Awaken Mod Help Thread (possible spoilers)

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If you've found a load of bugs make a list and send it to the mod creators, don't fix it yourself unless they say you can.

Some of the dialogue that doesn't show up, just might not of been used, there's loads like that in the original files and I've left stuff in the text files, that I've not ended up using, before.

Maybe they'll release a patch, or maybe they're too busy with the next mod but I know I'd be extremely pissed off if someone 'corrected' my mods without even contacting me first.
Tilkor, there has been a thread on Awaken created just today, please don't be as lazy as to not even scan the first page of the forum.

my bad, I just joined.

Anyway thanks, does the spot have to be unlocked? or is it just one of those random circles out there? If so, remember where :D woohoo i found it!

yah, I agree you mandel bot \/ \/ \/
I think I'll just fix the game to the way I like it, (just for myself) I noticed today that the BOS interior: The characters aren't even linked to the triggers. So maybe they never wanted you to find Bos, But it has a whole script to go along with it.. Heck I don't know. Maybe things got messed up in the translation. Maybe I'll download the pl version and play it,...using the dialog sheets from the english version so I know what's going on. and see if there is a difference.. It's a game with alot of potential... it's just hidden at the moment and I can't seem to find it.

I guess the creators don't come to this forum...... \

And I don't want to e-mail people and bother them with things that only seem to bother me. Especially when they have already gone past this and started something new. So I guess i'll just play around with it and maybe make it work for me. If not.. it looks like plenty of other good mods will be available soon.

And why the heck are all the good RPG's being made in other countries and not picked up by american publishers.. There are all these great looking games.. And I can't get them! Well I could get them but I couldn't read them. And then there are all the games that just seem to get cancelled... blah, blah, blah, rant, rant , rant....
Out of curiosity how much new stuff does Awaken include. 150mb seems excessive for a FOT mod, even a campaign. The mission files aren't very big usually averaging half a meg and the default map is 20mb, changing the interface that's 6mb (if you change the lot), so a 20 mission campaign should average out at about 40mb. Entities take up very little space.

So what does Awaken include new sprites, tiles or is it just sound files?
Let's see.......... It has weapons and ammo converted from fallout. Alot of the objects are from fallout, 1 or 2. There are new sounds...
(most for hand to hand combat and doors... they are turned up way to loud.. ) they also took music from fo1/2 and added those in. So your character starts out in Vault 32 and it has the origanal vault music to go along with it.. Of course the tactics ambient is still somewhat playing at times also..
there are 16 towns, 20 submissions that go with those towns. .. like go to this cave and kill a deathclaw. And then there are 8 special encounters.. So new sprites, new sounds, new tiles, Lots and lots of new.......converted from old. Biggest problem is obviously linkage. Your pipboy doesn't retain information from town to town. Only when you are on the map that the quest occurs on. There does seem to be some global varients but not alot..

The game really seems to over do it on positive reputation.. in one town you can get 600 reputation points from three different quests..
but negative reputation points are only in the 10s and 20,s When you get to the BOS base he says you've been promoted to cadet. so it's obviously supposed to raise your rank. But there is no command to raise rank..... only reputation. so they give you 500 reputation points...... This doesn't do anything because your already the guardian of the wastes by the third town. Also trying to go through this game with a non-cheated character is damn near impossible.. even all their test characters are cheated up a bit. "Armor, guns, extra skill points.. .

They basically built their own core, cfg, and campaign.txt. So when you download it, it doesn't overwrite anything in tactics. It's all contained in it's own file and it's own exe. So to use the editor on it you have to add the path to the awaken file.

I mean these guys did alot of work on this... It's not a mod, it's a whole new campaign built to try to act more like fo1/2 ........

It was a massive attempt but I don't know how much testing was involved. Or maybe something just got lost in the translation.. Some major file. I have no idea. ... I might just give up, :cry: Or go play something else for awhile.. I've been playing with this thing for two weeks... I'm tired.. It's kind of sad when you can't finish a game because you become obssessed on fixing a problem that probably doesn't matter. If i had just played all the way through the first time and not looked back......
New exe, is it 5,221 kb? There's no need to include the exe unless they hacked it. Or they were expecting compatability problems with other versions.

I presume by new sprites you mean inventory sprites, someone would of mentioned it if they had new character sprites.

Sounds like most of it is the sound files then. I wonder if they would do a lite version with out the sound. That would be more managable to download on a dial up.
Mandelbrot you seem to know what you are doing why not make a patch file for it since they have stopped development of it? I noticed also that there was no BOS quests :cry: . And i dont really wanna do the SOH because they are kinda evil.
Well like requiem said earlier in a post. It would probably be wrong of me to mess with someone elses creation. I've tried some things myself to get things to work differently. But then I feel like i'm cheating for some reason. i.e. moving towns around...putting in some triggers to open up certain places. But playing the game through. It almost seems that they wanted you to be a slaver or work for SOH. If you work for BOS. You end up killing some npc's that you find out later....."oh crap I needed to get something from that guy." Mainly has to do with the train parts. Alot more things are opened up by being "evil" in this game then by being good. So maybe it's meant to be played that way. I just have no idea. I kind of got sick of it and started playing Gothic again. I think i've just become bored with the games I have and am trying to patiently wait for the games that look really good to be released. Oblivion , The Fall, Gothic 3, ..........geez! I hope I don't have to upgrade my computer again just for Oblivion. :roll:
How can I contact these people? Ill send em an email with everything i find wrong or seemingly messed up.
In the ghouls factory, you can (maybe have to) fight in CTB mode. No good old turn based fiht on this one, it crashes the game.
Need help with the damn awaken mod...

Hi, i know it's been since that everyone probably got over this mod, but i still got a few questions. And some info for you too, if you havent known it yet. Anyways, how to get over the problem with the train station bug ? where it freezes with the animation.. any info is apreciated. And about the brotherhood of steel, there's nothing wrong with it, you can do all the quests just fine, you need to find the special place for vault (just go left on the map from the vault, u'll find it there, and dont worry there are no encounters there), then see overseer in the vilage, then go to bos and after rescuing the damn idiot from barter town, you can do missions for the paladin on the 1st floor. If you havent known this, it's fun to play for the bos, you also get power armor for your final mission (i've been playing for a super mutant so i didnt pick it up, although i was told it's at quartermaster for picking) so much info, hope anyone does some mods for awaken making it better, as it really is fun to play...
OK, so here's what I've done: I've merged a number of Awaken help threads so that the help is available in one place.

Do forum searches :]
hey, i finaly found a way to get over that damn bug ! just press alt F4 when it's suposed to play and it'll just go back to normal ! :D hooray
Been playing around with the mod for a couple hours. Is there a way to remove NPCs from your squad temporarly (without killing them) ? It would be useful when you go to the Glow for example, if you don't have rad pills for all the NPCs.
I've only played for a few hours but I came across a guy in New Chic. Right at the top in the "motel" that when you talk to him a members transfer screen pops up. Might be what your looking for.
Awaken mod for Fallout tactics

Is it just me, or is this mod unrealistically difficult? Upon arriving at the BRC, which is, well, the first location you're actually supposed to go to with your totally unexperienced character (granted, I stopped at a few locations before that and gained some XP), I met some "Junkers". After explaining to me in poor English that I had to blow up some turrets, which I did, they decided to "get rid of me". I didn't stand a chance. Three guys with firearms and armor being the first enemies in the game, being able to kill you in one turn, isn't very fair. Anybody knows a way to actually get past this problem? Running inside the actual BRC didn't help, they caught up pretty fast.


Has anyone made a walkthrough of this mod (in English)?