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  1. J

    Fallout 1 skill questions

    Things like Science and Repair become useful if you play a non-direct combat character. For example, instead of just killing the ghouls and taking their chip, there is an option to repair their water pump and they'll willingly hand it over. Things like that aren't enough necessarily to merit...
  2. J

    When's the earliest I can get something better than a pistol

    NCR and New Reno both sell the .223 pistol/sniper rifle (you might have to gain access to the better "wares"). Also: Keep in mind that burst weapons are going to fall a little short with finesse due to the 30% reduced damage spanning over all of your bullets. Give them to Cassidy and Vic...
  3. J

    When's the earliest I can get something better than a pistol

    Killing at least on of the Den merchants is definitely the best way to get yourself going - even my nicest of pacifist characters conveniently find an excuse to remove their gear. Finesse is going to make the early game very hard unless you invest heavily in your combat skill and make...
  4. J

    A Decent Melee Fighter?

    Re: martial arts master My experience from playing a (non-RP) unarmed guy: If you hold down "A" on the world map, you will automatically initiate combat, gaining the initiative over your foes and allowing you to "sneak" before they would have started fighting. This can get a little weird...
  5. J

    Will I lose my save files if I patch Fallout 2 'mid-game'?

    The game is completely beatable out of the box without patches - but this is not recommended. Just keep a healthy slew of save games in case things get whacky. I played through the game twice back in 1999 and did not even realize it needed patching till the third time my car got split in half...
  6. J

    modoc and Gecko how do i find?

    After you rescue Vic, he should put Vault City on your map. If you travel directly from the Den to Vault City you will pass Modoc along the way. Guardsman Stark in VC can put Gecko on the map, but if you travel a little northeast of VC, it'll be right there.
  7. J

    Will I lose my save files if I patch Fallout 2 'mid-game'?

    You will lose your saves if you change the version you are playing. However, there is a Save Converter utility on NMA's file page. I do not know, though, if it works with European versions purchased at BestBuy? But it is worth a shot.
  8. J

    Fallout World map travel to fast! Help!

    Map travel in FallOut2 is directly linked to your processor speed. So on modern computers you are going to fly at ridiculous speeds. As the above poster said, KillAp's unofficial patch can be found in the download section and will fix this up - though I remember some commenting during its...
  9. J

    How often do you run away from encounters in FO2?

    A thing to consider is that a lot of new copies of Fallout 2 seem to be shipping with KillAp's restoration patch as some sort of default. This greatly increases the frequency and dangerousness of encounters, especially in the early game. Even, in stock Fallout2, traveling out past the Den is...
  10. J

    Sierra Depot Glitch

    I have never personally encountered this, but you will probably have more luck asking in the Mod Forum.
  11. J

    fallout demo on win2k

    Amazing resurrection, but I think Per is referring to getting the DOS version of the demo instead.
  12. J

    Sneak Assassinations do they really work?

    You can sneak "assassinate" someone, in the sense that you can continue to sneak and escape immediate hostilities. But generally you will have to pay the piper for murdering people in cold blood at some point. Per's guide may have more input on this.
  13. J

    AC is not so good for Unarmed, and other thoughts

    A lot of the reason for the hating on things like sequence, endurance, and stealing is because people are commenting from a pure character optimization point of view. They want to squeeze out every available point and don't mind reloading the same fight or steal sequence a hundred times to get...
  14. J

    [ORIGINAL QUESTION]: How do Sniper and Targetting stack for

    Tested this years ago with a low luck character who had 300% small guns. He maintained his ridiculous critical scoring despite the 10% chance for Sniper perk to activate. It seems to check both rolls (standard critical chance) and Sniper Chance as separate critical chances - if either confirms...
  15. J

    Fallout 2 Gecko Robot Repair

    Silly question: Did you remember to put the part into the slot before inputting all the instructions?
  16. J

    Problem with Lynette in FO 2 *SPOILERS

    I checked with Per's guide, and apparently having the books and Bishop's disk on your person can cause problems (towards the end of this.) I don't know if Killap's changed any of that. But to your earlier questions: No, you can still beat the game without finishing the quests. The raiders...
  17. J

    Problem with Lynette in FO 2 *SPOILERS

    This quest works out nicely in the stock version of the game if you talk to the NCR vice president as well beforehand. But since you are running Killap's patch, you might want to inquire in the Mod forum.
  18. J

    Fallout 2: Do addictions kill? if not, why am I dying?

    Bounty hunters scale to your level. The more powerful a bad ass you are walking the wastes, the tougher the hombres that are going to hunt you down. IIRC raising your karma back up to normal levels should get them to go away (this might not be the case for childkillers). Edit: From Per's...
  19. J

    Fallout 2 (killap's Patch): List of NPC's you can't kill?

    In vanilla Fallout 2, you can kill anyone you like, as long as the citizens of Arroyo are not hostile with you (so pretty much no one there). You can even kill your wife with a cattle prod and no one will bat an eye. As for Killap's patch, ask in the mod forum.
  20. J

    Question on Fallout 2: Can't complete the Vault 15/NCR deal

    You could try sneaking by Gunther and see if Tandi will still speak with you, but usually after NCR has gotten what they want from you, they want you out.