fallout 2


    Why do you guys hate f4 and 76? Here is a list of things 4 and 76 does better than 1,2 and NV.

    I just can't understand. F4 and 76 does SO MANY things better than 1 and 2 and NV. For example: - BETTER graphics - SEXIER women and sex mods (tho unlike fallout 2 they don't have the option to become a pornstar and basically fuck everyone and be married so that kinda sucks) - Weapon modding and...
  2. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 2 Community Edition 1.2

    Fallout 2 Community Edition is an ongoing open source project. Our forum thread for Fallout 2 CE and Fallout 2 RE can be found here. Earlier today version 1.2 of Fallout 2 CE was released.
  3. Ajax

    Issue with NPCs turning into storage

    For reference, I have the RP installed and I'm playing the GOG version. I've encountered an issue where living NPCs and other critters allow me to take items in their inventory, as if they were dead. This isn't really an issue for enemies like geckos, where it actually presents an opportunity...
  4. dslotti

    Important! Free F1 - F2 till 23/12/2022

    Hello! I checked and found that you can get Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics free of charge (giveaway) till 17.00 (05.00 PM) from EPIC GAMES. So if you missed possibility to play and do not want to pay something for outdated gems, it is chance to get for free. For all other lovers, chance to get if you...
  5. F

    Fallout 1 / Fallout 2 Reimagined

    Hi everyone I'm new here - I made this account for this specific question. I've been playing Fallout 1 and 2 since they came out, and have finished both stories multiple times. I also played 3 and 4, including New Vegas, but was kind of disappointed with the online version. Anyway. I probably...
  6. Jonasz Osmenda

    Unofficial Fallout 2 3D Remake FPS Boomer shooter work progress

    Hello guys, catch out what im working on. Info: Im making 3D Fallout world with First Person perspective. check out newest video: I speek in Polish but i added Russian and English subtitles.
  7. NovaRain

    Inventory Filter mod (English version) 2.0.4

    Originally made by Mr.Stalin, based on the idea of JimTheDinosaur's Inventory Sort Buttons mod. This repack contains a new "GIVE ALL" button image in English so people can see a proper button instead of a white square when enabling the UseGiveAllImage option (the button was available only in...
  8. NovaRain

    13V mod by Lich 1.0.3

    13V is a Fallout 1 remake/parody. Every NPC has funny dialogs, and there are a few quests that lead to alternative game endings (most are funny disasters). Quests are usually solved by finding specific items hidden in maps. The total conversion is originally made by Lich, and updated by Pyran...
  9. TheKingofVault14

    Various Questions on Who and What The Mysterious Stranger Is?

    You know there's a lot things that I've always wondered about The Mysterious Stranger, such as how come The Stranger is able to die in FO1 and 2 but not in FO3 and New Vegas? (NOTE: The Stranger can actually die in FO4 but I won't count that one, because I'm talking about dying during combat...
  10. Traplord209

    Super Mutant Sterility and an offhand comment by Marcus

    So I was playing Fallout 2 and I decided to get Marcus a hooker to see what he'd say. He goes "I hope she doesn't get pregnant." My player character was able to ask him WHY he said this, because the player character "thought all mutants were sterile". Well so did I? They even reference it in...
  11. TheKingofVault14

    Was Fallout 2 Leaked By Some Scummy Journalists?

    Awhile back I found the Development Logs for Fallout 2, and I saw an interesting update made by Feargus Urquhart on October 30th, 1998 which is this: As you can see, when the game went gold. Black Isle handed out copys of the game to various people of The Press, and somebody thought it was a...
  12. TheKingofVault14

    Are The Source Codes For Fallout 1 and 2 Lost?

    I keep seeing this "fact" be brought up whenever a discussion about the possibility of remastering these two games, and then in response to that is the source code for both games were apparently lost by Interplay at some point. Which is WHY both FO1 and 2 need to be fully remade from the ground...
  13. The_Den_Resident

    How to recruit Skynet

    I'm on the level 3 floor, I've told Skynet I am "a friend" and Skynet told me to proceed to the mainframe room for an analysis. The problem is I can't get there because of the yellow forcefields. Do I have to turn off the power to do so? I currently have 5 companions following me, is it because...
  14. The_Den_Resident

    The New Reno Bishop slaughter (except for the two girls? ;b)

    If I were to kill Mr.Bishop and his goons through pray and spray will Angela and Lesie Bishop become hostile and or mad at me to where I cannot interact with them anymore? Is an overdosing Mr.Bishop on heart pills, drugs and other substances cause the same result? Which ones or both allow me...
  15. H

    Planning a Jet F2 run as an econ challenge (Ecco + FO2tweaks)

    Greetings fellow gamers. I have yet to attempt a Jet run in Fallout 2, and would like to discuss my ideas. In addition to the advantages conferred by Jet, I'm hoping to use it to create an econ challenge. Basically, jet addiction is an effective way to ensure that healing costs you money (I...
  16. TheAnimeHunter

    Would Fallout games/media set in alternate endings work?

    Let me make what I think is the most interesting possible example of this. In Fallout 1, if Rhombus is dead, the Brotherhood of Steel becomes the Steel Plague, an overzealous techno-religious dictatorship that would destroy the New California Republic and go on to create a dark age that would...
  17. xxdemonxspawnnxx

    Is Jet pre-war?

    I don't want to talk about retcons, but is it stated anywhere in FO2 that Myron is lying/ he copied a formula for jet?
  18. afornwald

    Fallout 1/2 on Android

    !Mutants Run your Fallout 1/2 on Android with app called 'fo2.exe' (Play Market) features: - automated ui (scroll & press) - free, no ads, no premium content - high performance sys. req: - armv8 - 256Mb+ - android 6.0+ Post your bugs & suggestions.
  19. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 2 Reference Edition - Reverse engineering Fallout 2 by Alexander Batalov

    A few days ago Alexander Batalov revealed his project of reverse engineering Fallout 2. There's a longer and interesting article introducing the project to be found on medium.com. There's also this forum thread on NMA and a GitHub page for the project. Read up on it and tell us what you think!
  20. NovaRain

    Dims Mapper

    An alternative map editor to the official BIS Mapper for Fallout 1/2. Made by Dims, updated by Fakels (aka Mr.Stalin) with usability improvements and fixes, and further updated by Radegast for properly loading epax.map/easter.map from F2RP. This version is compiled from the source based on...