Fallout Tactics mod Xkcon's ultimate rip off (0.895)

Hey guys, looking for some help, or info.
Is vault 16 complete?
At some point I've been running agains a wall here and there, asuming that maybe there isn't more past SLC further west. I've been proven wrong and found the vault 16 story, now that I'm in the bunker, idk where to go from there. What am I doing here? There isn't much except some loot.

Anyone knows anything?
Stand corrected, if you look around a bit youll find it. Gotta read the pages.
But nothing else happens, it says objective complete, is this were it ends?
The guy never tells you where his buyer is or anything.
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Hi, I have a question, should it look like this after installation?
I followed the instructions.
Zrzut ekranu 2024-11-14 .png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-11-14 (2).png

1. first I installed FTBOS version GoG (
2. then i deleted the folders ('campaign','entities','gui','locale','sound','sprites','tables','tiles')
3. after downloading the core version of the mod (0.895 1.5gb), I copied its contents into the core folder.
4. the next step was to install the patch, (FT Ultimate Rip Off Mod [0.895.3] [add]) and here comes the question if I installed it correctly. Theoretically everything starts up correctly the startup screen has also changed compared to the basic version, however, I am wondering if the core folder and URM_CORE folder should be separate as above in the picture, or maybe the folder (URM_CORE) should be in the folder (core) ? When you launch the game from the mod icon (Ultimate Rip Off Mod), will the game use both the files that are in the (core) folder and the files that are in the (URM_CORE) folder ?

I ask because apart from the small size of the folder (URM_CORE), when trying to edit characters (Prefab) in FT Tools program, I noticed that you need to download characters (Prefab) for editing from the folder (URM_CORE) which is missing a lot of files so I assumed that the game along with the mod to work downloads and needs files from the folder (URM_CORE) which as I mentioned has a small size and is missing many files that are in the folder (core), such as in the path at my place (D:\Fallout Tactics Brotherhood of Steel\Fallout Tactics\URM_CORE\Entities\Special) there are only 5 folders.
Zrzut ekranu 2024-11-14 040944 (3).png

Whereas in the (core) folder at my place (D:\Fallout Tactics Brotherhood of Steel\Fallout Tactics\core\entities\Special) there are as many as 31.
Zrzut ekranu 2024-11-14 040944 (4).png

Hence my question, is this how it should work and does the game, specifically the patch (FT Ultimate Rip Off Mod [0.895.3] [add]) that launches from the mod icon need 2 folders separately to work and does it use both folders when playing. I'd like to make sure before I run the game with the patch and later find out that some missions or other items that were in the base are missing because the game only uses the (URM_CORE) folder, although it's possible that I'm talking crap because if that were the case and the game only used the (URM_CORE) folder and not both (URM_CORE) & (core) then it wouldn't run at all. Sorry for the long message, but I wanted to describe this in as much detail as I could, hopefully it will be useful for others to know if they installed everything correctly as well.
If you want a simple, non destructive way to install a Tactics mod, I suggest you instead follow this procedure. Replace all instances of "Redux" by, let's say, "Ripoff". I remember having tried this mod a while back, and I used this technique. This will let you choose between original tactics and this mod whenever you play, and install other mods as well.

You'll know that everything works when you see the right start screen.

Install a mod.jpg
im having an issue with the heat storyline. lucie keeps becoming hostile for me, ive tried going back and doing things in different order, but every game she becomes hostile to me in ginos room. i tried knocking her out in the basement, but then shes still hostile in the hotel with the mutie boyfriend so im not actually able to get the card to scan. i remember doing this storyline years ago and dialoguing with her so im not sure whats going wrong now

edit: after numerous tries she always ends up hostile to me in ginos room and again with mutie. if anyone has the same issue, what i ended up doing was knocking her unconscious in ginos room so not to kill her, then in the hotel when theyre hostile again, i killed only the mutie and she popped up some text 'you dont have to kill both of us' or something, then went neutral. when i talked to her again she was like 'oh its you' and gave me the card to swipe, so i was able to progress in the heat story.

i remember when i did it yrs ago having to talk to her and they were never hostile so idk, somethings is off when ginos on the other side of the room throwing his fists in the air and yelling to himself and shes standing there punching me then chasing me around town.
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