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    The most retarded things you've ever done

    Kick yourself Everyone does it. Something stupid, something you know better than to do, sometime when you just didn't think before acting. Those times where you want to kick yourself in the nuts. Those times your friends will never let you live down. Let's share some... One very cold...
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    God bless France

    Well, I've never had anything personal against furries or any other fan of some kind of fetish. But when a national furry convention comes to your town, and nobody warned you.... It can really take you by surprise. All of a sudden you're surrounded by them. They swarmed downtown Pittsburgh for a...
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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God (just got my special limited edition in the mail)
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    Ancient Chinese Secret...

    The strangest thing about videos like this one is that there are TONS of people who do stuff like this. How many times have I seen this on RealTV, Guinness Records, Ripley's, etc? What makes people want to do this? Is this what happens when you never have any friends throughout life; you just...
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    Daimyo watches a movie

    :rofl: Great review Daimyo. Funny stuff. I think you'll like's review:
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    The Happening - Anyone seen it?

    If you didn't want to take my word for it, here's someone who shares my thoughts: makes humorous reviews of straight-to-video, $5 budget, terrible, B-movies. But this time, they found a big-name movie so bad, they had to review it. Here is somethingawful's review of The...
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    Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

    God damn it. God damn it, I hate that game. Almost as much as I hate the hype and obsession the dumbass mainstream gamers have put on it. What a joke. I hope as soon as CERN and the scientific community realizes the name came from a crappy video game, someone just says, "NO, no, hell no. Forget...
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    You know you're bored.

    Well, I didn't really say anything silly, just misunderstood something entirely. When I was about 4 or 5, I was taking a bath when I heard the news in the other room mention something along the lines of: "...several recent deaths due to 'the invisible killer' entering homes..." They were...
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    Wasteland 2: Post-Apocalyptic Airsoft Scenario

    Very cool, sir. I love airsoft and paintball. Your idea sounds like a lot of fun. All of my friends all happen to be Fallout fans (thanks to me), and I think I shall run this by them. I know I want to give it a try. Also, very nice GECK prop. It looks great.
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    Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

    It feels pretty good to be around for such a huge landmark in science and discovery. I can't wait to find out what they can do/learn with this machine, whether the outcome is positive or negative. It could be mankind's next big step to whatever's next.
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    Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

    Wait a minute here. We're all Fallout fans here, right? We can handle the apocalypse. I'm hoping for disaster! @ The Vault Dweller: Nice job pointing out Half Life characters working on the Collider. Priceless.
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    You know you're bored.

    Once my friend and I made some french fries for his little brother, and decided to play a joke on him. Instead of ketchup, we gave him hot sauce. When he ate his first one or two fries dipped in it, he stated, "Mmm. This ketchup hurts."
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    Change to Fallout 3: Morphine becomes Med-X

    Okay, why does no one seem to remember Bethesda putting morphine in their 2005 game, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, and still calling it morphine? It helped your character maintain control when critically injured, until you could heal yourself. But it could still be abused, and with...
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    Show us where your avatar is taken from

    Mine is taken from Michael Whelan's cover art for "The Very Best of H. P. Lovecraft." It's on the right half of the mural, and is placed directly on the spine of the book.
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    Spielberg finally sued over Disturbia

    It's about fucking time. Ever since Disturbia was previewed, I have been ranting about how much it blatantly ripped off Hitchcock. My friends either thought it was tribute or homage, or they just didn't know enough about Hitchcock. I soon came to think they were right about the homage, and...
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    Who'd win? Terminator or Robocop?

    So today my friend and I came across the question: In a fight, who would win; the Terminator or Robocop? Bear in mind I mean T-800 model Terminator, and standard Robocop, not the big mechs or anything. Also, the fact that there is an army of T-800's is irrelevant. I mean one-on-one, who'd win...
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    Terminator 4: Salvation

    Here's a question: Why is there still a Skynet-versus-humanity future? At the end of T2, Connor threw the microchip and arm (remnants of the T-800 that chased Sara in the first film) into a vat of molten steel, destroying it so that humans in the present could not study it and eventually built...
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    Sort of cool

    That IS cool. Thank you for that, it is a great reference piece.
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    The Happening - Anyone seen it?

    The Happening SUCKED. It was one of the worst films I've ever seen. What a waste of time, money, and materials. -Awful directing: Dialogue and movements were static and did not string together. You could really tell you were watching a movie with this one. -Really pushing for the R rating...
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    Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

    That part isn't fantasy. They do it in Africa.