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  • What kind of sword is that? [On your avatar]
    its a Bastard sword, slightly longer than a longsword and knightly sword.

    it could be used effectively in two handed and one handed with shield. Using shield however, lack some potential blow especially if you are in armored state
    to be precise, its Oakeshott type XVIIIb
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    who need a big ass shield? i'am fucking light anyway with buckler
    nope in sport fencing. i think iam mislead here, its HEMA. Maybe in your place they teach you Spanish School of fencing aka La verdadera destreza (hope i'm not wrong to spell it) ?
    Deleted member 93956
    I don't know if La Destreza is really taught today, but i don't live near where it could (kind of having the English school of Fencing in Scotland)
    Besides, historically it was watered down by the other European schools, right?
    You made me look for it, and i found our legendary historical swords and the Ropera, dang they are pretty
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    Reactions: eissa
    watered down is probably because of the strict procedure in teaching of La Destreza. I say, If you want to be a combat pragmatism (which you should ) having to stick to Angle and posture is not necessary. I dont mean wild improvisation and move is allowed either, but sometime field experience speak more than an Almanac
    So writing in gaming industry has recently moved from tackling family issue to social issue to appeal the market.
    No man's sky is my wallpaper generator now
    Very sad that dynamic weather doesnt make it way into the final release of DArk souls 3 bit.ly/2bFAz2W bit.ly/2b8vD7y bit.ly/2bKvQPz
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    Reactions: Graham2077
    That looks hella good, wish it had as well.
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    Reactions: eissa
    i also notice that, the high wall of lothric in e3 2015 demo seem to be more darkier in not well-lit area which force you to equip torch. it need like sweetfx and enb to recreate those feel, but even so it just not same. just check it
    I will check it, but I get what you mean. I actually don't remember a single time where I actually needed to use the torch in DS3. Hopefully there a few of those areas in the DLC.
    Nixxes continues to be the go to port company. Apparently, the Pc Port of deus ex is good at their hand
    Damnit, Farron Greatsword is so much fun to use..if only its practical in real life
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    Reactions: Graham2077
    So iam still sticking with my uchigatana...is that really a good weapon, your opinion?
    Deleted member 93956
    I've used just a bit, my experience:
    - There are better katanas, i heard the Washing Pole being way better
    - Slash damage, pff. Good armors tank it nicely
    - I left it for the Carthus Curved Sword. It is a "banned" weapon, but screw that. It hits really fast and is an upgrade to all CS (better range, damage, etc.)
    - The moveset is bland and some moves bad (R2, iirc)
    - But as always, stick to it if you like it.
    Deleted member 93956
    Objectively, it's rare to see becouse the Longword is a beast, and it's just as easy to get

    Besides, the CCS is one of the few non-paired weapons that works well with Pontiff's Eyes rings (and Old Wolf CGS)
    Dear Sony, you dont mix AAA profile and marketing with indie level of Content and QA. its Disaster
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