Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

Will Fallout 3 be remembered in 10 years' time?

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Dionysus said:
I think it will be remembered. In fact, it will be remembered by more people than the first 2 for the same reason that Morrowind is remembered by more people than TES1&2. The kids that are playing FO3 now will grow up with fond memories of their first open-world RPG. There just aren't enough (any?) good contemporary open-world RPGs to overshadow it.

But Morrowind is quite a step forward from the empty generated Buggerfall. And TES never stood out form the bunch of other RPGs as much as Fallout.
But you are right that there are not many other open-world RPGs. Hence Fo3 gets compared to sandbox action games, like Farcry2 and maybe Stalker. And thats even the main focus of the game - exploring and 'shootin stuff'. However 'first open-world RPG' for most of the modern gamers would rather be Oblivioin. And Fo3 is just an Obliv derivative.
Dionysus said:
I think it will be remembered. In fact, it will be remembered by more people than the first 2 for the same reason that Morrowind is remembered by more people than TES1&2. The kids that are playing FO3 now will grow up with fond memories of their first open-world RPG. There just aren't enough (any?) good contemporary open-world RPGs to overshadow it.

I think today's kids, when they grow up, they will find older games and start to like them.

The same is happening to every generation. Me for example, I started listening to music from 80's or 70's, even though when I was a kid I hated them. The same thing is with movies.

And anyway, lots of FO3 fans will definatly come across revious Fallouts, and definatly many of them will like them more than FO3.

They're not dump, they are just like we were. But the society and the mainstream corporations are creating most of the retardness in them.
Erny said:
But Morrowind is quite a step forward from the empty generated Buggerfall.

Oh, a tiny bugged soulless game with five minute dungeons and the same level of vapidness as its predecessor is an improvement over Daggerfall? Morrowind is the same thing as Daggerfall with better graphics and pathetic five minute dungeons with the same lack of personality as Daggerfall.
With the shrunken dungeons, there's no fun to be had in the game. Hell, the fucking combat system was a step backwards, absolutely atrocious compared to Daggerfall's yet the majority of the game is spent fighting. There's nothing better about it, except perhaps the fact that it has a slightly fewer amount of bugs.
Public said:
I think today's kids, when they grow up, they will find older games and start to like them.

The same is happening to every generation. Me for example, I started listening to music from 80's or 70's, even though when I was a kid I hated them. The same thing is with movies.
Yeah, that’s an interesting point, but many different things can happen in that situation. Most of my friends either keep up with popular music or stick with the stuff that was popular when they were in high school/college. And gaming is a little different than music because there are big changes in graphics and technology. In general new gamers don’t play 10-year-old games.

Public said:
And anyway, lots of FO3 fans will definatly come across revious Fallouts, and definatly many of them will like them more than FO3.

They're not dump, they are just like we were.
I agree with your last two statements here. But I don't think you understand how the industry and human cognition tend to operate. If this game is very popular right now, then it will probably be remembered by more people than the originals, which were never very popular in the first place. FO1&2 are remembered, but more people remember FFVII, Pokemon, and Diablo.
Fallouts were VERY popular in their time, not to mention got high ratings in a time when ratings weren't all just publisher propaganda.
Yeah, that’s an interesting point, but many different things can happen in that situation. Most of my friends either keep up with popular music or stick with the stuff that was popular when they were in high school/college. And gaming is a little different than music because there are big changes in graphics and technology. In general new gamers don’t play 10-year-old games.

The only difference between games and music/movies is the fact that it is the youngest mass entertaining industry at the monet. Music is the oldest one, and because it's the oldest one, it became more independent and individual. Its independency earned thanks to revolutions and wars with corporate industry (people who want to controll it and change it on their own likness). The same is still happening with flming industry, and now it's happening with gaming industry. The only difference between them is that many years have passed, and the money making corporations gain strength, so it's harder to fight against it.

If fans will not fight for what they like, the corporation will win this round. It already won with movies IMO.

I agree with your last two statements here. But I don't think you understand how the industry and human cognition tend to operate.
I do understand clearly how people operate (I'm a human myself, y'know), and I understand how system works. System (a government for example) should be for people, not people for the system, and we're living in times, where the system is trying to controll the people. Ufortunately, most of us (people) are falling into it, forgeting what really human being is about.

You might think "Oh, it's like a sci-fi movie The Matrix-like thing", and I say "That's right"

If this game is very popular right now, then it will probably be remembered by more people than the originals, which were never very popular in the first place.

The Spice Girls were very, very popular on the mass market, and they were remmembered , but we know they sucked.

Ozzy Osbourne wasn't popular, he was famous and he still is.

FO3 would become famous, if Beth choose between 2 things:

1. Make a game on its own (not a sequal to Fallout series)
2. Don't make anything

But they didn't! Instead, they pissed off one of the most and old fashion hardcore fanbase!!

FO1&2 are remembered, but more people remember FFVII, Pokemon, and Diablo.

Fallout 1&2 would still be remembered if the series was still going (if the Interplay didn't suck).

Looks like you're one of the people, who are falling into those "getting old" syndrome "You'll get old, and die, so everything you remembered and loved doesn't matter. You have your own, little world, where only you and your friends will talk about stuff from your times, where you were young and the world was better for you"- that's what you're gonna be thinking when you'll get old...sad isn't it?

Actually, there is another good thing (around many very bad things) with Fallout 3. 50's music! I bet many kids will like it and will start listen to it...probably :P

BTW I just found out that allgame.com gave 4,5/5 score for Fallout 3 :?
http://www.allgame.com/cg/agg.dll?p...'t know why I can't see my message...[/color]
Gamers, in general, need to wake up and face facts. Sales numbers, not being true to a relatively small hardcore fan base, will ALWAYS be king.

Lets get some things straight:
-Bethesda owes you one working software product. Nothing more. They do not owe you a dream come true and to buy ANY game expecting such is pure foolishness. You gave them money... they gave you the game... thats the end of it. If they can make money on this, expect more games like this. If you dont like what they make... dont buy it. Find a different game. Why didnt Interplay have as much support as Bethesda has complaints?
-There are a few gamers out there who truly desire a classic RPG. Im one of them. I have my dissapointments about FO3 but I also have high hopes for the future of the hybrid genre. Deus Ex is considered a classic by many... thats a hybrid. Morrowind and Oblivion have their hardcore fans as well. To poo poo somthing as "mediocre" because you dont like the Oblivion style is ignoring what the over-whelming majority has said. Again, sales will always be king and the sales are good.
-Dont forget that Christmas is around the corner. Patches should abound by then and many of the games little quirks will be worked out. The sales will get even bigger. Why buy your kid a $100 dollar sweater when you can buy him a $50 dollar game he will enjoy even more? Analysts the world over have always been "shocked" by the consistently strong sales of video games in economic downturns. But lets face it, what else will get you 100+ hours of entertainment for $100?

That said, this game will be remembered as the revival of Fallout. Good or bad, we will see at least one expansion and a slew of downloadable content. Chances are pretty high that we will see an FO4 as well. I think the sales will be even more impressive after the holiday season is over, and, the mini-sales for downloaded content will make Bethesda rich. Rich enough to make another elder scrolls... which will, in turn, make them rich enough to make another Fallout. Like it or lump it, get used to the new Fallout or get another game.
We've been over these kinds of arguments before.

You're not insightful, you're not intelligent and you sure as hell ain't listened to.
I think that i might be remembered, and im not even sure about that. Depends if it will sell a LOT or just lot. i mean who remembers quake II ? it sold like jet. Over 1 million copies. Few people remeber it now days, or talk about it. Same fate will most likely come to fallout 3. Next big name or at least next one after that will make people forget it. It doesn't have the same appeal as many other games because its not that great. Its mediocre to good game. Not revolutionary. Its not Deus EX.
The problem is that we're talking about different demographics. I can mention Deus Ex with "new-school", so to speak, gamer kids around and they ask "What's Deus Ex?" Same for classics of other genres like Starcraft. They probably won't remember Fallout 3 though, because while it's got merits in their schools of thought, it's not Halo.
Whenever this topic is brought up, I always think of how lucky I was to have an older, intelligent brother who had an excellent taste for games. However, many of my friends were not so lucky, and I end up :facepalm: every time a discussion comes to games. One of my classmates is obsessed with Fallout 3, and I can't even discuss anything with him without breaking out in tears.

I think that gamers identify with games that they grew up with, and they remember them. I certainly remember marathon and civ 2, my first true games. Because I was not old enough to experience games like pong and pac man first hand, I do not have a strong emotional attachment to them. Games that are remembered are games that transcend a generation gap. I did not play pong when I was a kid because there were far better games IMO to play. Fallout transcends the gap as there are teenage gamers playing it now (I am one of them). As long as old games are accessible and enjoyable to the current generation AND the next generation, they will be deemed classics.
I have read many commentaries about Fallout and now, I want to write mine. I am one of those "oldschool-type-hardcore-gamers", that have played games for more than half age and today is seeking not some high-end graphics but something more, something, that make you feel better, after playing game, something, that makes game so special. First two Fallout's were like best RPG game of couple of years and they already became legend in early years and are played eaven today. When people started to look in future, they started asking questions about next versions of this exciting world... And then, came Fallout: Brotherhood of steel. Okay, this was not Fallout 3 or something, that was just a variation about same theme. Those who were ready to take anything that is titled with name "Fallout" and play it without any bad thought about it, played it, they just loved the whole idea of this universe, those who wanted something that would be like continuing of Fallout 1&2, those who just loved the quest line and everything with it, were trowing <censored> on Fallout BOS, cause it was not realy that they wanted. But BOS was just another game, with different type of game and it were not anymore Quest-Based-RPG but RPG-Based-Quest, a tactical game.
I enjoyed every release of Fallout and I realy enjoy this whole universe, cartoons, music and whole atmosphere of Fallout...
All of that, made me remember not any exat version of Fallout, but made me remember Fallout as universe.

Ok, we now got "Fallout 3" in our hands. We waited for it couple of years now... Couple of other commerial Fllaout 3's were trying to born but unsuccesfully... And whoila! Bethezda did that, ATLAST! We all waited, that "Fallout 3" will be just like continuing of "Fallout 2" or smth. We waited that it should be something better than previous versions, that it will fill our hopes... And now, everyone can judge it by himself. One's wanted trun-based more advanced, now it's almost compleatly gone, others wanted some new character building additions, but we got the same old SPECIAL and PERKS and so on...
I have played Fallout for couple of hours now and I can tell that, this game has suffered comeercialism and is one of those games, that was made for consumers, not for "Fallout" lovers... Just like many many more game of nowerday's... Games has lost its soul, oh, I wanted to say, that nowerday's games are soul-less cause developers are not working anymore to create good game to sell, they are working just to earn money. (Same thing that is happend to music). Okay, same universe, but different game. Oblivion players will search for anything, that is Oblivion-like and laugh on F3. Stalker players, after trying Fallout 3 will... continue playing Stalker... Those who have played Fallout 1 and Falout 2, will continue to wait for Fallout 3, denying Bethezda Fallout 3 as proper Fallout 2 continuing...
Okay, theese are just my thoughts, but I see, that I am not only one with such... Only thing I can say, as I mentioned before, "Fallout: Shelter" alpha version videos made me more excited than fully developed "Fallout 3"...
It depends on how you define "remembered."

I remember all kinds of crappy stuff from when I was a kid, but I don't care about it, I laugh about it. I remember Top Gun and Motley Crüe, but I couldn't care less about them.

The real question is whether or not "Fallout 3" will be cared about in ten years.

The correct answer is no. In ten years, the same people who like Fallout 1 and 2 will still care about them, but the people who like "Fallout 3" will not care about it at all. For one thing, it simply doesn't meet the standard of quality and originality required for people to remember it and care about it. For another, it's going to be lost in a jumble of other games (and other media) that are all more or less similar.

Only quality endures.
can you remenber the times you go to the bathroom? of course not.

fallout 3 didn't feel so epic, you coulndt feel the wasteland, the desolation, smells (good writing), ¡no sweet america we didn't fealt that, instead we got raiders in every corner of the map yao guays(mutated black bears) every 12 meters, mutated crabs swimming freely in any source of water you can encounter (damn lurkers or whatever they are called second beast most hard to kill since the deathclaw), and finally the supermutants living a crazy live inside DC!.

so i ask you once more good citisents of NMA, ¿WILL this game be remenber? i must part for now, sincerely lewis
I think it will probably be forgotten, just like some other games that were hailed as being epic and unforgettable, then fading into the backround (I felt the same way after playing bioshock). Will I rember it? Probably, after all, i have that game now staring at me from my bookshelf, where it shall sit for the time being. Saying modding will sustain it is sadly not well to do, as it was mainly ment for the console market with its advertising, and shall we say, implimentation. Consoles, as we know, despite having shinny new hard-drives, having every mention of user created content being placed on them be shot down by thier overzealous proponents, challanging such Ideas as borderline software piracy, since, they cannot make money off of you paying for aditional content. And as it comes always comes back to the all mighty dollar. And as we know money talks.

Personally, I think it will be forgotten in the sence that, when somone goes to think of a genre defining game that pushed boundries, they will not think of it. When they flick through all thier old games they keep for the sake of keeping, they will flick over it, with a small spark of recognition, then continue flicking through thier various games, as many of us do now. Whenever I flick through mine, I cannot help but pause as I shuffle past the cracked cases of Fallout and Fallout 2, and feal compelled to dig up the manuals. I guess its all down to impact. Will fallout 3 have enough impact to be remembered?
This is a tough question to answer, or at least, give an opinion to... very tough!

Arcanum sort of fell into the backwater and got lost in the mud and silt... and I loved that game, I still think it's more enjoyable than Fallout 3 is - and atleast on par with Fallout 1. Yet it got forgotten for the most part.

Morrowind would of fallen the same way as Arcanum, but it didn't - because of modders. I guess my opinion is the same for Fallout 3. Bethesda shot themselves in the foot with Oblivion, and how much they limited the scripting language. That has made a complete 180 with Fallout 3, and *so* much is now possible... just in regards to gameplay mechanics. It may very well be more complex than Morrowind's scripting capacity - and that's *without* a third party script extender.

So my opinion? My vote? Somewhere between Probably and Maybe, but time will tell.
Erny said:
Dionysus said:
I think it will be remembered. In fact, it will be remembered by more people than the first 2 for the same reason that Morrowind is remembered by more people than TES1&2. The kids that are playing FO3 now will grow up with fond memories of their first open-world RPG. There just aren't enough (any?) good contemporary open-world RPGs to overshadow it.

The only thing that I remember of Morrowind is that one of my fav. gaming magazines said that it "has the worst RPG system in existence" and "doesn't even qualify as a good RPG".
Ausdoerrt said:
Erny said:
Dionysus said:
I think it will be remembered. In fact, it will be remembered by more people than the first 2 for the same reason that Morrowind is remembered by more people than TES1&2. The kids that are playing FO3 now will grow up with fond memories of their first open-world RPG. There just aren't enough (any?) good contemporary open-world RPGs to overshadow it.

The only thing that I remember of Morrowind is that one of my fav. gaming magazines said that it "has the worst RPG system in existence" and "doesn't even qualify as a good RPG".

I wouldn't call it the best system out there (not by a longshot) but the worst? God no. And I do in fact think it's a pretty good RPG. It's worth playing just for the depth of the lore, the size of the world, and the variety of the environment. The gameplay itself is only so-so.
I said, it'll be remembered bcause of the selling numbers. And, honestly that's it.

To the other debate here, whether it IS a Fallout game or not let me only say one sentece or two.
Only Fallout, even if partially coped from Wasteland, WAS Fallout. It was dark, and had athmosphere and it has been a fresh unique form of RPG, with its new S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system and the free promotion of skillpoints. And also the setting an background as well as ALL characters were as far as possible matching. What I mean is, that Fallout itself drew me straight from my Vault into the harsh wastes of the Post Nuclear World, where I had to face many different persons, not just Mobs to slaughter or to spam me, until I press Alt+F4. The were acceptable to me as good Characters contained within a book.
And the locations fit into it the same way. When entering the sewers of necropolis I got the creeps myself (may be because I hadn't slept enough, though).
And I didn't play a gun-toting-wild-hog, no, as with all RPG's I played, I tried to play ME. And it worked. I didn't even have to fight the end Boss, no. I talked his flawed Plan right out of his Mind, proving that is were so.

Now for Fallout 2, no more Tim Cain on the Horn resulted in less realistic locations, behaviour and even unmatching references between the locations. No, it wasn't a Bug. Fallout 2 should be more fun to play, and that is it. Okay, I assume, only as long as you are capable of standing a good fight at least, which made the Diplo and Thief characters somewhat obsolete. And trust me, I red qcfrank, there was never an option to talk him out of his madness, or sneak out past him - the exit will only open, when he's gone.
Also do I have my doubts, that one of the buddies involved in the Brotherhood setting there(den, ncr, sf) as well as them in charge of the whole ncr and v 15 storyline ever played Fallout, pssibly they red quickly through some poor documentation or something
Besides were the Mutants in general(except Marcus) a bit too dumb for my taste.

FO: Tactics. It is what his title states: a tactical game, so in the long run none of interest to me. Well I even regret to have bought it.

FO:BOS never has been an option, since i know from Syndicate Wars(wonder if anyone knows that yet) has been totally crippled for PS(one?), while it was fun on PC, lasting fun. So of that reason, it was clear to me that I never wanted a console game.

And last but not least, Wasted 3, officially titled Fallout 3 has been the final derailing of the Fallout series. Leading to the death of the hope of a bettering in the series for me. And that, since Brother None's post of some screens and an Interview with Bethstuff. That said all what needed to be, and buried my hope to get another Fallout setting ROLEPLAYING game, sorry for the uppercase, but that just had to be written.
And NO, I didn't play this game, and I will never. There's Postel2, if I need shot'n people, laughing while doin'.

Sorry, that were clearly more sentences than I assumed in the first place, but I get fed up, when people, who obviously have no clue of what they are talking about, claim to have done something EXACTLY how it was intended. They sully their predecessors with that behaviour, and what is really getting me po'd is, that the ones they are tellin' this shit seem to have no clue either, or are just on their payrolls as well.

Edit: spelling and addenda
Edit2: two more numbers that made Fallout 2 less enjoyable to me.
Number one: the Ghouls are explained mutated simply through radiation, while in Fallout that has been only one side of the medal.
Number two: far more important is the shifting towards fight to level. best demonstrateted by two things. the raise of max_skill to 300 which is mainly dedicated to combative skills, because of the most different lock needs a skill of 105 to always succeed, the most different traps check is 85, the most different speech roll is 100, while you are really lost trying to hit an enemy with that levels(especially called shots) of an combat skill.