Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

I'm glad that you like this idea. Take your time and meanwhile I will think of something interesting :lol: Phobos, I would love to help but I'm more into writing. Fallout 2 has some blank spots that are worth filling by adding tiny pieces of story, just to accent the post apocalyptic flavor. If someone else could help, it would be possible to make really cool stuff that would fit overall Fallout style. A simple idea: Pipe
One can understand, that in Fallout there are no flushing toilets, but pipes are still there! Somewhere, waiting to be discovered by a plumber. There could be a quest involving NPC looking for one :wink:. Pipe could be an alternative to crowbar (generally pipes are more common than crowbars). Here are just some of my ideas:
Zip gun + Pipe -> Pipe rifle,
Pipe rifle + Pipe -> Home made hunting rifle (description: "you like hunting and pipes") or Rat rifle (description: "with this gun you wont get any trophy")
Pipe rifle + 10 mm Pistol -> Revolver rifle (description: "now you can shoot cans from a long distance")
Showed off shotgun + 2 Pipes (or another Showed off shotgun) -> Four barrel showed off shotgun (description: "four is better than two")
Combat shotgun + Pipe -> Hunting shotgun, with disabled burst mode (description: "you like to do things with surgical precision")
3 Pipes + Grenade -> Bangalore, explosive damage within target hex, Spear animation (only thrust mode), reloads with grenade after each hit (description: "war never changes")
3 Pipes + Combat knife -> Combat spear (description: "better than Swiss Army knife")
The idea is to add weapons, that will let you play a little bit with you equipment, without breaking the game. Another thing is that Pipe rifle and Zip gun are useless. They are there, NPC's use them, and that's it. But on the other hand, when you look at them from Fallout perspective, this weapons are just adequate, so why don't help them to be a little bit more interesting? Is this doable? You will judge it.
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I like the creativity, but simply implementing the ability to create the upgraded variants of weapons and armor may be enough, as the work required for the new weapons may not be appreciated (or at least not as much as the work would require).

I also like the combat armor idea, with one caveat... I don't think you should be able to create any high-end armor (combat and up) from scratch. Creating Mk.II combat armor or Ranger Armor would be excellent though, provided you already have a set of standard combat armor. It would also make the Vortis mission much more exciting.
The trick is, that those weapons aren't new. Let me explain exactly all concepts. They are recycled versions of standard ones and Pipe rifle already exists. Yes, inventory icons will require some tweaks, by copying over elements from same weapon (Home made hunting rifle needs longer barrel, Four barrel showed off shotgun), by changing colors (Combat spear can look like normal one with different colors), by changing colors and adding parts (Bangalore - sharpened pole icon with grenade on its tip) or even by doing nothing (Hunting shotgun). Revolver rifle icon would require some creativity to add small revolver chamber to Pipe rifle. In game models can look like original ones. Calibers are unchanged. When it comes to coding Home made hunting rifle, Revolver rifle and Combat spear, original stats can be used after some modifications. Four barrel showed off shotgun and Hunting shotgun will need same changes in their use. Four barrel showed off shotgun has two more shots and Hunting shotgun lacks burst mode. Bangalore will be a real challenge. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I might be :lol:
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After installing your mod with option "stimpaks irradiate on use" my character dies from radiation poisoning (about 15 stimpaks uses).
BUT I cannot heal that type of radiation with Radaway, even doc Johnson from Redding is powerless.
Can you help me repair my savegame?
After installing your mod with option "stimpaks irradiate on use" my character dies from radiation poisoning (about 15 stimpaks uses).
BUT I cannot heal that type of radiation with Radaway, even doc Johnson from Redding is powerless.
Can you help me repair my savegame?

That's strange... It should be normal radiation. Post your savegame so I can study it.
Hey, phobos. I've been curious to try out your mod. The only thing holding me back was this comment:

- moved to latest sfall with new engine features (a lot of refactoring, something might broke)

So I wanted to hold off to see if many issues would be discovered. However, I think I'm now going to take the plunge. This'll be my first time playing Fallout 2 as a gamer (as opposed to a modder) in a long, long time. I'll let you know how it goes.

Edit: Shit, I just read that you require the "Party members change appearance when wearing armor" option to be enabled. I've actually never been a fan of that option. I appreciate all the effort that went into making it, but it feels odd that it only affects select party members, and some of the new sprites (like armored Vic) look wonky to me. But perhaps it's been improved since the old version I tried out many years ago.

Anyway, could you tell me why that option is required? I'm wondering if it'd be possible to simply not install whatever feature of your mod requires the NPC armor appearance option.
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Anyway, could you tell me why that option is required? I'm wondering if it'd be possible to simply not install whatever feature of your mod requires the NPC armor appearance option.

Well it just that I changed Vic's script with "party appearance mod" code in it. It didn't occurred to me that someone might not want this mod :)
You can start playing without this mod, I will make another version of Vic's script later.

Edit. Here you go: https://yadi.sk/d/Td5uZuRkf39Yk
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That's really awesome of you, thanks. I know I'm in the minority of people that aren't interested in the party appearance mod. I'm an awfully particular fella. Anyway, thanks again. I'll begin playing this tonight.
I think Vic is looking awfully bad in leather armor and metal armor. Theres Nirran mod called "VIC Sucks" that changes him to long haired dude. Unfortunatelly not compatible with your mod.

Any progres on two types of radiation phobos?
I think Vic is looking awfully bad in leather armor and metal armor. Theres Nirran mod called "VIC Sucks" that changes him to long haired dude. Unfortunatelly not compatible with your mod.

Any progres on two types of radiation phobos?

Not sure what feature you referring to :)
Mod development is currently on hold. I will try to fix some critical bugs if any, but not sure when I will continue working on new features. Next two months will be busy for me, and RL aside I have falltergeist which seem to be more interesting to work on right now. Not many players these days :)
For some reason, whenever I have the Gauss Rifle equipped, my game was crashed. Any help would be apperciated.
For some reason, whenever I have the Gauss Rifle equipped, my game was crashed. Any help would be apperciated.

Which versions of mod and sfall are you using? Any additional mods?
Could you provide more detailed description? At exactly what moment does it crash? Could you provide crash message? (if there's a message box on Windows, you can simply press Ctrl+C to copy it's contents)
It would also help to upload a savegame where you can reproduce the crash.
Crash Error Message---------------------------
Application Error: C:\GOG Games\Fallout 2\fallout2.exe
The instruction at 10015a21 referenced memory at 06779203
The memory could not be written
Click on OK to terminate the application

I installed the lastest RP update that came with SFall 3.5. I installed the Megamod, too, but there would be a message appearing below my PC saying, "you have overwritten the RP's ddraw.ini" so I just reinstalled the RP 2.3.3.

As I said, once I have a playable character holding a Gauss Rifle, the game will immediately crash.

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Are you using RP along with Megamod? o_O How are they compatible?
Can you describe again your current mod setup? Which options have you checked when installing EcCo mod? (btw, latest RP comes with sfall 3.3, AFAIK)
First, try installing latest sfall - 3.6 (only copy ddraw.dll, not ddraw.ini), then see what happens.
They are not compatible. When I first installed the Megamod, I could not reload the RP save files and could not change the hair of a custom character. When I reinstalled Killap's mod, no content from the Megamod was present in the game. These are checked options for your mod:Mod localization
  • Mod localization
  • English
  • Economy Rebalance
  • Modified prices (how much merchants ask for their goods; non-linear skill dependency)
  • Balanced
  • Modified selling prices (how much player ask for the loot; uncheck for vanilla prices)
  • Balanced
  • Economy-related changes in quests and reduced loot on locations (This will install all new items)
  • Combat Rebalance: weapons, ammo and items
  • New items and crafting system (+ random encounter changes)
  • Add duplet (burst) fire mode for double-barrel shotguns
  • Changes in critters
  • Make some NPCs in locations tougher
  • Knockout people, by hitting them in the head...
  • Stealth attack (bonus to critical chance)
  • Skill-based damage bonus for thrown weapons (spears, knives, axes)
  • Lowered cost of the unarmed special attacks
  • New quests and craft schematics learning (this will also install all new items and crafting system)
  • Game Progression changes
  • A few additional hooks for some of the new RP content, a new scouting quest in Vault City, and adjustments to the Vault Village quest for better progression (author: Lujo)
  • Raiders hideout redesign
  • Make Hakunin dreams occur later (due to increased content throughout the game)
  • Extended version of Party Orders addon
Uploading save files from Fallout 2 is beyond my knowledge.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, it does seems unusual that you are unable to open the link.
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There. Once you have the Gauss Rifle equipped, the game will automatically.

EDIT: This was the only way I could give you the link. So double-posting was not my intention.