Cyberpunk 2077 - Coming out on the 10th

CT Phipps

Carbon Dated and Proud
Well, this is the thread being made in anticipation of the world's biggest cyberpunk game. We've all heard it has been worked on for years and years. Some of us also know Mike Pondsmith's setting when it was just a tabletop RPG.

But now it will be a massive open-world video game.

I'm trying to keep my expectations limited. Mostly, what I want from this is dark noir science fiction roleplaying. I really liked the writing in The Witcher 3 and that is going to be what I want from this over gameplay and cybernetic enhancement.
This one's going to be a shitstorm because 'certain parts' of the internet (Put in filter for the word "Trannypunk" and /v/ and watch those hidden thread numbers skyrocket) have already decided they're leading a hate campaign against the game for whatever batch of usually retarded reasons.

I don't even plan on playing it. Never had any interest in the Witcher either. Reviews so far suggest it's buggier than NV on release though.
This one's going to be a shitstorm because 'certain parts' of the internet (Put in filter for the word "Trannypunk" and /v/ and watch those hidden thread numbers skyrocket) have already decided they're leading a hate campaign against the game for whatever batch of usually retarded reasons.

I don't even plan on playing it. Never had any interest in the Witcher either. Reviews so far suggest it's buggier than NV on release though.

I read the Kotaku article which got an interesting response from the fandom (like they always do). Basically being that the game allows you to play a trans character and almost no other games allow that but they were annoyed that it didn't have much more in the way of trans content.

So we'll see how that goes because I've seen a lot of nontroversies fall apart over the years.
The thing about people losing their shit over trans people being included in Cyberpunk 2077 is kinda ridiculous, given that from my understanding, the original Cyberpunk 2020 had a lot of focus on how the development of technology has affected Trans people. They were part of this setting from day one.

Although I've heard criticism that the Cyberpunk 2020 also engaged in regular and quite blatant fetishisation of Trans Women, which I've also heard concerns about for the game, and from what I've read besides having a handful of token Trans characters, the majority of trans representation in the game is in the form of erotic dancers in clubs or other characters that mostly exist to be sexualised.

So if anything Cyberpunk 2077 is perhaps the most faithful adaptation ever, including both the representation and objectification of the work it's based off of :lmao:
The thing about people losing their shit over trans people being included in Cyberpunk 2077 is kinda ridiculous, given that from my understanding, the original Cyberpunk 2020 had a lot of focus on how the development of technology has affected Trans people. They were part of this setting from day one.
Indeed. it is a great way to show just how degenerate the future is in the Cyberpunk universe and from the looks of it, it seems to be pretty damn degenerate.
I've heard that it's actually not that groundbreaking in terms of the setting and pretty boilerplate. Which is disappointing considering I feel like Cyberpunk is the dystopian setting with the most potential right now. I thought they might be going with something more relevant to real life with the style of the setting but if they were doing something typical they shoulda gone with the Blade Runner look.
I for one hate it when people have free will.
Well good for you. This just seems like bitching for the sake of bitching. On one side you got a bunch of a neckbeards complaining about a game set in a degenerate future being degenerate, somehow thinking it is promoting the idea of degeneracy on the other you got a bunch of people whinging it isn't degenerate enough.
Also just putting it out there now. If I can't reach the status of cybermaster that I can actively in-field hack the brains of my enemies to control them. Then, when hacking a door open I carelessly don't do enough of a good job so that the door's programming hacks me back, leading to an electronic doorhandle shutting down my higher brain functions and killing me, instantly. Well, then it's automatically never going to be able to be a better cyberpunk game than EYE Divine Cybermancy.
Indeed. it is a great way to show just how degenerate the future is in the Cyberpunk universe and from the looks of it, it seems to be pretty damn degenerate.

People be who they wanna be if they can afford it. The nature of cyberpunk.

Mostly I admit I'm glad we're getting a hard R rated violence, sex, and morally gray Cyberpunk game. I feel like the genre was kidified for the past couple of decades. Altered Carbon was one of the few exceptions and they screwed it up in the second season.

Sadly, it seems the game is about 60 hours versus Witcher 3's 200.
It seems that the Cyberpunk 2077 game has a bigger issue than a bunch of people angry over its depiction of trans people (which seems to be "too little, not right" over not any). It seems that cyberpunk 2077 actually causes seizures in those who suffer from epilepsy like Pokemon and the Incredibles 2.

There's also the fact it's a very buggy mess.

Nevertheless, being a cyberpunk writer, I picked it up on Day 0 for Pre-Order.
From what I heard, Cyberpunk 2077 has Day 1 bugs that would make New Vegas blush. Best to wait until they get that sorted out.
It seems that the Cyberpunk 2077 game has a bigger issue than a bunch of people angry over its depiction of trans people (which seems to be "too little, not right" over not any).
Funny story about that but the game journalists that are writing that are apparently just salty at CDPR for not giving them free copies and swag. How low can game journalists go?
From what I heard, Cyberpunk 2077 has Day 1 bugs that would make New Vegas blush. Best to wait until they get that sorted out.

Hilariously, it seems that the review copies didn't have the Day One patch which will be 45GB. Jesus, people, that's not a patch, that's FIXING THE GAME BEFORE RELEASE. I swear, I love the idea of this game but when will game companies get their shit done before release.
I've heard that it's actually not that groundbreaking in terms of the setting and pretty boilerplate. Which is disappointing considering I feel like Cyberpunk is the dystopian setting with the most potential right now. I thought they might be going with something more relevant to real life with the style of the setting but if they were doing something typical they shoulda gone with the Blade Runner look.

This is my main gripe with it.

It's the same old story apparently. Immortality drug or w/e. Bored me in Satellite Reign, doesn't interest me much here.
This is my main gripe with it.

It's the same old story apparently. Immortality drug or w/e. Bored me in Satellite Reign, doesn't interest me much here.

Eh, Mike Pondsmith's cyberpunk is the cyberpunk amalgamation of all the various cyberpunk-y things at the time of release in the Eighties. This is an alternate history from our own that diverged in the Nineties let alone from our present day. There's a weird desire to make this the future of our world when it's the future of Pondsmith's world.

I'm just here for the crime fiction, sex, and violence.
I've got it preloaded on PC, but I'm going in with the expectation of a poor man's Deus Ex rather than an accurate representation of the table top game. CDPR has never developed a game with an actual RPG rule set behind it and I don't expect that to change here. I'm hoping it will scratch my Deus Ex itch.
I have no expectation that it will be like the table top since I never played the table top and have only a rough outline of what happened in the lore. Alpha Protocol was a buggy mess but I really like that game. The Red Dead Redemption games were buggy, especially the first one with code so bad that it is held together with gum and tape and that is why there was never a PC port but I liked them too. Fallout 2. Funny how certain companies get away with bugs yet others get hammered on hard, really gets those pistachios percolating.
I think this game is basically Dragon Age II in terms of what its stakes are and its storytelling. It's about living in an utterly scummy city and trying to look after your friends as well as found family while the global powers crap on you.

Yes, I think it's taken people off guard and I don't think every reviewer is getting it.

The game postulates that systematic problems like poverty, environment, sexual slavery, and crime can't be fixed by individuals. As such, there's nothing V *CAN* do to make the world a better place except on an individual level. I'm with Johnny Silverhand now and being an ex-Anarchist I understand a lot of his rambling better than I think some gamers might. He's basically been driven crazy by the fact that "Capitalism, capitalism never changes." Dude fought the fight for decades and accomplished exactly nothing even when he became a nuke-wielding terrorist.
Cyberpunk 2077 review

"Capitalism, capitalism never changes."

Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that has been hotly anticipated for the better part of nine years. Delayed by both the mammoth juggernaut that was The Witcher 3 and its DLC plus the inability to get it to work on current generation consoles, it was finally released in the tail end of 2020. The people here at Grimdark Magazine were hotly anticipating this game and I had to fistfight the others to see who would get to review it.

Cyberpunk is the purest expression of the grimdark science fiction series. It combines noir, moral ambiguity, a nihilistic worldview, and genre tropes to create a world where doing good is possible but only on the individual level. Most of its antiheroes don't even bother with that, only caring about their next paycheck and their partners (if even that). On the Keanu Reeves scale, they tend to be Johnny Mnemonic and John Wick over Neo. Which is good because this game stars Keanu Reeves as your inner Tyler Durden.

I'm familiar with the world of Cyberpunk 2077 from my experience with Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk 2020. Crafted in the Eighties, it was never the biggest sellar among tabletop roleplaying games but it managed to combine Mad Max, Akira, Blade Runner, Max Headroom: The Series, and a half-dozen other sources to create a fully realized dystopian world that went on to inspire dozens of other settings. If you think about a generic cyberpunk world, as if such a thing could be, you're probably actually thinking about Mike's vision as it could do anything from the movies you loved.

A brief rundown for laymen is that the United States has broken up into several new countries due to the collapse of the economy due to a combination of corporate malfeseance as well as depleted resources. Environmental devastation means that much of the Midwest is now ruined wasteland with feuding nomadic clans, cities have become overcrowded urban hellscapes, and corporations now wield the power of nations. Technology has flourished, though, with cybernetics becoming ubiquitous even for healthy able-bodied people and space travel is commercialized.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a future extrapolated from Mike Pondsmith's future of 2020, not our time so some people may be confused by this. Either way, it is a world that is still relevant due to the fact our 2020 is pretty much a hyper-consequence of the policies enacted in the 1980s. Many of the same greedy materialist corporate executives who rose to power then are still in power today, looting the economy and feeding the masses a steady diet of propaganda.

Cyberpunk is inherently political and this game manages the careful balance of making its points clear while not feeling the need to lecture on what is self-obvious. When you ask whether the marketplace shrimp is fresh and the vendor says, "Absolutely. It's all raised in the aquarium downtown. None of that toxic crap from the bay." You know what it's saying without sounding unnatural. The game touches on everything from for-profit health care, police brutality, corporate malfeseance, rising poverty, defunded social services, and the treatment of sex workers. All within the first few hours and it uses these to tell interesting stories.

The plot of Cyberpunk 2077 is an interwoven set of crime-based stories around a central narrative that is about a miraculous peace of technology gone horribly wrong. I'd call it "Ghost in the Shell meets Fight Club." The stakes are very low in Cyberpunk 2077, at least compared to most Triple A games with it being more science fiction Dragon Age II than Dragon Age: Origins or Inqusiition. This is about personal stakes and protecting your small corner of Night City rather than anything world changing.

Gameplay-wise the game ranges from being excellent to a mess. It basically plays like Skyrim with guns, cyberware substituting for magic. There's also elements of Deus Ex and Watch_Dogs with the ability to sneak up on enemies to auto-kill them or hacking security cameras. Honestly, it doesn't exactly mold all of these divergent gameplay styles together perfectly but feels more like a Frankenstein's Monster combination of whatever they thought was cool. There's just too much going on with looting and shooting, gathering armor types, cybernetics, and hundreds of perks. Gameplay would strongly benefit from being much simpler and closer to Deus Ex or even just the tabletop game.

The character creation engine is pretty robust with the option of making characters ranging from the absolutely gorgeous to the supremely ugly. Much has been made of the power to make characters of trans identity but this hasn't been anything new since Saints Row 2. Your pronouns are also tied to your voice, which is a cheap fix that kind of undermines the benefit. Still, I had a lot of fun making Agent G from my cyberpunk novels and playing him. You get to choose an origin for your character but these scenes take about ten minutes to resolve and aren't really that interesting.

Generally, the game consists of you traveling around Night City and shooting up the place at various gang bases while also performing various investigations on behalf of clients. V is a mercenary and criminal for hire so they don't need to justify why they're doing 90% of the missions they do. The writing is top notch with virtually every type of corruption available. Sadly, their character is a bit pre-set with often very little variation on their responses. V is a likable character but, unfortunately, the straight man to a lot of the more eccentric character's reactions.

The game runs pretty smoothly on Playstation 5 and the newest Xbox iteration but is a pretty buggy mess at launch for Playstation 4 and Xbox One S. It was actually hard to see in places due to the lighting too with it moving from atmospheric to, "how the hell do I get out of this room?" Patches have already improved a lot of the most glaring flaws but long loading times, clipping, and the occasional floating head. Still, I had a lot of fun just shooting up Night City's gangs and breaking necks like a cybernetic Punisher or Solid Snake and that worked just fine.

In conclusion, this is a solid and entertaining game but people should adjust their expectations. The amount of bugs and somewhat confusing overcomplicated gameplay hurts the overall experience. If you're using a last generation console, you're probably best to either wait a month or two for patches but current gen should definitely buy this right away. It is a fantastic setting, characters, and full of amazingly written stories. I also feel it is a game with many strong opinions that are presented with a world that makes them fun to hear. Plus Keanu Reeves is awesome here, proving himself the undisputed god of non-literary cyberpunk. Maybe co-god with William Gibson of the entire genre.
Looks like it'll be a mediocre game that's overblown into some fantastic centerpiece of the genre like Witcher 3, will pick it up when it's a couple bucks. I still expect it to sell well and I'm sure everyone's gonna talk about it for months or whatever. Personally I'm waiting for a Deus Ex sequel and the new Perfect Dark game to get my Cyberpunk fix.