The Vault Dweller
always looking for water.
generalissimofurioso said:I think it'd be a bit like this.
When they meet, one of The Vault Dweller's henchmen runs up to Gordon's car and sets off a grenade, blowing the car sky high, and then another of the henchmen throws a knife as well. The Vault Dweller's won, right? Wrong. Gordon gets out of the car after it finally falls to the ground, and kills the other henchman. A nice touch is that there's a knife in Gordon's stomach when he gets out, so somehow he was actually hit by that knife. The Vault Dweller and Gordon fire at each other with their guns until they run out of ammo. THAT'S it, right? Nope! Gordon takes out a rocket launcher from the back of his HEV suit, and The Vault Dweller rips a Gatling laser out of his body. Then they fire at each other, both weapons colliding in mid-air. Cut to a view of Earth from space, and a nuclear mushroom cloud envelops everything. THE END.
...and the oscar for most original screenplay goes too...

The Vault Dweller