Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

I believe that Fallout 2 originally had a bug on the overland map that caused excessively frequent random encounters due to unexpectedly fast CPUs that far exceed the specs for the game.
I believe that Fallout 2 originally had a bug on the overland map that caused excessively frequent random encounters due to unexpectedly fast CPUs that far exceed the specs for the game.
I think this is fixed in sfall and enabled by default in RPU (or so I hope).

Yesterday I uncovered an issue with how healing during worldmap travel worked: it applies 1 healing for entire party (+HP equal to Healing Rate stat) every 1 second of real time when moving, not game time. There was no sfall feature to fix it so I had to add it.

Preliminary passive healing intervals:
  • Rest - 6 hours (was 3 hours in both FO1/FO2, despite in-game description saying it's every 6 hours).
  • Worldmap - 24 hours.
Hey there,
I'm back into fo2 since a few days, tried the RPU mod and really liked it so today i decided to add ecco on top of it with the map mod you recommend.
I started a new run and everything seems to be working so far except one thing, the little icon that open the crafting window disapear as soon as i open inventory, pip boy, map, anything. And the only way to get it back seems to exit the game and load again.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for crafting by any luck?

Edit : damn just find the read me note and see the keyboard shortcut sorry
I gave a list of suggestions quite a while back, and I like to rephrase myself.

Have you noticed that the Desert Eagle and 14mm Pistol cost the same AP to fire as their SMG/Repeater counterparts? You stated that you want pistols to cost less AP to help them compete better against the destructive capabilities of automatic weapons and the long-range accuracy of two-handed rifles, but this benefit is missing for the two heavy handguns I just mentioned. I know they are hefty guns but they are rendered fully obsolete once players acquire either a 44 Repeater or 14mm SMG, their pistol counterparts should get the same treatment as the other pistols.

The .223 Pistol may be exempt from this since it is absurdly powerful and in many ways surpasses the hunting rifle/sniper rifle except for range. We don't want the .223 Pistol's power nerfed, so I'm fine with that being the exception, especially since it has the OP Penetration perk.

Finally there is Balthas the Tanner in Modoc, I assume it's because you are still hard at work shaping this mod further, but I find it odd he teaches you not only Mk I/Mk II Leather Armors, but he also teaches you Mk I/Mk II Metal Armors (while also not teaching you how to craft Combat Leather Jackets). I feel like he should only teach you to make Mk II Leather Armor and Combat Leather Jackets, and perhaps an NPC from Broken Hills would make a better teacher of Metal Armor crafting in lore sense, given it's a successful Mining Town that is far enough into the game unlike Redding which too early of an area for me.
I've made bunch of ideas for the mod while playing the game. I'd be appreciated if you give me your opinion about some of the ideas written here.

How do you think about making Sawed-Off Shotgun to use pistol animation and treat it as a pistol, as matching it as one-handed weapon? Also I think it would be cool if Sawed-Off shotgun can be crafted from a (Double barrel)Shotgun, as shorten it by sawing(with a tool, knife... etc) barrels. If then, adjusting the shotgun's min damage to 2 from 14(as barrels are shortened) will be good for balancing.

How about making Demolition Expert perk to decrease AP for arming a trap in combat? Not only buffing damage(and safety), but effectivity in later level combats which a player dose not have enough time for arming traps.
I started a new run and everything seems to be working so far except one thing, the little icon that open the crafting window disapear as soon as i open inventory, pip boy, map, anything. And the only way to get it back seems to exit the game and load again.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for crafting by any luck?
Try playing without external HRP (sfall has everything). This will be fixed after EcCo/sfall are updated.
Have you noticed that the Desert Eagle and 14mm Pistol cost the same AP to fire as their SMG/Repeater counterparts? You stated that you want pistols to cost less AP to help them compete better against the destructive capabilities of automatic weapons and the long-range accuracy of two-handed rifles, but this benefit is missing for the two heavy handguns I just mentioned. I know they are hefty guns but they are rendered fully obsolete once players acquire either a 44 Repeater or 14mm SMG, their pistol counterparts should get the same treatment as the other pistols.

I thought about this a lot, but ultimately had to revert it because having the same AP for all pistols (like in earlier versions) made it harder to balance them out with each other. With current setup, .44 Magnum has a clear benefit compared to DE. The result of this is 10mm Pistol become a valid option for longer as a "backup" firearm vs DE. And the same with .44 Magnum vs 14mm. As to two-handed weapon making them obsolete.. well, first one handed weapons might have a distinction if you choose a certain trait. But also there are differences in range. I could probably take another look at this later.

Finally there is Balthas the Tanner in Modoc, I assume it's because you are still hard at work shaping this mod further, but I find it odd he teaches you not only Mk I/Mk II Leather Armors, but he also teaches you Mk I/Mk II Metal Armors (while also not teaching you how to craft Combat Leather Jackets). I feel like he should only teach you to make Mk II Leather Armor and Combat Leather Jackets, and perhaps an NPC from Broken Hills would make a better teacher of Metal Armor crafting in lore sense, given it's a successful Mining Town that is far enough into the game unlike Redding which too early of an area for me.
Yeah, this was a compromise to do it like this. Unlocking Metal Armor in Broken Hills won't work because it's just too late at this point. I want Metal Armor to be available roughly the same time as Leather Mk2/ Combat Jacket because it competes with them.

Since I have a new crafting schema system, I thought about adding it as an item to a trader in Modoc or VC. But after reading the Balthas's reply text I thought maybe it's ok the way it is.
How do you think about making Sawed-Off Shotgun to use pistol animation and treat it as a pistol, as matching it as one-handed weapon? Also I think it would be cool if Sawed-Off shotgun can be crafted from a (Double barrel)Shotgun, as shorten it by sawing(with a tool, knife... etc) barrels. If then, adjusting the shotgun's min damage to 2 from 14(as barrels are shortened) will be good for balancing.
I've seen this suggestion before. I find it unrealistic to use sawed off with one hand as a pistol, but also I'm concerned about duplet firing animation. As to balancing - Sawed off now is a clear alternative to Combat Shotgun, it has it's distinct role with duplet and knockback effect. I think it's perfect as is.

How about making Demolition Expert perk to decrease AP for arming a trap in combat? Not only buffing damage(and safety), but effectivity in later level combats which a player dose not have enough time for arming traps.
I will think about it.
Try playing without external HRP (sfall has everything). This will be fixed after EcCo/sfall are updated.

No problem, now that i know the shortcut i dont need that icon anyway lol

Question, Im trying to get the skinning gecko perk, ive seen in the note that you get it from one trapper in Klamath, is this the guy in trapper town around the fire right next to the entrance? Because theres one man there when im talking to him, a window opens, i have three choice but its only "error".

My game is not in english, could that be the problem?
I've seen this suggestion before. I find it unrealistic to use sawed off with one hand as a pistol, but also I'm concerned about duplet firing animation. As to balancing - Sawed off now is a clear alternative to Combat Shotgun, it has it's distinct role with duplet and knockback effect. I think it's perfect as is.

Much appreciated for your answer! I just remembered pistol animation does not have any "burst" animation, oops :d
Maybe i can help for that...
What language do you know? Basically you need to:
  • Unpack the mod dat file
  • Note which files are present in text/english/game and text/english/dialog folders
  • Copy these files from RPU v29 folder of your language (need to unpack the dat file as well) into your translation folder
  • Compare the contents of these files between RPU and EcCo
  • Add/modify lines that are new/differ in your translation files
Or I could probably do all the steps myself except the translation itself. But the problem is the texts need to be supported/updated as time goes on. Don't want to keep outdated translations as part of the mod.
What language do you know? Basically you need to:
  • Unpack the mod dat file
  • Note which files are present in text/english/game and text/english/dialog folders
  • Copy these files from RPU v29 folder of your language (need to unpack the dat file as well) into your translation folder
  • Compare the contents of these files between RPU and EcCo
  • Add/modify lines that are new/differ in your translation files
Or I could probably do all the steps myself except the translation itself. But the problem is the texts need to be supported/updated as time goes on. Don't want to keep outdated translations as part of the mod.

Well, I’m French that’s why I thought maybe I can offer you my services.
Now I’m going to be honest, I’m not the most computer savvy dude out there, I don’t even own a computer, I took an old laptop from my sister to be able to play fallout 2 again.
But I’m not too dumb (I think) and if you don’t mind answering questions and providing some support here and there I guess I should be able to help.

I’ll check all those files on Saturday and see what I can do and where I might need help and I’ll come back to you.

In the meantime is it possible for me to switch the language from French to English in the middle of a run? So I don’t miss anything?
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I’ll check all those files on Saturday and see what I can do and where I might need help and I’ll come back to you.
Maybe it's not needed then, I was contacted already by HawK_EyE who provided French translation files. But I haven't checked them yet and they need updates for the upcoming 0.9.6.

Since it's extra work to maintain another language when it's in, I'm thinking maybe it should be in a separate download. Not sure how to approach this.

In the meantime is it possible for me to switch the language from French to English in the middle of a run? So I don’t miss anything?
Yes, just change language in fallout2.cfg and add semicolon before rpu_french.dat line in mods/mods_order.txt.
Maybe it's not needed then, I was contacted already by HawK_EyE who provided French translation files. But I haven't checked them yet and they need updates for the upcoming 0.9.6.

Since it's extra work to maintain another language when it's in, I'm thinking maybe it should be in a separate download. Not sure how to approach this.

Yes, just change language in fallout2.cfg and add semicolon before rpu_french.dat line in mods/mods_order.txt.

Wow, translation is already done, nice!
Well I’ll let you see how you want to implement it, I clearly don’t have the knowledge to give my opinion on that matter.
And thanks for your help, I managed to change the language and everything is working perfectly now.
I updated ecco yesterday evening and will take a fresh start with it today, will come with feedback!

Thanks for you work!
Wow, I've stopped playing for like a month and we've already another new update. Thanks for the work!
The idea of buffing the first aid, doctor skill is really a great. In the vanilla game, they're simply not attractive with their neglectable amount of healing the over-abundance of money, loot and stimpaks in vanilla setting.
Adding the powerful final reward and the skill-scaling heal potential make them much more desirable, especially considering the scarcity of money and stimpak in EcCo mod.
I mean, with the buff you give to several skills they're now more like a skill that can be a real fortune that facilite the run at a daily basis rather than a hard number that grant access to a few dialogs or scenes in vanilla game.
I use fo2tweaks and I adjusted the 2 options that you suggested to avoid conflicts. Are there other things in tweaks that may conflict with ecco that I might be unaware of?
I use fo2tweaks and I adjusted the 2 options that you suggested to avoid conflicts. Are there other things in tweaks that may conflict with ecco that I might be unaware of?

Probably these, because EcCo does something similar:


Today we learned this options has conflict with NPC Armor mod, but it has nothing to do with EcCo itself.
