Would people be interested in contributing to NMA's Fallout 4 and DLC review?

If there was anything Fallout 3 did better than Fallout 1-2 it was the quest design. However with Fallout 4 this' not the case anymore.

I would like to point out that Fallout 1 was quite good at introducing quests at many points too.

Like for instance, if your talking to Killian Darkwater, and then end the conversation, a guy comes in with a shotgun and tries to kill him, immediately starting the quest to try and catch Gizmo. This to me, felt more natural then even Fallout 3.
I can't really contribute properly since I don't own the game, but for a general comment... Even with my few hours of playing it (with a control scheme I'm not at home with) and with all that's general knowledge of the game, I could say that Fallout 4 is not an RPG. Not by its character system, not by its combat, not by its narrative design, not by anything. Or, if insisted that it is, it is an extremely poor example of one. It's a "wrecked world" sandbox FPS simulation by all intents and purposes. And while it might, through some criteria, be considered a fun experience by being what it is and not pretending to be something it ain't, a good RPG it is not, a good Fallout game it is not, and a good Fallout RPG it definitely is not. It's a typical confused new age Bethesda game that tries to be everything whilst not knowing what it really wants to be, through which the whole design feels half finished and is evenly scattered and confused and nothing shines through. If looking at the transition from Fallout 3 to 4, 4 is an apt sequel and is very much in line with what Bethesda has wanted to do with the series; any perspective beyond that, though, it's not a good game and - in defense of my not having played it those 100+ hours - one does not need an overanalytic and overlong playthrough to come to that conclusion.
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I guess we have a full team then huh


One last call for any one who is still interested in joining on writing the final NMA review on Fallout 4 and its DLCs.
Not to tell you how to live your life or anything, you do you, but if you really want to have an open collaboration sort of deal on this I would highly suggest a Google Doc open to the public in Suggestion Mode. That way, instead of having to manually splice everyone's random thoughts together into something coherent we can all add to and edit each section in realtime, while you can still allow or deny whatever additions or changes we suggest with complete control as the collaboration happens. Literally the best of both worlds between Microsoft Word and Wiki revision control.

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That is not a bad idea Deeves, I have done something like that before with one of my story ideas.

Okay Tom Bishop, you're on the team. I guess we have now have enough people.

I guess we have now have enough people.

The main review will be done by Hassknecht

Contributors will be:

Tom Bishop

(plus I will try to splice in Dirtyoldshoe's thoughts unless he wants to do so himself)

Going to open a google document page for this later.
That is not a bad idea Deeves, I have done something like that before with one of my story ideas.

Okay Tom Bishop, you're on the team. I guess we have now have enough people.

I guess we have now have enough people.

The main review will be done by Hassknecht

Contributors will be:

Tom Bishop

(plus I will try to splice in Dirtyoldshoe's thoughts unless he wants to do so himself)

Going to open a wiki documents page for this later.
I'd like to be a contributor I can add some stuff to it.
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That is not a bad idea Deeves, I have done something like that before with one of my story ideas.

Okay Tom Bishop, you're on the team. I guess we have now have enough people.

I guess we have now have enough people.

The main review will be done by Hassknecht

Contributors will be:

Tom Bishop

(plus I will try to splice in Dirtyoldshoe's thoughts unless he wants to do so himself)

Going to open a google document page for this later.

Should we have little comments in regards to Survival Mode in each section of the review, or a separate section focusing solely on Survival Mode?
The only thing I can really contribute is a quick summery of FO4 based on my playthroughs of the base game.

More of the same. This term best describes FO4. Weather it's the near copy and paste story of saving a family member or once again running into the Brotherhood. Let's also not forget the trademark squandered opportunity that makes a return as well. Underwater Structures? Nah forget that and have a Nuka Cola themed amusement park. What about several areas that look like they where future DLC? Nope. Enjoy these two glorified mods centered around the bland settlement building. FO4 is truly a mish-mash of bland ideas, terrible story and general Bethesda being Bethesda.
Okay, I will add AgentBJ09 and Chaito to the list but now the recruitment is over.
Also, we now have a lot of people, while I do recommend that you all write about every review topic, it may be necessary to cut out some of the reactions or reduce them in length as otherwise the review might become way to lengthy.
I promise that we will try to have each of you have an entry but I hope you all understand why this could be necessary.

Regarding survival mode, perhaps that should have its own sub topic under 'Gameplay' rather than adding it to each section.
huh? perhaps I am misunderstanding you but I thought we had already agreed over conversation that I would try to work in bits of your review of FO4 into the final review.