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  • "Kaathe... your dying wish... I cannot..." (Yuria's dying words in japanese version of DS3) what??!
    Francis H
    Francis H
    Maybe she didn´t want to do Kaathe´s dying wish? Or she said to Kaathe not to do her dying wish? Idfk
    the translation more likely suggest the former..
    perfect waifu/hosbandu doesnt exist
    an organic synthetic beings, made from the avatar of dragons..

    i call er shanalotte
    Deleted member 93956
    I did get tired of the Firelink Shrine NPC's calling you "Ashen 1" all the time faster than Bear-Seek-Seek-Lest
    Maybe it's becouse trying to smpam-dialogue them doesn't bring out that much xD
    loyal one is boring

    but what could that mean?
    planescape torment is the definition of the angsty of true art. which..frankly the setting i sometimes tired of
    here in nma we complain about bethesda being only care to dumbing down RPG, in rpgcodex obsidian were infamous for ignoring Pnp rpg element
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    And yeah, they became kind of skeptical of Tyranny due to what happened with PoE. I'm not sure if NMA followed the Kickstarter of PoE, but the Codex followed it truly and watch it closely.
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    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Yeah those sentences kind of (in)famous in the Codex. Storyfags, combatfags... oh well, variety is the spice of life. I still love cRPG community, especially here and the Codex, anyway.
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    now i fucking more excited for divinity:OS 2 than tyranny, or whatever hell inxile is doing.
    the dichotomy between CRPG mechanic and PnP RPG will be blurred someday. i hope it start when the Divinity OS 2 being released
    Aen minne aep elaine fuelk, Dubhenn haern ninnau glândeal. Morc'h ninnau fhean aiesin.

    "From the loves and grace of the fair folk (fuelk), Our glare will pierce through darkness, Our brightness will scatter the shadow "

    there is also some welsh in there which getting mixed with elvish from witcher verse
    Your best English to date. Improvement FTW.
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    thanks anyway
    What if i dont ever need a PC case? just give me some fancy study Desk and strapped motherboard with water cooling. Call it a day :D
    playing Heart of iron 4 as USA. why the ambient soundtrack is just made me feel like in fallout universe?
    never expected that an ad hominem thing could end such friendly discussion quickly
    I can always see it in my mind. The warmth and the heat. It will always be a part of me. But not today
    i pretty happy if paradox will just ported all hoi4 combat feature , EU4 diplomacy and economy, and CK2 intrigue feature to Stellaris
    replaying quake 3, in anticipation of the NuDoom 2016. let see if these naysayer are speaking truth
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