The Dutch Ghost
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  • Maybe its dumb but is there any game music that really pulls at your heart strings?
    Well it is my birthday today again. Not so much seems to have changed since I wrote about it last year.
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    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Hi Gizmo. Hmm, my pyjama shirt seems stretchable but I am not sure.
    Sometimes I do wonder if it comes from me having hit myself against the head on purpose in the past.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Hi guys, thanks for the responses. Sorry I am a little late with a response of my own.
    I still have to find a day to celebrate my birthday. I think I would like to go stargazing at an observatory when it is possible.
    william dempsey
    william dempsey
    I once went to Liverpool's planetarium, stoned right off my head. It was a wondrous experience.
    Today I finally heard what the secret of Monkey Island is, but then I realized something; I stopped caring about it ages ago.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Heh, have an AI help me finish the stories? ;)
    I should probably focus more on original ideas such as Ashes and that anthro stuff I would like to make, but I would really like to have made one Fallout thing to fulfill that dream. Be it a full game or a cool source book.
    What I mean is Ashes is fine you do not need much coding all you need is dialog that works. Would not worry about stats and all that shit. Also I could help you finish the stories I have no problem with writing if I have an assignment. You just gotta know what you want really.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    That is a really good question and I will have to get back to you on that when I finally have an answer.
    I have hoped to develop drawing skills myself so I could illustrate my comic ideas as I can not afford an artist to do comic pages.
    Sometimes late at night, especially in the weekends I truly feel that my life is worthless because I have accomplished nothing.
    william dempsey
    william dempsey
    I can see your OCD now Tonto. You now show as first to come to the aid of person in crisis.
    I have had a lot of experience with mental illness so I like to help if I can plus DG is a good friend. That being said I would probably say the same to anybody that just said that because I understand the feeling and eventually got over it.
    Hey anyway why is it the weekend that draws this out of you? You feel like you should be out at the bar or something? You wanna go mingle? Or do all those people out walking make you feel alone? It's never too late to make new friends man.
    I learned a lesson today; never get into a discussion with a vegetarian about what makes a species monstrous for eating other beings.
    I got into a discussion with a non animal owner that thought it was cruel I have to cut my cats balls off because he is pissing, meowing, attacking everything due to being horny. People are idiots and ignorant more likely than not.
    Do some research to educate yourself about plant intelligence. Then have a conversation with a vegan.
    Hey vegan, what's it mean when all the veggies are fresh? :o
    I saw a cute little bird sitting on the seat of my bike today. Then I saw that the little sob had crapped on the seat.
    They usually shit where they sit when near the ground.
    I have had a temper problem with gaming when it becomes hard. But recently I was genuinely angry because of difficulty or puzzles.
    @The Dutch Ghost Well...i mean gaming burnout is popular term about when you being gamer for like 5 years and so but gaming become rather stale. Then you just being totally not impressed with anything, like almost to the point of chore. Just google it, lots of people already making statement about it and the solution apparently.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Maybe Toront. I actually could still pull off BCR2 as I wrote in the gaming thread, and I managed to pull of Dread after a while so they aren't completely gone.
    But it is not what it used to be. I am for example average to terrible now at Sonic games
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    @eissa, I have yet to look up what gaming burnout is, but I had a quick glimpse and I definitely recognized a symptom; sitting behind a game but not enjoying and feeling that you should be doing something else instead.
    Will get back to you once I have read some more about it.
    Fun detail I found out about one of my cats; she likes to play fetch with a toy mice.
    Anyone who says cats are inactive or not social or any such have never truly interacted with a cat. I could teach my cat nifty tricks by demonstrating them to her *once* - but ONLY if she had a pre-existing interest in the subject. Cats will soak up information *like that*
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    I would love to teach her and Fizz more tricks but I don't know how to start with it, and I have a tendency to quickly loose focus myself.
    Some cats like playing like that. My cat plays with live mice and makes them dead due to me training him by throwing those at him. Also the string mouse toys where you dangle it.
    Hi! Could you create an Ashes thread in General Gaming that covers the entire series with correct links to download pages and other relevant sources of information?
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    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    I opened an Ashes thread but I feel that my English was a bit lacking when I wrote it.
    Perhaps I may need to rewrite some parts later.
    Yeah that happens to me all the time. Sometimes I just feel my English is shit. Words don't mean what I think they do, I don't know the grammar, I'm just guessing based on what sounds right.

    Even though most of what I read is in English I will never be good when it comes to writing.

    However I thought your new thread was excellent!
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    That is also how I sometimes feel, especially when my head feels overwhelmed with various thoughts and feelings.
    At some point I would just like to scream "Shut up! I need to think on something that is important to me, I don't need confusion right now."

    I would like to become better at English writing, or Dutch for that matter, but I can't afford classes.
    Need some advice guys. I would like to get a Switch to play Metroid Dread. But if the Switch 2 is announced next year it feels like a waste.
    Not saying you should pirate it of course.
    I think you should.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    It is not very honest but I have indeed also considered that.
    And I did try out an emulator version but my current rig doesn't want to cooperate.
    Yesterday must have been TDG torture day, because everything that could go wrong, went wrong.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    And earlier this week I also ruined a cooking pan while warming up beans.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    I am reminded of an old sitcom gag, based on a beer commercial slogan.
    "Then you know its Miller time."
    Will if I drunk alcohol I sure could have gone for a drink.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    It felt almost fucking planned.
    If some TV show host came out of a van when I came back from the police and told me I was on some comedy gag show, I would have strangled him on the spot.
    Last Saturday was my birthday. I had wanted to post a message in the birthday topic but I don't think it has been updated since my last post
    I picked up a copy of Metroid Dread yesterday. At least I can say now that I have it, but I really don't feel like playing it any time soon.
    Because of your depression. Are you on anti depressants?
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Oh, I never responded.
    Yeah, I am on this new medicine for several weeks now, but I have not taking it in steadily.
    Then it won't work.
    Crap, I had a bit of a fever last week, and yesterday I had a runny noose and had to sneeze a lot. Have to cancel an appointment for a test.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    And this also costs me twenty-five euros which for me is not an expense I try to make daily.
    Hardboiled Android
    Hardboiled Android
    COVID you think?
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Nah, I expect it is a cold. Always have been susceptible to those during fall.
    Haven't really had a serious bout of flu since my teens.
    Results are in; negative.
    Felt depressed again because of frustration that I can not draw like my favorite artists, even the one I now hate and wish suffering to.
    It's not foolish to hope for the future because it takes that mindset to make good things happen. Be realistic and set small goals for yourself. Take care of yourself and take a shower every day it helps.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    God dammit. I have some of those days again that nothing seems to want to work in my head, including writing PMs.
    And when I see articles about people I look up to who have achieved a lot, I feel so overwhelmed by despair.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    I could have done much today, but instead because I felt 'tired' again I spend most of the time just lounging behind my stupid computer doing didly squat instead of practicing Python.
    Welp, I cut myself again yesterday, for my damn flawed body failing me as it always does. I would like this to be the last year.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    I have been trying for days now to give you a proper response, but nothing wants to come up in my damn mind.
    That is one of the reasons why I am so pissed at myself; that my mind is always so incredibly slow and lacking.
    But I cut myself because I hate myself.
    But you wouldn't be such an enjoyable poster to read if that was true. Hope you get someone professional to talk to and get better.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    It has been a week now since I last cut myself, I think.
    But not because I feel better. More because the depression seems to be in respite.
    But it will be back again, that is guaranteed.
    I have been beating myself and cutting myself these last several weeks, including yesterday and today for so being stupid and incompetent.
    Please seek medical help. I had a brother go through this and I hate to see someone else go through this too, even if the person's a stranger.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    I have talked with a doctor about my problems, and I have sought contact with a therapist. But therapy won't start for several more months because of a waiting list.
    But I feel that it is absolutely pointless as I become older and it becomes clear things will not be better.
    Hardboiled Android
    Hardboiled Android
    It gladdens me more than you can know to know that you're seeking help, Ghost. Hang in there, really sucks about the waiting time.
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