WL2 is not looking to be the game I wanted it to be. How about you?

Press space bar to toggle the group selection. There is also a button for this on the ui.
The game feels cheap even with a 3 mil budget. After Reset looks better compared to wasteland 2. But still will play the game and hopefully the mods will come to make the game better.
This is problably due to A: getting assets off of the unity community, which I cannot understand why they would do. It feels really cheap. If I was designing for this game, I wouldn't let anyone come near the production and I think that's how they should feel as well, but they obviously don't.
Anything they bought in the Unity Store, they likely tweaked until they were happy with it. If they are happy with it, then it's about what we would have gotten anyway.

They chose to go with Unity and the 3D thing. I know it was discussed a whole lot which engine they were going to go with, but it was never discussed if this should actually be a sprite graphic based game. We heard one of the animators just the other day say, that because it was not sprite based he would never be able to do death animations as cool as they was in FO.
And I don't understand their comment. Fallout's art was 3D (Yes it was, but for the game, they rendered the 3D as 2d sprites, and reduced the colors form 16-bit to 8-bit; less actually, because they reserved 27 colors for pallet animation.) Anything you can do in 2D, you can do in 3D, and the notion that they could not do the death animations for using 3D is plain nutty to hear them say it.

I strongly believe that sprites looks way better. There was never any problem with sprite based games except that you couldn't zoom (and who really needs that?) and last of all - did they not set out to make a good old fashioned RPG, and is sprites not the fucking essence of those games' visual expression?
Any 2D sprite can be made into a 3D model; hence... any 3D model can look as good as a 2D sprite; but usually 3D can look even better for having applied dynamic lighting, and smoother animations.

*2D sprites can be zoomed in close up. For instance in Bungie's Myth series, the player can not only zoom in to the combat ~that otherwise looks isometric, but Myth is a gory death kind of a game, and all the blood and organs burst into the air when explosives are used. Myth 1&2 use 2D sprites, but Myth 3 uses 3d models). In the absolute very least, they could use the same tricks Myth did for the gory deaths ~where the blood and organs are concerned... but really I don't see why they can't manage all of it in 3D.
We'll have to see yeah, I am still excited for playing the final release but there's a chance I might play it for an hour and never pick it up again. Just played through D:OS as well which was really, really good - I'll be happy if WL2 is half that entertaining on release.
with a harsh word, it's just Diablo with TB and some good RPG elements.
and good RPG elements are either broken or hindered by Diabloic system.
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Kinda had hoped that it would be like Fallout 1 and 2 but I like it for what it is.
I do hope they will expand the solutions for certain quests some more as some seem limited in scope.
Also a shame you can't stealth around certain parts as that would have been a nice alternative to having to kill everyone on my path.
Playing beta version right now.
I just want to say it's awesome.
it's graphic or design looks plain but game itself is really good.
D:OS? forget it. it's just mixture of Fallout and Diablo but worked poorly.
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Playing beta version right now.
I just want to say it's awesome.
it's graphic or design looks plain but game itself is really good.
D:OS? forget it. it's just mixture of Fallout and Diablo but worked poorly.

I would say D:OS is engaging, beautiful and the combat is fun.. That's 3 things you can't say about WL2. The only thing is see that WL2 has going for it at the moment is the writing, which is really good, but not enough to carry the game imo.
D:OS doesn't have many tactics.
at first, it looks engaging and has lots of tactics.
but at later, combat became repetitive.
for me, oiling ground-> fire!->?-> profit!
Even the final boss was..well..stupid.
I can kill enemies which have better equipment, maxcon or skill with good tactics in WL2
but at D:OS, it is almost impossible to overcome level gap.

and difficulty doesn't mean everything.
for D:OS, it's method of making the game hard make quest part broken.
and for RPG, combat isn't the only standard of difficulty of RPG.
there are much more standard for an RPG, like quest, puzzle, choice, economy etc.
and combat is nothing more than sub dish for an RPG.

For choices, D:OS choices are pointless, there is no consequence for choices but stat bonus in D:OS.
but at WL2, even the smallest choices are engaging.
so, for choice, D:OS is easy as pie while WL2 is a hard game.

what you saying is sound like "Diablo is engaging, beautiful and the combat is funier than Fallout"
well.. maybe it's true that Diablo has better graphic than Fallout, combat is much harder and fun but Fallout is much better RPG and other features are much challenging than Diablo.
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Wow I don't know what the phuck you guys are on about with Diablo. However I can tell you what I think about this game, but you'll probably just call me after we had a threesome with a sock puppet and complain. So there ya go.
what you saying is sound like "Diablo is engaging, beautiful and the combat is fun than Fallout"
well.. it's true that Diablo has better graphic than Fallout and combat is much harder and fun but Fallout is much better RPG and other features are much challenging than Diablo.
Who can think the combat in Diablo is harder than Fallout? (Or that its graphics are better? I'd say they are about equal ~if you ignore the talking heads.) Diablo and Fallout depict different settings, but they are still 8-bit sVGA titles, subject to the same limitations.

Interplay was at one time seriously considering stripping out the TB combat in Fallout to pit it head to head with Diablo. (The developers knew that was nuts ~to strip out TB, but the suits were asking for feasibility studies to see if it could be done).


Mechanically I really like Wasteland 2. For me, the artwork ~and some of the story elements have been a mixed bag. Do you remember how Vic and the black dress blonde stood out (badly) in Fallout 2? Well certain structures and most definitely the gila monster stand out in a very bad way; the Wasteland wolves too ~some what, and a lot of other models that I suspect are asset store purchases. Even the home-depot style plastic buckets seemed out of place stylistically IMO; while in other cases, it's the quality of some of the models that are lacking.
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oops! I forgot to add maybe in the sentence.
well... Fallout don't requires much controlling compare to Diablo.
so maybe its harder than Fallout for some people.