Cyberpunk 2077 - Coming out on the 10th

I got Cyberpunk as an early birthday present. I have a mid-high rig and so far it seems to run okay for me on high settings. I don't dare push it to ultra as I feel that will crash my computer. So far it runs fairly well and I like what I see. Again, this is another case where I feel that the female voice actor is better than her male counterpart. I started as a Nomad and I love the look and feel of the Badlands. CDPR should consider making a post-apocalyptic game in the future as their take on the Badlands really captured a Fallout like feeling better then Bethesda ever has. I plan on playing more but I want to wait until the game guide my boyfriend bought me for my birthday comes as I don't want to go into Night City blind. Perhaps it will be for the best as hopefully CDPR will have more bug fixes by then.
Looks like it'll be a mediocre game that's overblown into some fantastic centerpiece of the genre like Witcher 3, will pick it up when it's a couple bucks. I still expect it to sell well and I'm sure everyone's gonna talk about it for months or whatever. Personally I'm waiting for a Deus Ex sequel and the new Perfect Dark game to get my Cyberpunk fix.
Yeah, I don't think you are going to get that from Square anytime soon considering that they blow their load on that overglorified fan fic Avengers game with a main character that nobody likes but Disney and Marvel desperately want to replace Spider-Man with. They lost so much money on that game that they didn't make the production cost back.
Yeah, I don't think you are going to get that from Square anytime soon considering that they blow their load on that overglorified fan fic Avengers game with a main character that nobody likes but Disney and Marvel desperately want to replace Spider-Man with. They lost so much money on that game that they didn't make the production cost back.
One thing I really hate is the borderlands-esque "Muh gun do more damage now" mechanics.

I get minor modifications to squeeze an extra DPS out of the weapon, special barrels, lightened bolts, etc.

But seeing a gun with 4 times the hit power of another identical gun makes me go "What the fuck is going on?".

At least make the excuse of "Oh it fires new projectiles you have to buy/upgrade/etc, caseless super bullets" or some such...
Looks like it'll be a mediocre game that's overblown into some fantastic centerpiece of the genre like Witcher 3, will pick it up when it's a couple bucks. I still expect it to sell well and I'm sure everyone's gonna talk about it for months or whatever. Personally I'm waiting for a Deus Ex sequel and the new Perfect Dark game to get my Cyberpunk fix.

Oh there's a new Perfect Dark game?

And Deus Ex: Mankind Divided made me realize they had no idea where to take the series after Human Revolution. Previously cyborgs were symbols of privilege because, duh, you need to be fucking rich in order to make yourself a superhuman. Then they're the downtrodden minorities despite the fact they're walking around with $10,000,000 dollars worth of hardware.

RangerBoo said:
Yeah, I don't think you are going to get that from Square anytime soon considering that they blow their load on that overglorified fan fic Avengers game with a main character that nobody likes but Disney and Marvel desperately want to replace Spider-Man with. They lost so much money on that game that they didn't make the production cost back.

Ms. Marvel was the only reason I bought that game and aside from her, it was quite possibly the worst game I've ever played in my life. Well, no, because there's still the Thief reboot. Still, both are genuinely games that I think I might give a 0 or 1 too. The latter is one of the games that's actually gotten worse in my mind.


Just for humor's sake, I suppose this actually proves it is possible for me to hate a game.
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Ms. Marvel was the only reason I bought that game and aside from her, it was quite possibly the worst game I've ever played in my life. Well, no, because there's still the Thief reboot. Still, both are genuinely games that I think I might give a 0 or 1 too. The latter is one of the games that's actually gotten worse in my mind.


Just for humor's sake, I suppose this actually proves it is possible for me to hate a game.
What shocked me the most was how a Marvel product did so very poorly. To the point that it did not make it's money back. For the longest time it used to be that everything that Marvel shat out made them billions of dollars. Even a mediocre product like Captain Marvel made them a billion dollars. The fact that the Avengers game didn't just floored me. Makes me wonder if this is a sign of things to come for Marvel or if it was just a fluke.
What shocked me the most was how a Marvel product did so very poorly. To the point that it did not make it's money back. For the longest time it used to be that everything that Marvel shat out made them billions of dollars. Even a mediocre product like Captain Marvel made them a billion dollars. The fact that the Avengers game didn't just floored me. Makes me wonder if this is a sign of things to come for Marvel or if it was just a fluke.

Well Marvel licensees can fail. I think the Guardians of the Galaxy game for Telltale bombed.

But every element of Avengers seemed less like Marvel comics and more like Clash of the Clans. It was a major designed money pit and we've had way too many of those.

I wonder how many game designers had no experience with gaming and just thought, "Let's do what cellphones did."
I'll wait before I buy the game. So far, the game gives me the impression is that there is a promising game present but it will need quite a bit of patching in the coming weeks.

As I'll take time off during Christmas, I may as well buy the game on Christmas Eve and play it then.
I think I am starting to see why the game """"journalists"""" have such bugs up their asses over Cyberpunk 2077.

I like how the satire went over their heads. Instead of the ads showcasing what a violent dystopia Night City is the game """"journalists"""" think that this is right wing propaganda. They truly are the galaxy brains of the world.
Yeah I'm finding the second amendment references to be pretty awesome.

Strange that the people who have armed private security want to remove guns...

Yeah I'm finding the second amendment references to be pretty awesome.

Strange that the people who have armed private security want to remove guns...

Rules for thee, not for me, friendo.

I went Nomad, Gunslinger Crit Cowboy build, essentially my New Vegas build. once this guy gets himself some wired reflexes he is gonna be Arizona Ranger Big Iron levels of bad ass. I brought this up in an other topic and I'm glad to see it here, but they added stat based checks like using strength to rip open locked doors. like how the hell has shit like this fallen off so bad I'll never understand, but who needs lock picks or the key when two 24 inch pythons will do.
One thing I really hate is the borderlands-esque "Muh gun do more damage now" mechanics.

I get minor modifications to squeeze an extra DPS out of the weapon, special barrels, lightened bolts, etc.

But seeing a gun with 4 times the hit power of another identical gun makes me go "What the fuck is going on?".

At least make the excuse of "Oh it fires new projectiles you have to buy/upgrade/etc, caseless super bullets" or some such...
Pro Tip: Never worry about any of that shit. All that stuff exists to be sold or broken down for crafting parts. it's all about unique or crafted weapons.
Yeah I'm finding the second amendment references to be pretty awesome.

Strange that the people who have armed private security want to remove guns...

What is funny is that this is suppose to be a satire. It is suppose to show how violent Night City is and how corporations have taken advantage of that to sell yet another product to the masses. The satire in this game is quite a bit similar to that of RoboCop. Also, for another fun ad that made the """"gaming journalists"""" see red and cry tears of soy:

Love Stan Lee in the power armor.
Well shit like satire and sarcasm and parody and black humor and funny go right over these people's heads. they take everything so literal to the point they can barely function as human beings. Now if these posters were explained in the form of Harry Potter some of them might get it, but that got canceled recently for being transphobic so I don't even think that will work anymore.
Well shit like satire and sarcasm and parody and black humor and funny go right over these people's heads. they take everything so literal to the point they can barely function as human beings. Now if these posters were explained in the form of Harry Potter some of them might get it, but that got canceled recently for being transphobic so I don't even think that will work anymore.
If it is explained in Steven Universe, Legend of Korra or Dreamworks She-Ra then these soy filled freaks may get it. Notice how the things they all like is the most vapid, brain dead, pieces of corporate crap that has ever been shat out? It is almost like '''"gaming journalists""' and Twitter freaks are the type of people that Cyberpunk makes fun of for being corporate and consumerists whores.
Kinda peeved the 'blow up the door' mechanic of Falllout1-2 isn't in the game.

Okay I get it, its !Future! doors with cool locks, but I'm sure that enough TNT will get by it, at the cost of alerting everybody.
What shocked me the most was how a Marvel product did so very poorly. To the point that it did not make it's money back. For the longest time it used to be that everything that Marvel shat out made them billions of dollars.
Well there movies made money, their comics didn't. in face their comics have been going down the shitter and it is all their fault. you'd think that the movies would have translated into intrest into the comics, but instead Marvel had the bright idea of turning Thor into a woman, Ironman into a Black Woman and Hulk into a Asian guy.
Well Marvel licensees can fail. I think the Guardians of the Galaxy game for Telltale bombed.
Well to be fair here, every Telltale game outside of the Walking Dead has been pretty much a bomb sales wise.
Kinda peeved the 'blow up the door' mechanic of Falllout1-2 isn't in the game.

Okay I get it, its !Future! doors with cool locks, but I'm sure that enough TNT will get by it, at the cost of alerting everybody.
I can tell you why. I had a playthough of FO2 show up in my YT feed and the guy playing killed himself with the C4 in the temple of trials. that is why we can't do stuff like that anymore.
I can tell you why. I had a playthough of FO2 show up in my YT feed and the guy playing killed himself with the C4 in the temple of trials. that is why we can't do stuff like that anymore.

Lol, wouldn't you have to set the fuze exceptionally short to pull that off, even with low explosives skill?
Lol, wouldn't you have to set the fuze exceptionally short to pull that off, even with low explosives skill?
It was worse than that. They set the timer for like 3 minutes, took forever to figure out how to put it down. thought 3 minutes was actually gonna be 3 seconds and got impatient from waiting and went over to pick it up because they didn't know if they set the charge off and as they were trying to figure out how to pick it up it went off. these are the people game devs cater to these days.
It was worse than that. They set the timer for like 3 minutes, took forever to figure out how to put it down. thought 3 minutes was actually gonna be 3 seconds and got impatient from waiting and went over to pick it up because they didn't know if they set the charge off and as they were trying to figure out how to pick it up it went off. these are the people game devs cater to these days.

I don't think i've ever blown myself up in FO1-2, and I didn't even read how to set explosives haha.

Typically if you've set a fuse, don't ever go back to it!
I don't think i've ever blown myself up in FO1-2, and I didn't even read how to set explosives haha.

Typically if you've set a fuse, don't ever go back to it!
I got mad about the pickpockets in the den that I just walked around with pockets stuffed with lit TNT. it was raining kids in the old town tonight I tell you what.
Poor man's Deus Ex was on the fucking money. The shooting and the stealth stuff is laughably bad compared to DXHR.