Disco Elysium OUT NOW (previously: No Truce With The Furies)

It was sold in a bundle with Underrail...

They should have known better than to sell their game with the ultimate timesink.
Ok. I see there is actually little interest. :D

Leave it be, lest we all be...
Joking aside, I'm really interested, had to force myself to stop browsing the thread on Codex and watch letsplay.
I'll propably pick it up somewhere next month, when I have money and time.

Really great to see that it sold well enough for them to plan DLC and sequel.
I'd forgotten about this game coming out! I'll definitely be getting it, possibly even this upcoming weekend. I would absolutely love for it to become available for tablets, I prefer to play these kinds of games on them. Very excited :)
Fair. I remember some people getting upset that the developers had opinions on communism vs capitalism (favoring the communism) but from what I saw in the game on my playthrough was that it doesn't reflect too heavily into the game. You could choose to be a superstar cap, doomsday prophecy predicting cop, a sorry cop, a good cop, a bad cop, sober, intoxicated, communistic, Laissez-faire endorsing, racist, against racism. I was impressed. It doesn't seem to shove an agenda down your throat. I think you could even identify as centrist via a thought.

I think I started off as a sorry cop, then became a superstar cop. I also endorsed the Laissez-faire market and was a good cop who only drank and did psychedelics a few times.
Yeah there is an achievement for defending centrism. I also felt that they didn't push any real opinions down their throat, it is more like "You are insane, have fun with it" and it is lovely.
I'm kind of surprised this game isn't getting more discussion than this... It definitely fits the RPG standards of the storyfags, and by mechanics even the combat fags to some sense.

What gives?
More than 2 months after you posted this, but better late than never.

I think this is something to do with NMA being... well, more focused on shitpiling on Bethesda, even if only indirectly by discussing Outer Worlds. Oh, right, Outer Worlds. Could be that, too... If I'm being optimistic, I guess Fallout et tu dominated the stage in this forum (and rightfully, I'd say).

Either way, I don't care. This is MY 2019 cRPG of the Year, and only because Underrail: Expedition brought too many issues of the base game and crank it up beyond 11. Definitely in my top 5 of the Decade. I could go on writing essays on why Disco speaks to me on a very deeply personal level, but eh... maybe one day.
With the fat union boss and his uncomfortable chair? That was a great scene, great writing.
Yeah. It was very good. Should replay it sometime soon. Next time, I'll be a gigantic asshole. I was mostly nice in the first playthrough.
I'm currently trying an Empathetic Hobo Apocalypse cop run, my first wound up being an Intelligent Centralist Sorry cop with a hint of capitalism.

DISCO ELYSIUM: THE FINAL CUT is not the greatest RPG of all time. That's probably either Deus Ex, the patched Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines, or Fallout: New Vegas. It may not even be the greatest top down isometric RPG of all time, which is probably Planescape: Torment. It is, however, somewhere up there. Which means that this is one of the rare games I'm willing to give a 10 out of 10 in its remastered updated state over a nine despite the fact this is reserved for G.O.A.T (Greatest of All Time) games.

Now, this is perhaps not a 10 out of 10 for everyone. These kind of ratings systems are inherently subjective and some people may value graphics (which this doesn't have photo-realistic), combat (of which there is none in the game), or storytelling (which is fantastic). This is the kind of game where you have Alignments except instead of Lawful Good versus Chaotic, it's Fascism, Communism, Moralism (Christianity/Centrism), and Liberalism (Capitalism). If you have the urge to be a cop who talks about how all cops are pigs and the rich should be murdered, this is a game for you. It certainly was for me.

The premise is you are an unnamed detective who wakes up in a trashed hotel room with amnesia. Which is the premise of at least a couple of games I've played over the years. However, the reason for your amnesia is pretty easy to suss out in the first five minutes: you very obviously got black out drunk, took a bunch of drugs, and tried to kill yourself.

If you're looking for the Chandler-esque twist that you didn't then I am happy to report there isn't one. You are, indeed, an incredible fuck up and such a bad person that losing all your memories may have actually been the best thing to happen to you. However, there's a better police officer in the floor below you and he's there to say you were sent to cut down a hung body five days ago that you've just left there to rot.

The tone of Disco Elysium is bleak and uncompromising in a way that I wouldn't quite call grimdark because you can stubbornly insist on trying to clean yourself up, quit alcohol, quit drugs, and solve the case in the most professional manner possible. But I like the game makes it pretty clear that solving the murder doesn't actually do much to make the world a better place. The problems are explicitly systematic, related to colonialism, and its most charitable interpretation of law enforcement is that they sometimes do their job if it's not too difficult (and their job is the defense of property rather than people anyway).

This is THE game that "those people" on the internet should be hating on but I can't imagine any reading enough of it's million lines of dialogue to care. However, I'm going stop and give an achievement to any game which talks about how the fictional fantasy communists murdered all the fictional fantasy anarchists the moment they succeeded in their revolution against the old monarchy. It's a deeply personal story you have ten in-game days to get everything together before the world falls apart.

Functionally, I shouldn't be giving this game a ten out of ten because it does have a few minor flaws. The "dice rolling" system can be frustrating as it encourages save scumming if you want to be able to see all of the content. A lot of the difficulties also feel overly large for the tasks at hand. However, the game actually accommodates failure and failure is a theme throughout the game. There's also usually a way to get around all of the difficulty barriers with clothing, drug, and alcohol modifiers. One of the most insidious things in the game is the fact that you can compensate for being a thorough wreck of a human being by doing more of the substance slowly killing you.

After all, what can you say about a game that can kill you in the first five minutes of the game by taking too-low Physical Stats and giving yourself a heart attack? Then you can end horribly dying by looking at your horrific face in the mirror without preparing yourself? Or try to flee without paying the bill, trip over a lady in a wheel chair, and die that way too? This is a wacky game and yet also full of pathos as well as fantastic world-building. The characters feel REAL and if I was to ever say there was a Breaking Bad of video games, this is probably it.

I also have to give props for its Dieselpunk setting. Dieselpunk is a pretty rare form of science fiction/fantasy and this isn't quite properly that but its close enough for a definition. It's a kind of alternative 1970s where radio is the king of technology, polaroids are a fantastic new technology, cars are still incredibly rare, and the fall of disco is our defective detective's greatest regret (after, you know, being a waste abandoned by his wife).

The Final Cut adds voiced narration for all of the dialogue, extra quests, and other modifications that I can't really comment on because I didn't play the original version. I will say, though, Disco Elysium is awesome. It's the only game I can think of that really does rival Planescape: Torment for being a sheer writing work of art. If you think I'm overpraising the game, remember the source. I'm an anarchist humorist who absolutely loves offbeat science fiction and fantasy. It's a shame the world of Revachol is unlikely to get a sequel due to the behind-the-scenes drama involved with it. This is a one-of-a-kind game that deserves to be a franchise.
Yeah there is an achievement for defending centrism. I also felt that they didn't push any real opinions down their throat, it is more like "You are insane, have fun with it" and it is lovely.

I'd argue the developers had leftist sympathies but are properly aware of the atrocities done in the name of communist revolutions as well as having the actual guts to make the Big Bad of the game a die hard communist fanatic (who is, in every possible way, a complete shitbag).

Still, as an anarchist, I regretted not having that as an alternative to communism.
I'd argue the developers had leftist sympathies but are properly aware of the atrocities done in the name of communist revolutions as well as having the actual guts to make the Big Bad of the game a die hard communist fanatic (who is, in every possible way, a complete shitbag).

Still, as an anarchist, I regretted not having that as an alternative to communism.

Most of that is confused bollocks tbh.
Another cop out (pun) who describes him/herself as an anarchist, ( what's new ffs?)
Anarchists never fought in the Russian revolution ?
Anarchists never fought in the Spanish civil war ?
Is JC responsible for the carnage caused by christians ?
Is Marx responsible for the lunacy carried out by Pol Pot or Mugabe.

Does communism follow a straight path.?
The game is NOT open world. Is not a top down or Iso rpg. It's a glorified point and click where you click on the now common points of interest.
I played it a few years ago but constantly re-loaded to spend XP different or take a slightly different path, which is nigh on impossible as it is so linear.

Oops sorry my inner demons took control. Nicotine withdrawal.
Most of that is confused bollocks tbh.
Another cop out (pun) who describes him/herself as an anarchist, ( what's new ffs?)
Anarchists never fought in the Russian revolution ?
Anarchists never fought in the Spanish civil war ?
Is JC responsible for the carnage caused by christians ?
Is Marx responsible for the lunacy carried out by Pol Pot or Mugabe.

Does communism follow a straight path.?
The game is NOT open world. Is not a top down or Iso rpg. It's a glorified point and click where you click on the now common points of interest.
I played it a few years ago but constantly re-loaded to spend XP different or take a slightly different path, which is nigh on impossible as it is so linear.

Oops sorry my inner demons took control. Nicotine withdrawal.

I appreciate your response but....what the fuck are you talking about?

But yes, weirdly, the Jesus line reflects my real life desire to strangle most communist defenders. They point out, "Communism isn't responsible as an ideology for the atrocities committed in its name. That's like blaming Jesus Christ for the Inquisition. Would you blame Christianity for the atrocities in its name?"

Yes, yes I would.

You have to take the bad with the good and I say that as a Christian anarchist.

Whenever discussing an ideology, you need to deal with tis failures as well as its successes. Taking responsibility is important.