Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

Plus, who the fuck cares
? This forum has had the stigma of being Beth Fallout haters years and years before i even knew this place existed, so most Beth fans come here basically to yell that we are a bunch of boomers stuck in the past. Plus they leave because most of us don't exactly engage in praising games that are responsible for the current state of the franchise.

I do. You would be content to let people hate us due to Kilus making a couple of alts and trolling once and people posting screenshots over and over again. I am not. I think that stigma should go fuck off now because plenty of people have came here and liked Beth games and been productive posters, not total morons like we always said, so ya know maybe realize NMA is not just about what you want. Besides what do you even do here besides rage about the same shit we have done thousands of time before? Yeah we know 76 is bad. Go do something in the Fallout 22 thread or something if you like old Fallout so much.
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I think that stigma should go fuck off now
It's not going away though, no matter if people here start being nicer to Beth games or Beth fans.

plenty of people have came here and liked Beth games and been productive posters
Like who? CT Phipps? That's one and it's debatable because even he has indulged in the same bullshit Beth fans like to claim.

Besides what do you even do here besides rage about the same shit we have done thousands of time before?
When was even the last time i did this? I haven't done it in a long while and my recent post here doesn't exactly count.

Yeah we know 76 is bad.
Lol pick the game i shat the least on.

Go do something in the Fallout 22 thread or something if you like old Fallout so much.
What the fuck you think i have been doing for several years? Jesus.
I don't know man I scrolled back to May and have seen nothing but Alphons and Prole kinda sad really. I expected more from NMA. So hardcore but it is literally a site for Bethfags acting hard (so many posers over the years that are literal Beth fanatics just be honest ffs) now that have never even heard of games like Atom RPG or Colony Ship or they just gave up after Wasteland 2 mostly.
I don't post in that thread, but pretty much all my isometric RPGs playtime has been either the original Fallouts or games inspired by them like Atom and Underrail.

Because yeah, let me shit on Beth Fallouts and give praise to isometric RPGs and not even play the latter, because that makes sense.

but it is literally a site for Bethfags acting hard (so many posers over the years that are literal Beth fanatics just be honest ffs)
Will sending a pic of my Steam library and installed games prove my innonence?
Things are changing. I never acted like you towards them I can post proof of that. I tell trolls to fuck off not Bethfags. I make fun of them but never run them off. I actually try to get them to play the older games.
Oh please. I was there from the begining, when we here actually welcomed Bethesda developers and had conversations with them. It's not like this place was or is always hostile to Bethfags.

I would even say, "normal" people are not treated much different than they would be in other places. I mean things got kinda sour after some time but can you really blame the old timers here when you come up to the Forum and you find like several pages of topics, posts created by new accounts just to tell us how shit we are for not "loving" Fallout 3? Do you member? I do.

But yes. Things are different now. But honestly the real reason why this community is so "quiet" is not because we're all assholes. It's because the Fallout we used to cover here simply does not get people excited. NMA was a Fallout community, mostly for the old games. But it didn't really become a gaming community, with a full staff and all that. Like the Codex for example.

Everything has good and bad sides to it though. A large community can make a place feel "commercial", if you catch my drift. NMA kinda feels like a small, bit retarded, family.

Anyway this idea that we "hate" Bethfans doesn't hold any water in my opinion anyway. May I remind you that our God and Emperor of all digital, the mighty Korin, is/has been a Fallout 3 fan? And quite an avid Fallout 76 player. And he's runing the digital show behind the curtains here. Been always a loved member of the community. And the same is true for any other "Bethfan" that took their time to become a part of the community. Serifan is also someone who played F 76. So what is it? Do we all hate them Bethesda fans or can they be members of this community if we hate them so much? Also, if someone made "alt accounts" to troll us, how the fuck should someone know this? First time I hear about this anyway.
Oh please. I was there from the begining, when we here actually welcomed Bethesda developers and had conversations with them. It's not like this place was or is always hostile to Bethfags.

I would even say, "normal" people are not treated much different than they would be in other places. I mean things got kinda sour after some time but can you really blame the old timers here when you come up to the Forum and you find like several pages of topics, posts created by new accounts just to tell us how shit we are for not "loving" Fallout 3? Do you member? I do.

But yes. Things are different now. But honestly the real reason why this community is so "quiet" is not because we're all assholes. It's because the Fallout we used to cover here simply does not get people excited. NMA was a Fallout community, mostly for the old games. But it didn't really become a gaming community, with a full staff and all that. Like the Codex for example.

Everything has good and bad sides to it though. A large community can make a place feel "commercial", if you catch my drift. NMA kinda feels like a small, bit retarded, family.

No you were not there from the beginning. The site was more hostile in 2005 than it was in 2008 for one mostly due to Wooz but still. You guys want this place staying small then you are gonna kill the site sorry. It has to change and will no longer be about just Fallout as we talked about before. It also has to adapt with the times and stop fighting losing battles like I was trying to do.

I notice it is usually the older crowd that hates change but the truth is you guys are the first to leave the site anyway due to dying and losing touch so you are not worth as much tbh. That includes me.
I was not registered, but I've spend a lot of time reading the forum before making an account. Also I am not saying I want this place to stay small. I am just saying you can not force this place to become big. I also do not mind change, if and when it happens to NMA. But again. I am not seeing much of this change happening - for now. I am just not sure what you're so worked up about. You want this place to be filled with more life? Go! Do your thing. More power to you! I don't mind.
I just feel you're one of those old people too that you're so crazy about. But hey ... but ya know what do I know I am just on here all day long.
How about we just act like decent human beans when someone new starts posting? Haha, what a concept.
Naw Voof, that's not possible. We're all just a bunch of old assholes set in our ways that scares everyone away! Cool beans like @eissa :(! FUCK YOU TORONT >(
Just joking. But still. A little bit of seriousness maybe.
I mean I went and asked her to come back. What kind of asshole does that?
Goddamn right. I can loosen my hinge at will. Not like that Norzan guy that just throws bricks at new people when they come in.

You are reading the thread and some people do not like being tagged like that. I know what you are doing - sorry I am a spy.
How about we just act like decent human beans when someone new starts posting? Haha, what a concept.
I have been doing that since I can remember, even to some troll threads (I actually spend time making nice posts and elaborating on stuff).

On another note, Toront is right, quite a few times in the past I thought some replies were extremely aggressive to new people just because they like Bethesda games.