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I only ever saw one dino-nerd on Twitter who posted something like "guys I'm not that into the Jurassic Park movies" and I felt so bad for him
I also am up to here with the JP-franchise, but I have like 100 followers, he had thousands and thousands, and even with my 100 I was always a bit nervous about disparaging these films, and incur a pile-on or something.
When you realize that MGR said 'Make America Great Again' before it was cool...

Seriously, fuck the Simpsons.
I miss 90s and early 2000s MTV
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Post-War Tribal
I miss the 90s in general.
Someone somewhere commented to the effect of - the robots in the Matrix really knew best, when they selected 1999 as the era to trap all of humanity, and lull us into a false peace. Ofc it varies from place to place, but if you're a westerner, late 90s, early 2000s are essentially heaven on earth.
This is also the era that South Park anchors virtually all of their status-quo-loving conservativism, and I struggle to disagree.
I really wish someone would give me a list of weapon build synergy in FNV. Like Melee/Explosives is a great synergy
Where Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario Bros, Godzilla movies work. Fallout doesnt really on amazon prime.
i fw sematary
The rapper? Saw him live and while it wasn't great performance wise, the crowd was far more unforgiving. I've seen far worse.
I often think of people describing scientists as "ivory tower" types, and just now i asked a dino-question, and got 2 highly respected researchers to respond
and in case you wondered, I asked wtf is the difference between Triceratops horridus and Triceratops prorsus, cus every answer seems to be "nose horn thickness" but that's biologically insignificant, and it always bothered me.

Turns out the answer was "nose horn thickness, but also some other skull details, that are much more significant" *pictures* COOL! Love that!
The "ivory tower" perception (I think) comes from people who approach these topics in a similar way as flat earthers when talking to scientists. Dime a dozen response from the scientists view.
Patience was worn thin years ago.
Watching story after story about X-mas eve family-annihilation events, where perp (usually dad) kills everybody dressed as Santa Claus
Such a specific genre of tragedy, as well as... you know... dark comedic gold, *chim chim chim* meeeerry christmas, hooo, hooo, hooo; *KA-CHIK!*
I also got a soft spot for the tragedy sub genre of rich dad takes entire family up in the propellar plane, and then dives and crashes everybody to death, usually due to arrogant incompetence