Aurelius Of Phoenix Jun 7, 2021 Burnt my arm while putting a pot pie in the oven the other day. The burn mark looks like a big bug is crawling on my hand. Very distracting.
Burnt my arm while putting a pot pie in the oven the other day. The burn mark looks like a big bug is crawling on my hand. Very distracting.
Aurelius Of Phoenix May 25, 2021 Women need to stop screaming their lungs out in fights they aren't involved in. Every great fight video is ruined by some dumb cunt.
Women need to stop screaming their lungs out in fights they aren't involved in. Every great fight video is ruined by some dumb cunt.
Aurelius Of Phoenix May 20, 2021 Berserk Bros...
Aurelius Of Phoenix May 19, 2021 I'm glad I never got into crypto, can't say the same for dear old Dad. Thanks, Elon.
Aurelius Of Phoenix May 11, 2021 Why do redditors and restetera fags want to make every game a 'dad-game'? Looking through resetera's Re4 remake thread is cancer.
Why do redditors and restetera fags want to make every game a 'dad-game'? Looking through resetera's Re4 remake thread is cancer.
Aurelius Of Phoenix May 5, 2021 The SEGA mega drive collection is on sale for about $8. The original price was $80. So it's a good deal!
The SEGA mega drive collection is on sale for about $8. The original price was $80. So it's a good deal!
Aurelius Of Phoenix Apr 27, 2021 Mcdonald's Biscuit > Mcgriddle > Mcmuffin You can't beat a bacon egg & cheese biscuit. Simple as.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Apr 23, 2021 Some pothead has been knockin on my door for weeks, today we're at 2 times. I'm gonna freak the fuck out on this dude if he tries something.
Some pothead has been knockin on my door for weeks, today we're at 2 times. I'm gonna freak the fuck out on this dude if he tries something.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Apr 22, 2021 If their is one good thing about 2021, it's that wojak is finally dead, wonder what's next.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Apr 21, 2021 Niggas really be arguing that officers should be able to warp speed double air-dash to a stabbing within a sec instead of cappin' a bitch.
Niggas really be arguing that officers should be able to warp speed double air-dash to a stabbing within a sec instead of cappin' a bitch.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Apr 12, 2021 Wahman officer mistook her pistol for her taser, good thing she wasn't a waitress or she would've mistook the salt for the sugar...
Wahman officer mistook her pistol for her taser, good thing she wasn't a waitress or she would've mistook the salt for the sugar...
Aurelius Of Phoenix Apr 10, 2021 Just tried reddit for the first time, wrote 5 posts before I realized all of them were deleted because I apparently need to wait 24 hours.
Just tried reddit for the first time, wrote 5 posts before I realized all of them were deleted because I apparently need to wait 24 hours.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Apr 10, 2021 Do white girls on Twitter think that saying how they hate white men will make them appealing in any way to anyone but BBC fetishists?
Do white girls on Twitter think that saying how they hate white men will make them appealing in any way to anyone but BBC fetishists?
Aurelius Of Phoenix Apr 10, 2021 Got accused of being Mossad after arguing about Muslims celebrating 9/11, Oy Vey.
Aurelius Of Phoenix Apr 9, 2021 1st ranked match in Gwent, opponent forfeits at the last round, lucky me
Aurelius Of Phoenix Apr 8, 2021 I'm reading some faggot replying in an English LIt. discussion talking about fucking Weezer.