AI Generated Images for people that cannot do art

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Post one of Crni making some furry art on Patreon and getting a massive paycheck and popularity boost thereby making him quit Communism.

You sure about that?

I am sure I don't have time (or patience) to deal with Walpknut's issues which is people asking for peanuts for commissions. Not doing Patreon I have no talent.
You also have to have a creative output which is your problem.
You also have to have a creative output which is your problem.
What do you mean? I am really interested for hearing some opinion.

Just out of curiousity since it's part of the topic, what's your opinion on it? I mean like when I watch Midjourney, how it works I am kinda amazed but also dejected from it. I didn't expect it to be so sophisticated and actually delivering results. Even though they seem to be somewhat random in some cases. I am not having any stakes in it, as I am not making "money" from art. But it does make me wonder where it will leave the craft as a whole in the future.
What do you mean? I am really interested for hearing some opinion.

Just out of curiousity since it's part of the topic, what's your opinion on it? I mean like when I watch Midjourney, how it works I am kinda amazed but also dejected from it. I didn't expect it to be so sophisticated and actually delivering results. Even though they seem to be somewhat random in some cases. I am not having any stakes in it, as I am not making "money" from art. But it does make me wonder where it will leave the craft as a whole in the future.

When you have a Patreon you cannot have your attitude about your art, or at least the attitude you expressed here, mainly not being good enough or being too depressed or anxious to work. If you have any doubt in yourself whatsoever you will lag behind, piss people off, and lose all goodwill thereby making it impossible to make money. Constant communication is also key which is something I can't do with people wanting me to produce art when I am not a real artist.
I get yah.

Playing around with Midjourney, that fucking "robot" can not give me a Xenomorph. It doesn't even look close to it. When I typed "Xenomorph Queen" it gave me a sort of retarded Queen Amidala or something.
Lulz. Still getting retarded results. Looks like the machine really does not like Xenomorphs. It does make the stuff look like it's from Giger but it's not the Alien creature.
Lulz. Still getting retarded results. Looks like the machine really does not like Xenomorphs. It does make the stuff look like it's from Giger but it's not the Alien creature.
There are some heavy restriction. I know there's ongoing rule against nudity of some kind and violence.
From what I gather, you need basically several tries to reach that level of output. It's not like instant produce, but more like several trials and error in a hour.

There is also a trend that we basically will use a hardware accelerator of some kind to propel this AI into much better in performance and quality. Google for example, had already developed Tensor Processing Units. Just like how we use PhysX Processing Unit back in 2000s, Ray Tracing GPU, ASCII Bitcoin Miners, etc.
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Yeah, what you create are templates and then you continue with the one you like the most and refine it further. It's still astonishing and frightening at the same time. Particularly as this is only the start. Where will it be in a couple of years? It's already pretty good at making stuff. Even though the results are obviously totally random as "woman standing with leaves" can mean all sorts of stuff. So as Toront jokingly said, you're probably not getting your porn-fix out of that - yet. So if you want something that's really very specific? You will probably need a human doing it for now.

Like I said, this is just really only in it's infancy and a sort of beta. AI has been around for some time but the self-learning and collecting of data only now really took off. It's not yielding perfect results yet but I am sure it will get to a point where it's good enough so that anyone out there can go in there, pay 10$ type words into the machine and it will make some images, refine them a little further with the Ai and then you can use it for book covers, advertising or what ever else they want to promote. And it will be good enough so no one will notice the difference. And when you reach that point it's all about (cutting) costs. It always has been.

That is right now the whole point behind any use of Ai. Cutting out people. Even if they say that's not the goal. But this is how it will be used in the end because human labour is pretty much the largest cost in any business. If you have a chance to remove 30-40% of the costs? Who wouldn't do that.