I see, so you also make the same mistake of underestimating Russia.
Well, keep up the sanctions and see what happens. I was never one for giving up, especially if the Ukrainians really want our help.
With the issue that we are eventually heading right in to a civil war, guided by Western and Russian influences - which is the point, there is hardly really a good side to chose here. Even people from from Ukraine feel that the nation is not united and that you have many different groups trying to push the nation in different directions, we like to think here that it is simply poor Ukraine vs evil Russia or that it is all about Europe protecting the freedom of the people and fighting evil Russian influence, which definetly has its merits I do not dispute that, the Russian support of radical groups defintely exists but this door swings both ways, just saying. A strictly black and white thinking though is a very simplistic view on a situation that is basically a civil war. Such thinking was already problematic during the cold war and it is still today, and back than with the Soviets it was even easier compared to today, but history has shown that even that idea was not always correct. See, for example right now in Ukraine there is not even one single politican that could speak for both the east and western part of the nation. And it is very disputable if unification of Ukraine, what ever if under Russian or pro-western view is even possible. There are not just a few liberal Ukrainians that start to feel that to get peace they should maybe let go of eastern Ukraine, if not as part of Russia than maybe under a federal system or even as independed state. But those are just mind games and it illustrates how intricate the situation is as a whole. There is not just but one simple view on everything. Just as there are many different opinions about it here. There are some people that have a pro Western view and even here some are strictly pro European and some pro american while many have a rather neutral stance and some have pro Russian views. We can not simply ignore all of those with the arogant idea that our way is always the correct way and that we have always the perfect solutions.
What we ignore here are many of the historical implications that actually go much further back than the Soviet Union. Russia for example will never simply let go of Ukraine, that is something we simply HAVE to accept if we ant really to solve the situation. Kiev historically speaking is one of the birth places of what you could call
old Russia - see Kievan Rus. For us this might seem ridiculus but for some Russians this holds as much merit like the Mayflower for US Americans. On the other side parts of western Ukraine have a long history with Austria/Germany and fighting Russia where the eastern part of Ukraine had always strong ties to Russia, with Oligarchs in controll today and there are enough people that have a huge benefit from this. For example one of those Oligarchs introduced Janukowytsch a decade ago to the German jouranlist Peter Scholl-Latour as the new president of Ukraine, long before all of this started and Janukowytsch was president.
All of this shows that there is a very complex context to keep in mind here, and we have still not even really talked about the Soviet Union, the Tartars and the forced migration, for gods sake depending on how you think about it Cruschtschow was from Ukraine. One thing is clear though, there is a lot of corruption going on in ALL parts of Ukraine, and we have also not even talked about the radical political groups in Ukraine, like the extrem right wing that have their foot in the pro-western Ukraine and the growing anti semitism - something that always comes up in our parliament as question. There are extreme russian seperatists in Ukraine but there are also on the other side extreme fascists. And the usual Ukrainian civilians are somewhere in the midle.
There are just as much if not even more economical and strategicial reasons behind it all compared to the humanitarian ideas. We as western Europeans and even less the US Americans simply can't understand the reasons behind Ukraine. And we tend to see always one side of the conflict. We should be very cautious not to make Ukraine our second Vietnam or if you want second Iraq. From a political point of view, where we tend always to see one side as freedom fighters under the preasure of one big and evil system. As we know today for cases like Vietnam, the South was not only about fighting evil communist peasure.
If you believe that our efforts in Ukraine are purely for humanitarian reasons and to defend all of Ukraine than you must also believe that the US and French forces fought in Indochina soley for the Vietnamese people and that the war in Iraq was all about weapons of mass destruction and fighting Sadam as the Hitler of the midle east. The reality though as we know is
usually always a bit different.
The issue, for me personaly, is the fact that we show a clear double moral here, that it is very difficult to decide which case is right and which case is wrong, particularly when we are dealing with nations. Considering the Kosovo for example you had albanian groups in Serbian teritory. I will not go and discuss here if their case was right or wrong this alone could fill a topic for it self, only one thing is clear there was suffering on all sides and crimes and attrocities done to albanian and serbian civlians sometimes even from their own people, that was the reality.
What is more important though for now is the political implications of what happend in Kosovo. The outcome was an independed Kosovo. For the NATO members, in the first place the US, the reasoning have been the strong albanian groups in Kosovo and their struggle for freedom. Again, I am not judging anything here. But it is clear that both serbian and albanian groups in kosovo received support from their respective nations. And the same is true for Ukraine where you have groups with very strong ties to Russia and groups which feel very close to western Europe. With the Kosovo they allowed indpendece with the UCK as group fighting opression and defending their rights. In Ukraine its about Russian separatists labeled almost as terrorists. But I have serious doubts that all of it is controlled only and solely by Russia, that they have no support what so ever at least from SOME(!) part of the population. So why is the claim of albanians in the Kosovo more worth compared to russians living in eastern Ukraine which might GENUELY and STRONGLY feel closer to Russia than Ukraine? Or at least the current government of Ukraine. We had no issues to let Kosov gain their independence. While now Russia supporting pro Russian groups in Ukraine is clearly a breach of sovereignty? Who's deciding such cases anyway? Why has one group more weight than others. Are on the other side the Palestinian population the bad ones and Israel the good ones? Or is most of the time the truth somewhere in the midle.
We can also see this directly tied to the Crimea where people had a chance to vote for or against Russia. It was not a perfect situation, but very comparable to the situation in Kosovo which was also questionable where the European Union allowed the Albans to go with territory which is a clear breach of international law which is the same issue with Crimea. The thing is, if we see the Maidan, which was not without questions or difficulties as right than we have to be fair with the vote in Crimea as well, as far as we know the Russian military didn't bullied the civlian population into voting but made sure that Ukrainian forces would remain in their military barracks.
Again, I am thinking about this as someone who has a Yugoslavian herritage, and if there is one thing I learned from the history down there, than that such situations usually have no clearly good and bad forces in here, eveyone is always convinced about his position and that his cause is the right one, just as we as the west are of course convinced that we do the right thing. Like I said so many times. It is about interests. And the Russians have a much bigger interest here compared to lets say the US or Germany which have more or less ignored Ukraine for the last 100 years. There is more to lose here for Russia compared to Germany or US, hence why they will, at least that is my guess, risk a lot more. I would not be surprised if Putin and his generals already have plans for invading Ukraine if things become worse. And if that hapens than there is nothing we can do, because realistcally speaking no one will be ready to send German, French or US soldiers to Ukraine to meet Russian troops. No one. I don't think I have to explain what the implications of that would mean. But there are a lot of Fallout fans here, so they might actually embrace such a confrontation. That was of course a joke.
The Ukranians are asking EU/NATO for help, telling them Fuck You might be ok for you, but not me.
I am not saying "fuck you", don't put words in my mouth. I said I am talking here about POLITICAL implications. Don't you see the difference between a nation like Ukraine and let us say Canada which is a Nato member. STRICTLY(!) from a political point of view. Do you think the US behaves to Cuba in the same way as they do with Britain? I know this sounds harsh, but we have seen what happens when one nation/force is always runing around as world police, when figures like Kenedy feel that they have to defend world peace at every corner. It comes as a surprise for some, but sometimes people are not so fond of our definition of freedom and democracy. And the same is true for Ukraine. The nation is divided. It is not one block completely under Russian controll and it is not one united land mass craving for western help/support. But people fail, at least here, to see many of the more complex implications. Don't you relaize that Ukraine is on the brink of a civil war right now? Did people not learn anything from history? Vietnam? Korea? Yugoslavia? South America? The whole middle east? When was something CLEARLY and ABSOLUTELY about "evil" vs "good" here. Extremly simplicistic and naive world views. Sorry. But I say this as someone with a serbian heritage. Things are never as simple as that. The US had always the feeling that they defended Vietnam from Chinese communism and Moscow when the truth is that the Vietnamese people hated the Chinese just as much as they hated the Americans, so much that they had their own proxy wars against China in Kambodia with the Khmer Rouge which had limited support from China.
Let us be honest here for a moment. We Europe and US will help Ukraine only as much as we can get a clear benefit out of it. Once things become critical we will back down. As simple as that. And the reason are good ones. The alternative would be eventually WW3. And that is something that most politicans relize. Ukraine is already not really a topic anymore for most people. THis is just my opinion, but I feel that Russia has already won.
PS: Lets be objective here, as you say. Russia and the US both learned global force projection from many nations that came before. From the UK, to the Macedonians, and before even that.
With one important difference.
They had no nuclear force. Mistakes happen. But we should be aware that some mistakes might happen only once.
No surprise here, all soviet rhetoric.
Doesn't make it less true. No Russian or Soviet leader for that matter could accept western influence in Ukraine just as how no US american leader could accept Russian influence in Canada. That really isnt hard to understand, I think. I am not judging this, just stating the obvious.
But will they force a change. Former NATO generals like A.D. Kujat see sanctions ours right now as sign of helplessness. It's pretty evident that Europe and US are very divided about the correct response anyway. At least our European leaders are not ready yet to send weapons and military advicers to Ukraine. Thankefully.
Putin says the USSR collapse was a failure, moves Russian troops into Ukraine, and proceeds to destabilise the region. Hillary essentially called him names. Yeah, totally the same.
*Shrugs*. So. Not the first time politcians say garbage in TV/press. Boy, do you know what Berlusconi all said during his reign in Italy. Or certain US politicans.
If we are honest, and Russia isnt honest, we will win - see Cuba missile crisis. If we are both not honest though, Russia will win, which is in my opinion more or less the case right now. It is a political game.