Recent content by Stone-D

  1. S

    Lionheart:Legacy of the crusader

    LionHeart is good... until you leave Barcelona. Then it turns into a very poorly implemented Diablo clone. Suckage central. Good thing about it is that the engine is VERY moddable and, it appears, that F2, for example, could be ported across. Similar gfx format, SPECIAL...
  2. S

    Women in the Military

    War's pathetic nowadays anyway. I mean, US wastes thousands and thousands of enemy troops - but if ONE of their own gets it, by christ... you don't hear the end of it!! War no longer functions as a method of population control. Ditto with disease, famine et al. Wibble.
  3. S

    Fully customisable or pre-set face and clothes?

    Ahh, okay! Thought you'd pulled the same stunt that I did... I was required to pick 3 unrelated subjects as short courses for my degree. One was Secretarial studies - I quit after learning touch typing, the first thing they teach. :) Gave me lots of spare time to concentrate on the actual...
  4. S

    NPC Enhancement - Miria mod

    Considering how Davin isn't much different from Miria, I think I could do it easily - but only once Miria is sorted. Besides, gotta come up with a large chunk'o'text. I won't change the readme about Davin tho. :P
  5. S

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Born, living in Indonesia. Educated & lived in the UK for 16 years. Amiga will always be my favourite platform. Win32 ASM is my fave language. I can honestly say that I have run over a spammer. bakedguy: I would guestimate that 70%-95% of all software ever made involved some weed...
  6. S

    Who can touch-type?

    I used to be able to do that when I was still in school. I took a secretarial course specifically for that purpose, abandoning the class(1) when I had what I wanted. I've slowed down somewhat now down to something like 80 WPM - I suspect this is primarily because A) Good_Code != Fast_Output and...
  7. S

    Women in the Military

    Me, I think all military personnel, worldwide, should comprise entirely of the disabled, crippled, elderly, mentally challenged, genetically disadvantaged and past close runners up for the Darwin Award. Before too long, war would be reduced to a glorified staring match, interspersed with rude...
  8. S

    Fully customisable or pre-set face and clothes?

    Don't ever be disheartened by your current lack of knowledge/skill. You have something that MANY programmers out there do not have - a goal for which you WANT to work for. Ie, not "make me a database that can do this and that by next month, oh and make sure it can flawlessly network between...
  9. S

    MOD : NPC Enhancement - Miria 1.0

    Odin: Cheers! Skynet: I think I know what's causing it. She's trying to wield a knife, but I used the wrong art code for her 'armour less' state in 1.2 which doesn't have those animation frames. Heh, I only found it when I was trying to get her to strip... it worked, but she kept trying to...
  10. S

    Some annoyances I want answers to...

    ... are listed below. If you've got any good answers, I want to know! 1) What's the big whoop about XML for data storage? What's wrong with a friggin' text file? Or ye olde INI files? 2) At what point does a given piece of software become 'Enterprise Level'? Is that when all previously...
  11. S

    How is your more funny and ridiculous die in Fallout 2????

    Most ridiculous death for me was last night. Left Arroyo, hared over to Modoc and shafted Miria. Silly me, only had 5 CHA and hadn't done any favours for Modoc, so I effectively raped her. Her dad wasted me. With his fists. :/
  12. S

    MOD : NPC Enhancement - Miria 1.0

    1.2 is up. Same drill. Further levelling tweaks. These only affect stages 4,5,6 & the dummy 7. The damned IP mapper tool screwed up the base stats, giving her 390+ carry weight and 13 action points amongst other things. Ludicrous. Miria can now be asked to wait. No longer a big...
  13. S

    Interesting mod idea

    OMG....! Lionheart, if you haven't tried it yet, will be right up your alley. :)
  14. S

    MOD : NPC Enhancement - Miria 1.0

    Totally, absolutely. Hell, this mod was developed on 1.05. ;D The 1.05 patch affects Miria only in that the B-Team patch (armour changing) is included. Before 1.0, I reversed that B-Team code, enhanced it and included with Miria. She now has a witty comment depending on what gear you give...
  15. S

    Interesting mod idea

    Sorry, but you misunderstood my mod notes. If you look in Data\data\Party.txt, you'll see each possible npc listed. each has an entry for "level up every x PC levels". I was referring to this. Sulik is every three, Cassidy & Vic every 4. Miria every three. This figure isn't a fixed...