Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

Pics or it didn't happen.

That rap actually convices me a lot less that it's safe, I mean.

We've got G-Man and Edutainment, which is probably a cover for the G-Man's real intentions.
verwandlung said:
Weird things are happening:

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

The end is near.

First rap song I liked :lol:
It might not have created a minature black hole, but it DID affect Hurrican Ike.

I SWEAR IT DID. It's going to kill Yamu, so I guess it's not all bad.
Better start stocking up for the impending invasion :shock: . I wonder if that Gordon Freeman guy has played Half-Life 1/2 8-) .
The Vault Dweller said:
Come to think of it I don't think you've ever posted a picture of yourself...
i'd rather not, really.

i'm slightly younger, got better taste in glasses and shorter hair though.

Skynet 2.0 said:
Better start stocking up for the impending invasion :shock: . I wonder if that Gordon Freeman guy has played Half-Life 1/2 8-) .
someone did.

there was a picture of a crowbar and a piece of paper above it saying "only for use in case of a ressonance cascade" (sp?).
A really tragic news :

Scientists working in Switzerland have admitted that a test run of The Large Hadron Collider, housed next to Lake Geneva at the headquarters of Cern resulted in the total annihilation of a Swiss village a few miles from the site.

"We did a small test run - using just 10% of the power - it all went well, or so we thought, until one of our scientists returned home to his village close by - the whole place just disappeared - it was swallowed up by a black hole!" said one scientist.

The small village of Greten, with a population of 200 has indeed been wiped of the map - scientists say that they are sorry and regret the loss of life.

Many, especially in the US, say it is still worth the risk to turn the thing on using its full potential.

The LHC, as it is known, will be plugged in in September - whether you like it or not.

Source : The Herald Tribune
Wait a minute here. We're all Fallout fans here, right? We can handle the apocalypse. I'm hoping for disaster!

@ The Vault Dweller: Nice job pointing out Half Life characters working on the Collider. Priceless.
we can handle nukes, but we can't handle having earth swallowed into a black hole.

i think.
Hawking radiation will instantly destroy the black hole. There will barely be enough time for a camera that takes thousands of pictures a second to take it's pictures. If I'm wrong, no one will ever know, believe me.
I'm more a fan of tight black holes, myself.

Hawking radiation will instantly destroy the black hole.

Hawking radiation is still to be proven, isn't it? It's one of the things that should be discovered in this experiment, I think.
It feels pretty good to be around for such a huge landmark in science and discovery. I can't wait to find out what they can do/learn with this machine, whether the outcome is positive or negative. It could be mankind's next big step to whatever's next.
And if Punisher 2099 is correct, it may be the only way to completely destroy someone body and soul.

You know, to keep them from reincarnating as a T-Rex wearing a cowboy hat or something.