Millim Apr 21, 2017 So I actually decided to pursue that thing I was said I would and am writing up scripts for how I think a Fallout TV show could go down.
So I actually decided to pursue that thing I was said I would and am writing up scripts for how I think a Fallout TV show could go down.
Millim Apr 17, 2017 I'm going to find a way to hack onto these forums and take over the Order. I'll be the new Googly.
Millim Feb 1, 2017 Also, just finished Dead Money for the first time, I actually think it's a very good piece of DLC.
Millim Feb 1, 2017 Ha! Vergil would have sucked at the Noob battle, someone would have laughed at Trump and he would have cried in the corner.
Ha! Vergil would have sucked at the Noob battle, someone would have laughed at Trump and he would have cried in the corner.
Millim Jan 20, 2017 So I finally decided to get into Morrowind properly. Makes me cry, why can't we get this from Bethesda anymore?
So I finally decided to get into Morrowind properly. Makes me cry, why can't we get this from Bethesda anymore?
Millim Jan 14, 2017 If there's one good thing that came out of Fallout 4 it's a Nuka Cola shot glass.
Millim Jan 7, 2017 Who the fuck is messing with my perfect response score? Three negatives? You shits.