Xbox World 360 article

The Dutch Ghost said:
Would be more interesting if you could get a workshop or laboratory where you can put weapons, armor, devices or various chems together.

Well, they do already have a system in place for mixing ingredients...

"Your attempt to harvest the peyote was unsuccessful."

Eyenixon said:
Daggerfall was a buggy piece of shit that tore my PC to shreds but somehow I enjoyed it even though it had its problems.

Morrowind and Oblivion are the opposites, pretty functional things that are just eternally dull and subtly broken.
Daggerfall had its heart in the right place, something that the modern Bethesda cannot say for itself without deceitfulness.

Well, the lead designer did change after Daggerfall: Mr. Peterson left, someone with strong pen and paper gaming roots at least. Probably, the whole conceptualization of the series has deteriorated as Todd Howard has gained more and more influence...but its just a guess.

Daggerfall's main attraction for me at the time I played it was the open-ended wandering (not terribly appealing nowadays...); I very rarely even attempted the main plot. I tried to avoid dungeons, always hated them (in first-person type games in general)--which left me with precious little to do I suppose. I broke into shops alot until I realized you could just hang around inside until night and then the shopkeepers left and it was easy pickings. Did the werewolf thing for a while. Little else of worthy note.

Morrowind I played for maybe a couple of weeks. Once I discovered how leveling stats worked, it pretty much ruined the game for me. The whole tedious experience of 'planning' your skill usage (to max stat increase) is completely unattractive and unentertaining to me. That it was even designed into the game annoyed me when I tried to ignore it. I abandoned the game quickly.

Progression through tedium should really be left to the MMORPGS.