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  • Who else never liked the "intuitiveness" of Google search? It's *only* me right? I am the one human, who always uses the "verbatim" function
    Here privatization was never a big threat, untill lately, with conservatives in power, big surprise. Let's sell our oil buffer, quickly!
    Privatizing air will be easy too. Nobody will ban breathing, but they will indebt all breathers unable to pay. Imagine the dollaz
    We still crack jokes about the ultimate privatization: Air. We will keep joking about it, untill it's not funny anymore. The day will come
    I think the Mad Max ending was nicely pulled off, especially since I was worried they'd cram in resolutions and happy endings for all
    By the way, SO many love songs in the world, and almost none of them ever mention boobs. Also, what's with all the pining, longing songs
    Just now, I waited 15 minutes for internet, cus it *insisted* on finding a wireless network, when i AM connected - right now - by cable.
    Christ how I loathe the "automatic helpfulness" of newer windows and programs... it's driving me insane
    Hopefully getting new PC tomorrow. Then, not too far from now, hopefully a new apt. Hopefully before I spiral into a complete breakdown :0
    I hate the expression "Takes one to know one", so, someone who rezognizes a rapist? A Jew recognizing Gestapo, when they bang on their door?
    I am going to draw a city map now. Drawing practice as always, but this one will require a LOT of rulers and correct geometry :'I
    To hell with waste removal! I want waste retrieval!!! WHERE IS MY PREMIUM DEFILE WASTE RETRIEVAL!?!?
    You're seeing this the wrong way, Waste removal is actually waste retrieval. They remove the waste from you so they are retrieving it for themselves.

    They (whoever they are) are all selfish like that.
    Strange how times change. By now, if someone says the word "culture" too many times in succession, my fascist-alarm begins to ring like mad
    Now they're dropping water melons on the pillows, comparing the effect. I think I probably should take notes, this seems revolutionary!
    Pillow infomercial on tv, showing examples people struggling to use normal pillows, twisting and turning, flailing their arms
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