Chris Avellone ends his silence

I don't agree with her actions, or her involvement with this whole issue, but I can't help but find Anita physically attractive still.

Yes it was Alec Holokwa who was the dev for A Night in the Woods. It is a sad story. Zoey Quinn accused him of raping her, Anita sent a Twitter hate mob to harass him, his studio fired him and his own family even took Zoey side. All these shit caused Alec to take his life and we later find out that Alec never raped or abused Quinn. Rather she abused him and was the cause of his mental decline during their relationship. Moral of this story is to allow due process and wait for evidence. A lesson these assholes failed to learn as we see with dear chubby Anita.
I remember that. She accused him of sticking his hand up her cooter and walking her around the house like one of the muppets and turned out she used to beat him. but he was dead by that point and nobody cared.
I really don't like these people that go through with an intimate moment and are fine with it, but then later look back and feel traumatized, or that something bad happened. I can understand being pressured into something, but if you were still okay with it at the time I really don't think you can claim something bad happened because your future self decides they have a problem with it. This goes doubly so if the whole thing was reciprocal and you didn't need to be pressured to go along with it.

There is already enough confusion around intimacy as it is. We don't need people having to worry about what the future you might think one day about what they were once okay with. If you change your mind on what is okay and what lines you draw in the future that one is on you and you alone. Don't go saying the other person did something bad to you because your stance has changed since it happened. It is not hard to know what you're okay with in the moment. Comes pretty naturally, no pun intended.
Tehe, funny story about Karissa that I think you will find amusing Morgan. According to the Codex and Kiwi Farms who did some digging on her, Karissa used to be a very conservative person and was once a registered Republican. Like many young girls in her youth she went to LA, fell in with the prominent Left Wingers who make up the entertainment industry there and took a hard opposite turn from her former politics. I reckon if this case doesn't go her way and she becomes shunned by her group of Left Wing progressives she will go swinging back to the Right saying that she was pressured into doing this to Chris and how her eyes have been opened to the Left Wing corruption and she is a good and trad woman now all with the hopes of getting sympathy and as well has holding on to that coveted victim status.

I don't agree with her actions, or her involvement with this whole issue, but I can't help but find Anita physically attractive still.

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I wouldn't exactly go to Kiwi farms and Codex for trusted information. Hell, I wouldn't even trust anyone her. None of us are investigative journalists, but rather folks with too much free time on their hands.
I thought the Kiwi Farms haven't really cared about the thing yet? I don't remember any digging on Karissa done there.
I think the controversial parts were more those where she kinda misrepresented stuff, like "Hitman encourages and rewards you for killing women", which is kinda the opposite of what happens.
In fact 47 is one of the only video game characters that canonically kills women. Whereas most games dance around that to a comical degree like how every single merc who was ever hired in uncharted just happened to be male. Except for one who was the leader of an entire PMC and who drake couldn't even land a single punch on much less kill. One certainly seems more equal than the other.
In fact 47 is one of the only video game characters that canonically kills women. Whereas most games dance around that to a comical degree like how every single merc who was ever hired in uncharted just happened to be male. Except for one who was the leader of an entire PMC and who drake couldn't even land a single punch on much less kill. One certainly seems more equal than the other.
He kills very few, though. Actually, in the classic games, were there actually any female targets? I don't remember any besides the one Crow from Blood Money and probably the journalist in the final mission where you have to kill everyone. And Hannelore von Kamprad in Contracts/Silent Assassin?
He kills very few, though. Actually, in the classic games, were there actually any female targets? I don't remember any besides the one Crow from Blood Money and probably the journalist in the final mission where you have to kill everyone. And Hannelore von Kamprad in Contracts/Silent Assassin?

Rick Henderson (journalist) is a guy.

There're 4 female targets before Absolution- Hannelore in SA, Angelina Mason, Eve and Vaana Ketlyn in BM.
Rick Henderson (journalist) is a guy.

There're 4 female targets before Absolution- Hannelore in SA, Angelina Mason, Eve and Vaana Ketlyn in BM.
I kinda thought there was a female guest there as well.
Oh yeah, forgot about Vaana Ketlyn. Gotta replay BM, I guess, I still think it's the best.

As an upfront disclaimer, I haven’t been paying much attention to the game industry for the past few years, so the story of Ms. Barrows’ claim against Mr. Avellone was not known to me until a recent article on Forbes by Erik Kain. That is the reason for the timing of my statement.

During 2012 I was involved with a webcomic known as Marauder Shields, by Koobismo. This was an unofficial rewrite ending of the Mass Effect video game series. Over time, this project grew into a few other avenues including podcast interviews of game industry legends and amazing voice actors. Due to the success and wide-spread love of the webcomic series, we began bringing in new people to the all-volunteer team. One of those people was Karissa Barrows.

We (Koobismo team) met Ms. Barrows (online) on September 13th, 2012. One of the things discussed with Ms. Barrows was connecting with industry people for interviews. Ms. Barrows mentioned that she knew a lot of people since she attended many comic-book/video game conventions. She would talk about partying with them at every convention. Ms. Barrows officially joined the Koobismo team September 25th, 2012.

NOTE: I (nor anyone on our team) had ever met Karissa in person. Our entire interaction was over Twitter direct messages (see below), Skype, emails, and phone calls.

During this time, Ms. Barrows mentioned that she could connect us with Chris Avellone and David Gaider, since she recently partied with them at Dragon Con (August 30th, 2012 — September 3rd, 2012). Even mentioning candidly that she had “made out with Chris the first night there.” Ms. Barrows would speak about Mr. Avellone very fondly as if there was a potential relationship there. She clearly liked him, and to us, it almost came across like they were dating (by listening to her). Ms. Barrows was more than willing and excited to set up an interview with Mr. Avellone.

On October 30th, 2012, I entered into a conversation with Ms. Barrows over Twitter Messages. I started out by asking, “Your Con-boyfriend (convention-boyfriend, aka Mr. Avellone) was in The Guild?”, referring to Felicia Day’s web series “The Guild”. This began an all-day back and forth about Ms. Barrows expressing how much she desired a relationship with Mr. Avellone and was asking my opinion on the situation. This conversation completely counters what Ms. Barrows has been claiming on social media. This conversation was private and never shared with anyone until now. You can read the screenshots below.



The plot just gained some girth. Turns out at least one of the women that tossed accusations at MCA was a convention whore. I wager when she figured out she wasn't marrying him she got butthurt.

Someone ask Arnust if he wants his balls back. You can't make this up. A vindictive bitch is what she is. Or if you want to be equal opportunity the lady is an asshole. A jealous loony tune asshole.
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Typical insecure nut that wanted more then couldn't have it then turned full blown psycho. Yeah there are guys like that too but they don't typically accuse people of rape. I want this bitch sued for everything.
This changes a lot and doesn't look good on her.
When I said this will be a hard case for MCA to win, this kind of evidence will help him out a lot.

Edit. Obviously the next question is; is there an imbalance of power? Did MCA abuse his position of power to take advantage of someone who was seeking out sex with him because of his star status?
Personally, this argument is a bit more... Shady. If two People are consenting to sex and one wants it off with someone who they look up to, I don't really see much of a problem with that.
Well, it's weird and not something I would do, and it has issues along with it, but it's not really an argument like fucking your teacher or so
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Karissa didn't even know of MCA before they met in that bar. So she had no forehand knowledge of his fame. However she probably became aware of it during the evening.
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Cmon man all the chicks dig RPG's and know about VIDEO GAME DEVS. OH MAN YOU MADE SUPER MARIO BROS I WANNA SUCK YOUR DICK.
Karissa didn't know of MCA before they met in that bar. So she had no forehand knowledge of his fame. However she probably became aware of it during the evening.
I read the suit filing and she makes the claim she didn't know who he was but did use him to make industry contacts.
Yeah, everything at the moment reads that she is in the wrong.
It kind of backfired pretty badly for her however