theory. Anyway the BBC ran this piece only days ago.