fallout 2

  1. skurmallun

    Fallout 2 mod Spanish translation of Fallout Sonora// Traducción al español de Fallout Sonora

    Hello everyone, As the title suggests, I've been working with @OnlyALad on translating Fallout Sonora into Spanish. This is an unofficial translation of the fan-made Fallout game set in the Sonora Desert. I have been working on the translation on my own for several months, and since @OnlyALad...
  2. Ferel_CZ

    Exact Behaviors of Scout, Ranger, Explorer Perks?

    Ahoy, I am looking for hard numbers on what the three Fallout 2 encounter-related perks of Scout, Ranger, and Explorer do. Each Fallout wiki has slightly different explanations. The problem is that their descriptions are ambiguous wording, that cannot be confirmed with plugins looking at the...
  3. C

    Question about increasing the companion limit in Fallout 2

    Is there a mod that allows you to take more than five companions in the game at a time? Or is it possible to modify the game by changing files and achieve a similar result? Has anyone else asked such a question, can you help?
  4. OfficeofGamerIntelligence

    Sudden Fallout 2 Death Syndrome, bug, Please Help!!!

    Here is the bug, says I'm dying from rads, well, I'm not. I've heard that possibly my CH is dropping to 0 and that's why I'm dying, however I find this unlikely. Anyone got an explanation? I've been nerding out and this is demoralizing! I wanna play without fear of sudden death! Help! Please...
  5. N

    Mods Compatability

    Can Fallout Fixt be used in addition to Fallout et tu (Fallout 1 in 2)?
  6. Cambragol

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

    Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation This translation will serve to provide an option for players to play the original, vanilla version of Fallout Sonora 1.14 in English. This is the version available from the original author site here, and the Dayglow DLC available here...
  7. TheKingofVault14

    Has Anyone Ever Noticed This Before?

    You know, it took me quite sometime to realize that the Mariposa Super Mutants from the Classic Interplay Era Fallout Games, have a full set of hair. I mean all took was simply watching this particular New Vegas Mod video: In which it finally helped me notice this about them, can anyone...
  8. The_Den_Resident

    How does one handle coming back to the RPG (Fallout 2 for an ex.) after a long time.

    It's been almost two years since I played Fallout 2 with only playing it for about an hour four times between the nearly two years since 2022. I have currently 468 hours in the game, but man I don't know how I did it about two years ago. I came back today and played for three hours giving me 468...
  9. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Pixote's updated RP maps

    I decided to make a standalone thread so people can find the info/download easier. Pixote made an update of all RP maps in 2022, and I played through them and made some tweaks/fixes on my fork of RPU. Since the discussion about merging them into the main RPU is kinda on hold, I have packed the...
  10. Vault Dweller Donny

    Fallout 2s Story is epic

    I just finished a thorough Fallout 2 playthrough after not playing it for a few years, one thing I noticed was how epic the story is, Even little things like the video with matt saying the chosen one has come and the process of getting to the oil rig, and as a gamer who always plays the most...
  11. AnubisTheJackal

    Fallout: Crescent Opening Monolgue

    War. War never changes. Throughout history, mankind has engaged in conflict over and over again, each time convinced that their cause is righteous and just. But the reality is much darker; war is not just about pride or power, but about the destructive differences that divide us. It starts...
  12. AnubisTheJackal

    Fallout: Crescent details

    I’m writing a novel that is sort of an input of my own art style into Fallout. It tries to give answers two old questions What the hell is going on in the Southeastern Commonwealth, and What happened to the soldiers in Navarro that may have survived? So I’m calling this novel Fallout...
  13. P

    Making new SFall compatible with old RP

    Hello all, I am trying to make the latest version of SFall play nice with Killap's Restoration Project 2.3.3. I am NOT using RPU, deliberately. The reason is that I am making use of specific features and submods that are only compatible with either newer SFall versions or the old RP 2.3.3...
  14. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 mod Oblivion Lost mod - NEW Patch!

    Took me a while to get there, but I managed to finish editing my Oblivion Lost playthrough and decided I wanted to make a patch of the mod so it doesn't crash as often, and so others can actually play it and get to the ending :) These two are download links to the patch...
  15. W

    I'm looking for a loot mod

    I'm not a big fan of Megamod, but one of the things I did absoultly love about it was the random loot chart. Find random equipment in the many storage areas makes it a bit more interesting than nothing in storage boxes. I want to know if anyone made a submod for the restoration project or just...
  16. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 2: Remake RPG 3D

    I'm sure you have seen this little project. It's available to download as "early access" and you can support the developer on patreon. Is this on the Doom-engine or is it a custom engine?
  17. The_Proletarian

    New online character planner for the Fallout games

    @Mythril has made this awesome online character planner that you can use to try out builds. See this thread for project updates. You can save your builds and create links to them which is a very nice feature. What's some of your favourite builds?
  18. The_Proletarian

    Last Hope v1.083 Released!

    Yesterday @Forgotten Knight released the long anticipated version 1.083 of the Fallout 2 total conversion mod Last Hope. Here's the download page. The changelog is impressively long:
  19. The_Proletarian

    UPU and RPU v27 are released!

    UPU and RPU have been updated to version 27. See this post by @NovaRain for the full details. Here's the changelogs: UPU, RPU.
  20. marcin4001

    Nuclear Drifter: Roaming the Post-Nuclear World

    Nuclear Drifter: Roaming the Post-Nuclear World Greetings, fellow nma-fallout forum members! Today, I'd like to introduce you to my latest game titled "Nuclear Drifter." This is an open-world, single-player RPG featuring a turn-based combat system. Players step into the shoes of a farmer whose...