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  1. J

    The kick

    This is correct. Each bag gives a % increase to unarmed. You can also talk to the ex-Boxer at the Golden Gecko in Klamath. Heavy handed shouldn't be the end of the world for you. Once you get the Slayer perk, all your unarmed attacks will be critical hits, so the crit % will no longer...
  2. J

    how do u recharge highwayman

    If you right click on the car, you should be able to click the "back pack" icon to "use" any item from your inventory on the car. Using the cells in this manner should fill up your battery.
  3. J

    tanker captain... no dialogue?

    According to Per's guide, completing either quest should be enough to get dialogue going with the captain. Did Badger's girlfriend make it up the stairs okay? Not murdered by a centaur on her way out?
  4. J

    Is Miria useful with ANY weapons?

    If you really want to get rid of your wife without "murder" or divorce... Load up your assault rifle or combat shotgun, and proceed to walk around till you find a random encounter. Walk behind her, turn on burst, and aim at the furthest enemy. Leave encounter a widow(er). Alternatively...
  5. J

    How often do you run away from encounters in FO2?

    At low levels (1 through 6 as you say) one should definitely avoid traveling to New Reno, Broken Hills and (possibly) Redding. Even if you just finish all the quests between Klamath and Vault City, you should be closer to level 10 than 6 (usually fixing the Gecko reactor bumps me to level 9)...
  6. J

    Help on character creation

    I have always felt sneak to be a waste for melee characters. You can get Silent Death, but I have never found it to really be that impressive - you'll be crippling and killing people without sneaking up on them once your skill % is high. If you're concerned about getting dialogue and plot...
  7. J

    Help on character creation

    Allow me to hit you with a wall of text, with the hope that some of it might help. Most unarmed characters I make start out with the Gifted and Small Frame traits. Free stat points are always good, and what do you truly need to carry other than a big hammer? For skills, you seem set on...
  8. J

    Almost full F2 NPC descriptions

    Nice job, but why no love for Goris? :(
  9. J

    Favorite Quote

    "That's the last tribal joke." - Chosen One before blowing Bishop to little pieces.
  10. J

    more than one fallout 2 installed?

    Yes. I did this to keep my stock game and the Restoration Project on at the same time. Best to keep them in entirely separate directories, however. I had a friend who tried to juggle it all in one for ease of space, and things got wacky in his RP game.
  11. J

    [F2] New Reno - will they deliver stolen car?

    Have you tried "using" the car while it's in the chop shop? IIRC, if he's returned it to you, you should be able to just drive it out. If that fails, shoot wildly.
  12. J

    Saving Private Dobbs

    So... I have to know, did this ever end up working? Curiosity will kill me. :(
  13. J

    do bags do anything?

    Whoa, you learn something new everyday. Thanks!
  14. J

    Fallout 2 Vault City Entry

    Having a high INT opens up bad dialogue options that let them catch you. Ala: "I have an appointment with the First Citizen, he's expecting me." If you want to skip the false papers altogether, just talk to the representative while wearing no armor. Your vault suit will surprise him enough...
  15. J

    Who to sell as slaves?

    If you get Cassidy to join you before your alignment is negative (or you join the slavers guild) he will stay with you forever.
  16. J

    FO2: Ironman Build

    Sorry for your loss. :( My jinxed guy just landed that a few days ago. When I travel the world map, I have my A key pressed until I get where I am going. It is kind of lame, but it always ensures you get the first round for running the hell away.
  17. J

    Is skynet a good companion?

    If you bust up the raiders or in some way screw over Bishop and have skynet he'll say something to the effect of, "Yeah, heard about a guy, running around the wastes with a robot... just like you!" Sure he'll say that for other NPCs, but yeah... can't think of anything else Skynet helps one with.
  18. J

    Need help with the Voice Recognition Module

    You need to get a fuel cell controller. The regulator cuts your energy usage, but the car won't go without the controller.
  19. J

    Need help with the Voice Recognition Module

    Remember to search both tables the shop keeper has in San Fran, as one table is guns, and the other is predominantly armor. With some thrifty shopping in New Reno, you can pick yourself up the voice module for a few thousand.
  20. J

    FO2: Ironman Build

    I'm always sad when Sulik refuses to run away with me. As 5 robbers converge on him, I desperately try to make it to the exit grid... never in time. :( If we survive the Den -> Modoc -> VC journey, my NPCs usually get metal armor and become considerably better at not dying. Sometimes my...