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  1. S

    Earthquake in DC

    Regarding the quake: Scientists today discovered a previously unknown fault line running right through the middle of DC, and was promptly named Bush's Fault.
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    Sleep paralysis

    Pretty obvious the aliens were'nt finished gang-probing you yet when you woke up, duh.
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    Amy Winehouse died.

    Amy Winehouse zombie sex??? I apologize, that was so wrong.....but oh so right! Shov
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    Man robs bank to get medical care in jail

    Last house must have been awesome in it's day though. Too bad.
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    Killer Tornadoes Rip through American Bible Belt

    Fierce weather has happened pre-civilization also. Actually much more fierce than anything in civilized times. Imagine the majority of the earth frozen. Accurate, this has been proven. Before man had any impact on planet earth what-so-ever there was fierce weather. About a billion times...
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    2011 Libyan uprising and no fly zone.

    Didn't bother me a hell of a lot, it was time that douche was dealt with. Make it a mission to kill americans (attempted assassination of our president namely), then reap the rewards.
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    2011 Libyan uprising and no fly zone.

    Craploads yes...that they use quite crappily. Except their desire to save face amonst other arabs/muslims. Muslims on muslims, on direction from the U.S., looks bad for them, real bad. They've never really openly supported the U.S., doubt that any kind of pressure would change that in any...
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    2011 Libyan uprising and no fly zone.

    Only one problem here though, they wouldn't do anything no matter how much pressure is applied. It's one thing to want to do something, it's another to actually do it. My argument is they don't possess the means/fortitude diplomatically or militarily to effect a difference. There are only a...
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    2011 Libyan uprising and no fly zone.

    Exactly, however, I wonder why Obama is not putting the absolute smackdown at the moment, even if it was just aerial it'd be enough to permanently end him. Our memory is short, our nations memory is long, they've attacked us in the past, time to be absolved (with fire, bullets & white-hot...
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    2011 Libyan uprising and no fly zone.

    Eh, sure, why not?
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    2011 Libyan uprising and no fly zone.

    Well, we have bombed his home before (and killed a few family members that time too), it's practically a national pastime.
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    Bicycles in Fallout world

    Actually, there were bikes, I recall what's-his-face the nuka cola guy riding a bike.
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    8.9 Earthquake in Japan

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    8.9 Earthquake in Japan

    Nice contradiction. Blaming them for their ignorant sterotypical comments, while making one yourself.
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    Firearms and their relation to crime figures

    Ofcourse there are, and you have one opporunity to fire, if you miss well.....the imagry humored me, nothing more. Personal experience. Both times. However, I'm sure there's evidence around somewhere.
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    Firearms and their relation to crime figures

    HAHAHAHAHA............(says to guy with gun) please hold still while I taze you! Not so helpful when your attacker has a gun himself. Besides the mere sight of a gun and most criminals will bolt. No fuss, no muss.
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    Firearms and their relation to crime figures

    Exactly, stricter needle controls are needed! Stricter gun controls won't stop someone whom wants to obtain a gun and kill people, at all. It's just a mentality from a major defeat. As if the weapons got them in that predicament, not the humans making the decisions. It's interesting...
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    Firearms and their relation to crime figures

    I made the point they are both deadly in the wrong hands, intentions of use aside. And it's still valid. Tell me more Mr. Wizard. So guns rights in the constitution are as poorly concieved as slavery? Talk about shitty analogies. Seriously though, whoever said constitutional...
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    Firearms and their relation to crime figures

    In this case they are. I love how you're trying to tell me how my constitional rights are incorrect be cause YOU disagree with them're country hasn't been known for pacifism until quite recently mind you. Solve your own gun control problems before telling Americans how to solve...
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    Firearms and their relation to crime figures

    We already have driving tests, and there are already licenses for firearms. Anything else? So you agree with me then tighter restrictions won't impact criminals much at all. After all it's happening in your backyard even with the restrictions. Did I say weapons are EXACTLY 1:1 with...