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  • Yes :D I don't like coming off like I don't respect him any, because I do. But when it comes to games, we are opposites. He knows this :D
    A friend of mine always assumes the hypey advertisements for certain games are true "But the ad said it was going to be BEST EVER!"
    Win and Beth kinda do the same: Alienate "old fans" in favor of "new fans" untill everyone is an alienated old fan :V
    It was on my new PC. I would never have updated willingly. I don't care quiiite enough to roll-back and such... I wish it sucked less tho :I
    There's actually check-lists for what games CAN be run on Windows 10. It's not just me then... o_-
    Re-watching Seinfeld. George still makes me cry with laughter... "No thanks, I don't drink coffee at night. It keeps me up."
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    When you look at it, Seinfeld really is the peak of comedy. No other TV show has come close to achieving that level of humor for such a long continuous time, and the only one that could be a contender is classic Simpsons. Seinfeld gets better the more you watch it.
    Without resorting to list-making, there are a couple of TV shows that prove themselves by being re-run years after they ended. Here they have shown Seinfeld, MASH, Frasier and Cheers up untill only a few years ago. I am now suspecting that they are "finally" off the shelf for good, which I obviously find a bit sad.
    Nothing like some good, old frustration in games, I think we all know the beloved 95% *You missed* *You missed* *You missed*
    All these years of Fallouting, and I still haven't learned the importance of frequent saving. Go ahead, ask me. I'm clueless!
    I was never a fan of the over-the-top-ness of Kill Bill, but with that explanation, it makes a little more sense :D
    Tarantino described "kill bill" as a movie within his movie-universe, as in, a movie Vincent Vega could have watched
    Googling Wasteland, on verbatim. Gets "Fallout 4" in top results. Eliminates "Fallout 4" from search - gets "FO4" as top results. Oh, Google
    I had a dream where I tortured Peter Dinklage. I really like the guy too, so, woke up quite disturbed :I
    God how stupid FO4 actually is... any praise it can recieve is the kind of praise Duplo LEGO would recieve...
    Btw, "adjust slider untill bar is barely visible", it's *always* "barely visible" :S
    Real "alpha males" exist, but they are usually far away from keyboards, just like most actual tough-guys who arent full time internet nerds
    People cry to God to save them from disasters. God's all "Shhh, I'm busy killing you in a disaster!"
    Depends if your local religion view of afterlife i guess. Natural disaster can be beneficial to some aspect of life. I can't say the same with man made disaster so far.
    One time, researching dinosaurs for a drawing, I went through 11 FORCED re-suggestions, "You probably meant Tyrannosaurus Rex!"
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