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I'm taking some time off New Vegas to play Starship Troopers: Terran Command. It's fantastic but with some minor flaws.
Smart guns would be pretty awesome not gonna lie. Essentially the tech the M56 in Aliens used already exists in this day and age. Implementation for a rifle or a pistol is a tad challenging. Wouldn't be anything like Cyberpunk
Not gonna lie. I really love Samsung products. But saying that is like saying i love the real life equivalent of Arasaka
Lol, I thought 1/3 of the world population was infected with toxoplasmosis, but studies suggest 1/2 are :'''D
lol some kremlin cuck bot "norwegian" suggested Norway probably should have immediately surrendered in WW2 as well, that's what the military is for, to just immediately surrender and thus - save more lives :o
Fun fact, mayo + ketchup = thousand island dressing!

The more you know! :o
Powered Armor troopers would be a nightmare irl. Theyre essentially a more Mobile form of Cavalry. Like an APC without the troop carrying aspect. But luckily Missile launchers and AMRs would be support units best friend.
It's so wild that Chris Watts had to strangle his daughter twice, and then he had a stress poop in the bushes, outside his work-place
I found a good strategy to playing Fallout 2. Explosives, Melee, Throwing. Let Cass, Sulik, and Skynet do most of the fighting while i run support with Artillery
Public Healthcare, whatever you think about it, is necessary. If it's shitty, then the private sector can step in to offer better service. The lack of public healthcare could endanger all of us.
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I'll always be haunted by a fellow norsk who told me we could 1. privatize all health-care, and 2. the poor could simply use the public services

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