Chris Avellone ends his silence

It is really sad. Arnust used to be a good friend and even helped me open up more to people at a time when I was still recovering from my ordeal. He fell in with the wrong crowd at college as Hass told me. At the same time this provides a terrifying look at what kind of people are going into the Western game industry. The Western market for games is so fucked.

Look at her smug profile photo. I would like to remind everyone here that Anita and her buddy Zoey Quinn drove an innocent man to kill himself and are both labeled "Horror Cows" by the Kiwi Farms. Also, goddamn has she gained weight. I reckon that she is probably nearing 180 pounds now. Looks like we know where all her GoFundMe money has been going to.
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Ugh, you also decided to show up you hag.
I wonder what stories about you will come out one day.
We already know that you are a con artist, whose drive to ban men in video games is in order to sell seminars.

She kind of reminds me of a vulture or a parasite.
She kind of reminds me of a vulture or a parasite.
Because she is one. What is funny is how Anita will cry about "toxic masculinity" yet the only men she is attracted to is hyper masculine and traditionalist men. I reckon a lot of issues stem from her father. Her family is very conservative, her dad even donated 300 dollars to the Trump campaign and voted for him twice. I get the sickening feeling that she has an Electra Complex. She both hates but also lusts after men like her father. This is a common metal issue with many feminists. It all goes back to daddy.
They probably need to be submissive to her in some way, except when they are having sex where she is probably happy to be a sub.

Makes you wonder if she just 'rebelled' because she wanted to annoy her parents.
What in the hell is going on in this thread :confused:.....
Chris should be treated as innocent until claims can be proven, but doing daddy issue psychoanalysis on these people and theorizing about their sex lives isn't going to do anyone any good. His critics are less than tactful and I get that people are mad that he's treated as a rapist without even a hearing, but this is uncessary, right? Let's focus on supporting due process and not normalizing the dismissal of innocence from the moment the hat drops.
We are more commenting on people who are already convinced Avellone is guilty because of his gender, skin color, preferences, etc.
People who are not really interested in an honest and fair investigation and trial as they have already made up their mind if he is guilty or not.
People who themselves have a rather dark and sordid past.

What Sarkeesian should have done is not comment at all and stay out of this as she knows she is fanning the flames.
But she knows she gets more attention by doing this.
She is a nasty manipulative hag who has no personal stake in this, yet would like to give the impression that if MCA did what he is accused of also affects her.
but doing daddy issue psychoanalysis on these people and theorizing about their sex lives isn't going to do anyone any good.
Does me good, I get to laugh at morons. Just take a look at planet Earth's newest landmass Anita Skakaksksaksian who took time to crawl away from her cheesecake binge to share her insights with the little people because it is the year 2015. But in all seriousness there is something quite pathetic about a internet relic trying to cling on to it's last atoms of relevancy.
Just take a look at the number of views on her YT channel, that tells you everything about her relevance.

The videos in the Tropes against Women-series from years past had at least a million views per episodes whilst the videos since struggle to reach even 5k views.

The Woke crowd appears to have abandoned her or they are not that many afterall. What's big with Woke video gamers on YT anyway?

It might be that they already won the war about videogames and that they don't need people like Anita anymore. I mean western AAA games have been shit for quite some time now, so mission accomplished. The hope for gamers lies in the East (and with indies).
Anita hasn't been relevant in years, and in retrospect, nothing she said back then should have been controversial. It really was just "I think games cater to guys and I would like it to be more inclusive".

Seriously, just do what I do and watch some real hardcore porn. Why do you want CGI nearly naked girls when you can get gangbang scat porn?
After seeing a woman drink the piss of 20 guys, games just don't do it for me.
I think the controversial parts were more those where she kinda misrepresented stuff, like "Hitman encourages and rewards you for killing women", which is kinda the opposite of what happens.
I can as I was once friends with him. Arnust used to be pretty chill but then he went to college to study game development and fell in with the SJW crowd. He became a smug prick. Constantly putting people here down and acting morally superior to us because he had the "right" politics in regards to gaming. He even would stick up for Randy Bitchford and Anthony Burch who both by the way have more dirty laundry then Chris in regards to sexual misconduct with women but since they both have the right politics he defended them to the death like every other cock sucking degenerate in the Western game industry. He ended up getting piled on here with the Avellone case. He sided with his accuser and called us all rape apologists when many of us here stated we wanted to wait for more evidence before we pass final judgement instead of jumping on the cancel culture band wagon. He got so ass mad that he rage quit and deleted his account.
I didn't liked him because he became a fucking asshole that would resort to the bullshit "you don't like a game because it was made by X company" (he loved doing this with Bethesda games).

It seems after a while he just decided to suck the dicks of every major AAA company.
I think the controversial parts were more those where she kinda misrepresented stuff, like "Hitman encourages and rewards you for killing women", which is kinda the opposite of what happens.

I get that. There was a lot of misinformation in her videos, whether it be intentional or not, and I'm not a fan of her when it comes to gaming. But she did push out ideas that aren't anything new and in fact, other forms of media have had these ideas for decades
There are small but a number of conservative folks who think that media should never progress from their most basic ideas. Gamergate and especially the current (but comical) comicsgate are huge indicators of that. If anything does something they don't like, it's pandering when the truth is, these ideas have been around for decades.

Anyway, on the topic of MCA. Even if he isn't guilty and this was just slander, the lawsuit doesn't look good. The problem is that the accusations were, at most, tame in comparison to other allegations made during the #metoo movement.
At most, he could sue for liable. If he can prove that he lost work because of the allegations and he'll also need to declare his innocence first. Essentially, he is fighting himself there because he now needs to prove he didn't do those things, which is next to impossible, especially if they have evidence.
I also have to take into account that he is a professional writer, so creating a narrative is something he is good at.

What would have been smarter is to just wait it out. There would still be backlash yes and he may not get the bigger projects again as he did, but waiting for you time would mean that the public consciousness would forget anyway. Again, the Twitter crowd isn't as big as companies think.
The issue is that People think that anyone they look up to fan do no wrong, and that's human. We either want to say they aren't like that or try to justify it, that's just how we deal with things. The truth is a lot weirder than that as I feel both sides of the argument have got it wrong here.
Again, one of the things MCA mentioned here was that he was buying drinks for everyone and she said he got her drink, basically misinterpreting him.
Now people tend to laugh at that reason (or excuse), but misinterpretation can solve a lot of issues. MCA may be telling the truth and there wasn't any motive behind buying drinks for everyone. Karrisa may be right and he was trying to get her drunk. Either way, it's the truth to someone and themselves.

My biggest question I have is why would she lie? Of it is to damage someone's reputation, then it's really a lot to go through when she knows she's going to get massive amounts of backlash.

I do believe in innocent until proven guilty, the problem with cases of sexual assault and rape is that it's really hard to prove, and courts will largely throw the case out, which is why People take to social media to talk about what happened.

If MCA is lying, then he'll come across as a manipulative creep.
If Karrisa is lying, she is taking advantage of an actual movement to benefit herself.

I don't know either of them, I've only spoken to MCA a few times a few years back for an interview here and when I wanted to get in the industry.
I can't really speak for any of them and looking around online, there's more critical analysis against MCA than for him.
Going to a place like RPGCodex isn't going to help his case a lot either, especially if he said anything deflagatory on there in the past.
If he can prove that he lost work because of the allegations and he'll also need to declare his innocence first. Essentially, he is fighting himself there because he now needs to prove he didn't do those things, which is next to impossible, especially if they have evidence.
I mean, it's supposed to be "innocent until proven guilty" in America. Not that it always is that way but it's supposed to be. So unless there is evidence against him, the court can't assume he's guilty so I'd guess that things said about him are libel until it's proven to be truth. None of us really know the truth and tweets are only going to provide so much. Chris claims he has witnesses, so do the women who claimed Chris misbehaved. I guess it'll depend on the strength of those witnesses more than anything. And we'll never know who to believe.

Not that he'll win, they'll probably see he's really successful and well known and be like nah you're fine dude.

In all truth, no matter what tweets or forums say, we won't prove anything. It's just us hedging bets on outcomes and why.
I mean, it's supposed to be "innocent until proven guilty" in America. Not that it always is that way but it's supposed to be. So unless there is evidence against him, the court can't assume he's guilty so I'd guess that things said about him are libel until it's proven to be truth.

Not that he'll win, they'll probably see he's really successful and well known and be like nah you're fine dude.

The point I'm trying to make there is that he needs to prove what they are saying are lies.
It's why I think the case will just get thrown out.
If there's evidence that he has done some shady stuff, then that'll come out.
If not, it makes the case a huge mess.

As I said before, he'll need to prove slander by showing she is lying. He's not the one on trial here meaning in the context of the lawsuit, it's not innocent until proven guilty for him.