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  • My angry gamer friend sometimes threatens to come here and tell everyone how lame they are and how awesome FO4 is
    I'm re-playing Witcher 3 now, it really is good. Just a pity I cannot patch it yet, the *few* bugs feel so much more intrusive...
    Yeah, I like the ballsyness of showing actual intercourse, even if the animations were a bit cliched and embarassing :V
    I admire you guys for bothering, really. It is almost like you are taking suffering upon yourselves, so that me - and others - won't have to
    Just finished re-watching MJ's Dangerous concert in Bucharest '92, what a blast of a show. It includes no less than 4 stage-magic events! :D
    In fairness, the transparent city bug happened in *only one* save file, which I now consider to be corrupted (the city never properly loads)
    The only serious bug I get from Witcher is large portions of the main city becoming invisible at late game. And permanently so, which sucks
    When I move, I really hope to get to hook my PS up to the interwebz like a normal civilized person. I need to patch stuff and DLCs too :(
    I love Witcher 3, it has great atmosphere, visuals, characters, it's all there. I adore how exteriors and interiors blend seamlessly too
    Walp, gwent is awesome. I always felt bad for ignoring "caravan" in NV but it DID seem boring :V I wish there were much more Gwent missions
    Not your fault vikfield, people keep confusing the two systems, having messages inteded to be private to show up as a status update/ shout
    Someone really needs to get the PM and "status updates"systems separated more clearly.
    also, i bet Scotland is second guessing their previous referendum now :v
    Considering one of the terms was "If you stay, we won't leave the EU", I'd definitely say so.
    I guess a formal peace treaty remains, though. And - the most difficult part: Disarmament of the militias. Is there optimism regarding this?
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