fallout 2

  1. AR-88

    Fallout 2 mod Frank Horrigan

    AAfter playing trough Fallout series, I decided to do some weird things. One of it is playing F2 using Frank's skin and weapons (with animations). I know some may say this is already made, but I browsed through hundreds of sites with no results. So does any of you know such mod or way to do...
  2. V12shear

    Fallout 2 mod Need Help Creating Mod For Project Idea

    Hello, I am trying to work on a mod for Fallout 2. I'm hoping to get help from the community to make this mod because I think people will really like what I have in store. I have been researching on how to write scripts and view FRMs, editing .pro file, viewing the .dat files, etc. I've been...
  3. J

    Fallout 2 Megamod 2.47.5 Bugs

    I played Fallout 2 and Fallout 2 RP, and just recently, I've installed Fallout 2's MIBB 88 (Megamod) After installing my own mods and playing through Megamod I will never look at RP again. THIS mod installed with other mods are funner than tipping a cow during mating season BUT. There are...
  4. hexer

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    Older NMA members will remember how I started creating Van Buren using FOnline engine way back in late 2013. After working like a maniac for one year on it, I put the project on hold because we had serious technical issues with FOnline, we couldn't afford 3D cinematics and professional voice...
  5. KingArthur

    Chrissy’s Having a Bad Day

    So I’m replaying Fallout 2, and I ended up taking the Rescue Chrissy quest outside Vault 15; everything went wrong. Immediately. So, first off I figured I’d go in guns blazing, take her back to her mother by killing the raiders. Karla died in the shack... Phil, Chrissy’s room key holder, died...
  6. R

    Arroyo & Chosen One nonsense

    I played fallout 2 again recently and thought the story is a bit stupid.. why did the vault dweller go far into the north? He could've just went to shady sands.. or any other place on the map. And why exactly is Arroyo a tribal village? They don't even have guns, if some slavers or raiders...
  7. R

    The Banishing of Tim Cain (from Fallout 2)

    Made an account just to find help here. I'm running into a major problem trying to run Fallout 2 without Tim Cain's mug on my taskbar. I got both Fallout and Fallout 2 on GOG, and immediately I could not stand Tim Cain staring at me with his dead pixel eyes. A couple weeks ago I looked through...
  8. B

    Aftermath of the Mordino's

    Clayton Ettienne from New Vegas says "Well, I've lived in Nevada all my life. Started out in New Reno, but headed down here as soon as I got the chance. If you can believe it, things are even worse back home. The whole city's still run by crime families. Used to be the Mordinos and Wrights...
  9. hexer

    Fallout 2 Beta

    OK, let's try this - maybe something comes out of it. It was the summer/autumn of 1998., a month or two before Fallout 2's release. The 15-year old me was a mischievous teen, my parents just got divorced but all I cared for in this world was the sequel to the first true RPG I played -...
  10. A

    Help a Newb ------- how to add new party members to the game prop. Also, where is the PARTY.H file?

    I have recently been playing with Fallout Resurrection, and there's this minor character "Vodka", who is a mercenary fed up with his boss, Nestor. This character seemed like a wasted potential to me, since he cannot be recruited. So, naturally, I tweaked the script files (CVODKA.INT) ...
  11. K

    Definitive guide to installing Fallout 2 with Restoration Project and sfall on macOS with Wine

    Hey there, after encountering numerous issues, and tracking down ways to fix those issues to play Fallout 2 on my MacBook with mods I decided to make this guide to save other people time and frustration. The guide will allow you to run Fallout 2 with mods. This guide uses the GOG version of...
  12. Ediros

    Fallout 1/2 item description restored

    Long story short. Xilandro is great, doing things once thought impossible.
  13. FalloutBruhMoments

    Can't save my game, please help, Fallout 2

    I accidentally changed the "read only" folder setting in my SAVEGAME folder and now i cant save my game anymore, can i have some help please. It's installed to my desktop, i just made a new clean install, i'm using Killap's RP and Burn's new updated RP. Was messing around in the save editor...
  14. FalloutBruhMoments

    Fallout 2 mod Fix for crashing at The Den using Killap's Restoration Project

    First, make sure you havent installed BOTH the Unofficial Patch and the Restoration Project because you only need the RP and installing the UP will fuck up the other one. If you have royally screwed yourself dont worry, backup your saves and reinstall the game, this time installing JUST the RP...
  15. ArmagdoGaming

    What Was The Technology Behind Fallout (1 & 2)'s Graphics?

    Before anyone points out that this breaks rule 3, there is no "Technical" sub-forum (Or whatever it's called.). Most of them state "...or have a technical problem with the games...". If I am mistaken, I'd gladly take this thread down. Thanks. Anyways, onto the actual question. What was the...
  16. A

    Made a Fallout 2 Character Calculator/Planner

    I wanted a FO2 char calc for a while, couldn't find one, so I made one: https://squeal.github.io/ A work in progress. Functionality is there, could obviously look better. Any feedback welcome.
  17. T

    Please help, Fallout 2 Specific Crash.

    I'm enjoying this game very much, a big fallout fan since I have been young. Recently acquired fallout 2 and got to the point where I started to go to "the Den" and right when I click the icon to enter the city it give me an error that's says: "the den the instruction at 0048d9c4 refrenced...
  18. T

    Big problem with my Fallout 2 game... Please help!

    I'm enjoying this game very much, a big fallout fan since I have been young. Recently acquired fallout 2 and got to the point where I started to go to "the Den" and right when I click the icon to enter the city it give me an error that's says: "the den the instruction at 0048d9c4 refrenced...
  19. ArmagdoGaming

    cRPGs like Fallout

    Hello, NMA. I've been playing way too much Fallout 1 and 2 lately, and I quite like the gameplay, the feel, the look, the atmosphere, the writing, and everything. Are there any Isometric RPGs out there (Preferably on Steam), that are as dark and as good as these games, and have the same...
  20. X

    Fallout 2 Highwayman question

    I've just started playig fo2 and already got the highwayman vehicle with all the upgrades but I still wonder (sorry if it's a noob question) why on the highwayman's wiki page there is a photo at the bottom where the car has 2 large gas tanks in the back of it? Is it an upgrade I've missed, a mod...