Aurelius Of Phoenix Sep 1, 2022 My brother has repeatedly proven that the age-old adage 'don't stick your dick in crazy' is solid advice. Poor bastard.
My brother has repeatedly proven that the age-old adage 'don't stick your dick in crazy' is solid advice. Poor bastard.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Jul 23, 2022 I'm getting tired of these fucking spics messaging me asking for some other spic when I've had this number for at least 8 FUCKING YEARS.
I'm getting tired of these fucking spics messaging me asking for some other spic when I've had this number for at least 8 FUCKING YEARS.
Aurelius Of Phoenix May 5, 2022 Don't let Toucan Sam near the Flintstones family. He's been a little too familiar in the past.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Feb 10, 2022 I'd like a C&C style remake of Fallout 1,2, and tactics. That would be nice.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Feb 9, 2022 Would it kill Randy to put some more fast travel points in the Borderlands GOTY dlc? I don't have much gas money.
Would it kill Randy to put some more fast travel points in the Borderlands GOTY dlc? I don't have much gas money.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Jan 19, 2022 Reading the Legend of the northern blade MANHWA right now, it's good and I dig the art style.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Oct 28, 2021 Up to vol. 12 of the Goblin Slayer LNs, s'alright I guess if you're a fan of d&d you'll get more of the jokes. Rabbit and elf are best girl
Up to vol. 12 of the Goblin Slayer LNs, s'alright I guess if you're a fan of d&d you'll get more of the jokes. Rabbit and elf are best girl
Aurelius Of Phoenix Oct 28, 2021 Day 4 of not being able to hear out of my left ear, It's not the lack of hearing that annoys me but the feeling of a blockage
Day 4 of not being able to hear out of my left ear, It's not the lack of hearing that annoys me but the feeling of a blockage
Aurelius Of Phoenix Oct 17, 2021 Was holed up in my room reading all of the released translated LN of 'So I'm a spider, so what?'. Enjoyable. Anime is low budget garbage.
Was holed up in my room reading all of the released translated LN of 'So I'm a spider, so what?'. Enjoyable. Anime is low budget garbage.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Oct 11, 2021 My laptop is being held together by ducktape, prayers, and half a decades worth of happy endings.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Oct 5, 2021 Reading God of High School, The American football fighter is a tranny (Still called He), part-time DJ and donates money to Africa yearly.
Reading God of High School, The American football fighter is a tranny (Still called He), part-time DJ and donates money to Africa yearly.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Oct 1, 2021 Read all of Tower of God last week, I like it, though I have a few gripes. Nothing worse than running out of something you're really into.
Read all of Tower of God last week, I like it, though I have a few gripes. Nothing worse than running out of something you're really into.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Jun 25, 2021 You can get nights for free by signing up for some Sega anniversary thing
Aurelius Of Phoenix Jun 25, 2021 Gonna have to pick up a gamepad for my shitty laptop so I can get around to playing all the games I have that need a controller.
Gonna have to pick up a gamepad for my shitty laptop so I can get around to playing all the games I have that need a controller.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Jun 14, 2021 Seeing what Squeenix has Eidos working on made me almost punch a fucking whole into my wall. Give me a new Deus Ex motherfuckers!
Seeing what Squeenix has Eidos working on made me almost punch a fucking whole into my wall. Give me a new Deus Ex motherfuckers!
Aurelius Of Phoenix Jun 12, 2021 I love how when the original trailer for AC Valhalla came out people called out the historical inaccuracies then ubifags said how the game-
I love how when the original trailer for AC Valhalla came out people called out the historical inaccuracies then ubifags said how the game-