Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

Really great great mod. There´s one thing and i can´t tell where it does come from. Maybe it´s from the updated maps mod but with the regular Restoration Project you were able to block sight from npc by moving your companions inbetween them and the object u wanted to interact. For example in VC if u put Vic or Sulik or whoever inbetween yourself and Seargent Stark u were able to lockpick his desk to get the guns and bullets magazine and he didn´t see it. That´s not possible anymore, he always spots u and says: "stay away from there"

Same goes with a desk in New Reno in the desperados Casino.

Also what i encountered was, that sometimes enemies can see u through walls which occured just in my latest play straight up from the start in the temple of trials. That counts aswell for friendly npc´s that speak to u when u get close to them like Jhonny in the added suburb area in the Den - in this specific case he talks to u through the wall when u get close to the building.

Has anybody experienced this aswell? And is there a way to work around that problem?

Peace :)
provide some feedback
Thanks for the feedback. A few notes:

- I didn't involve very rare items in crafting as components, as this would otherwise necessitate making more of them and EcCo already adds a bit of a clutter to inventory and I want to be careful with it.
- 0.9.3 is the 2023 version and this year there was a lot of balance changes, particularly around crafting recipes/balance.
- 0.9.3 already adds radiation sources, including stimpak radiation. I guess you could have more of it, but I don't want to turn the game into hardcore survival experience as it won't fit with the lore and design goals.
There´s one thing and i can´t tell where it does come from. Maybe it´s from the updated maps mod but with the regular Restoration Project you were able to block sight from npc by moving your companions inbetween them and the object u wanted to interact. For example in VC if u put Vic or Sulik or whoever inbetween yourself and Seargent Stark u were able to lockpick his desk to get the guns and bullets magazine and he didn´t see it. That´s not possible anymore, he always spots u and says: "stay away from there"
That was intentional. I replaced "can see" condition in certain places of the game with something that's a little less cheezy.

Not sure about seeing through a wall though, might be sfall related, might be vanilla issue.
- I didn't involve very rare items in crafting as components, as this would otherwise necessitate making more of them and EcCo already adds a bit of a clutter to inventory and I want to be careful with it.
I agree that it might be too cumbersome to add new crafting recipes involving unique items. Those could instead be relegated to dialog with specific NPCs. For example, Firewood → Sharpened Pole from someone at the Umbra tribe, Biomed gel → ESRI canister from Mr. Chemmie, etc. I think this is more in line with vanilla anyway as it could almost be seen as quest objectives rather than being in the crafting menu that can only be made once or twice.

But I don’t see how a rare/unique item couldn’t be used as an alternative crafting component for an existing recipe. i.e. water flasks as an alternative to nuka cola/beer in soup/stew. If you exhaust the game’s supply of water flasks, you still have ways to craft the item, the crafting menu doesn’t get more cluttered, and you don’t need to add more of these items throughout the game since the “renewable” alternatives still exist. The only issue I see is the player accidentally using an item for crafting when they intended to use it for a quest, which would be annoying, admittedly.

- 0.9.3 already adds radiation sources, including stimpak radiation. I guess you could have more of it, but I don't want to turn the game into hardcore survival experience as it won't fit with the lore and design goals.
I mentioned I didn’t want Fo2 to go too far into radiation threat by contrasting it with Olympus 2207 where it was very prevalent. And it’s only logical that radiation is a lesser threat than in Fo1 simply because of the 80 year gap. So I agree that it shouldn’t be hardcore. I just wish it was somewhere in between. Another radiation source could be from more mutated creature attacks such as radscorpions and geckos, similar to what floaters and centaurs are capable of, to a lesser extent.

It just feels strange to accumulate large amounts of antirad chems through loot, only to never use them. Maybe these could be made significantly rarer to find as loot? It would be justified lorewise since there has been over 150 years of antirad chem use exhausting the supply.
One thing I’ve noticed with this mod is combat gets very tedious when the enemy gets injured they run away and you have to follow them to the end of the damn “sry frustrating” map and corner them hoping you kill them before they run by and have to follow them again. I mean holy crap almost every fight ends up this way. *Thats if this mod is changing the combat this way.
Where is new recipes for .50BMG and FuelMK2 located ? Are they come with the Skeeter ammo recipes ?

Found it at Lao Chou store. Sheesh, i thought i'm updated something wrong.
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That mod is the best what happened to Fallout since the Fallout Bible. It's better news than Fallout 3 lol
If I ever make my own build it will be Fallout + et tu + ECCO + FO2tweaks if it's compatible, and simply FO2 + ECCO + FO2tweaks. I'm waiting for the TalkingHeadsMod to be done. I think with some tweaks and tunes we could make the community build of Fallout Remastered. But it would actually need some additional mods I can't find people to do with
One thing I’ve noticed with this mod is combat gets very tedious when the enemy gets injured they run away and you have to follow them to the end of the damn “sry frustrating” map and corner them hoping you kill them before they run by and have to follow them again. I mean holy crap almost every fight ends up this way. *Thats if this mod is changing the combat this way.
Yeah but in Falllout critters almost never gave up. I mean they would run away but what for if they stayed like 15 hexes from you. So it's more realistic. By the way, does any mod stop random encounters from spawning the character in the middle of a fight?