Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

This is one of the best mod I've played ever and I've satisfied with it, but got one complaint on Yakuza: They are too strong to deal with.

Since Yakuzas are buffed through the mod(they are, right?), they've became most dangerous enemies in New Reno area and even Gangsters can be easily wiped out by them, unlike pre-EcCo. Because of that, Trying to take them on by alone is just suiciding act and being high level character wearing any kinds of Power Armor still does not garuntee safety against them. I can say they are even stronger than Press Gang members in San Francisco area.

More simply said, Two flying axes with very high chance of being critical and you are knocked down then brutal stabbing on you follows very soon. No more chances.

So my opinion is, making some of enemies stronger is fine- but an example like Yakuza is too brutal. It could be my crying against the random encounter because it's just too hard, but I feel this isn't a kind of acceptable challenge.

Sorry if it's a rude writing to read.
More simply said, Two flying axes with very high chance of being critical and you are knocked down then brutal stabbing on you follows very soon. No more chances.
Noted. Although, in the next version I changed them a bit. Replaced flying axes with returning Boomerangs. Also throwing weapons got another damage boost (from Melee Damage stat, from a suggestion in Discord). I even tested this encounter after the changes - it felt brutal but right. Might be that the problem is in their numbers.
Noted. Although, in the next version I changed them a bit. Replaced flying axes with returning Boomerangs. Also throwing weapons got another damage boost (from Melee Damage stat, from a suggestion in Discord). I even tested this encounter after the changes - it felt brutal but right.

Much appreciated for everything :ok: I'm looking forward to it!

Might be that the problem is in their numbers.

Well, gotta say can't agree with you more. Maybe playing character with CH1 isn't a good idea from start...
Well, gotta say can't agree with you more. Maybe playing character with CH1 isn't a good idea from start...
Well with party members you get +2 to any base number (which is 4-8 from the worldmap.txt). But it's not like there aren't other encounters with the same (or bigger) number of NPC's. Not really sure what to do about it. I personally always thought there were too many enemies in encounters, especially when you have no chance to prepare, combat just starts right away...
is there a list of all the available recipe teachers? i finished the game and clearly missed some of them(like the food teacher in Den) .i want to start a new game and visit them all
is there a list of all the available recipe teachers? i finished the game and clearly missed some of them(like the food teacher in Den) .i want to start a new game and visit them all
Did you ask Vic about it? He gives you hints to pretty much all teachers.
Did you ask Vic about it? He gives you hints to pretty much all teachers.
of course.he only mentioned Smitty by name and then he generalises about meds,weapons and armors teachers in locations.i was interested in a list with the names of the teachers if it exists
of course.he only mentioned Smitty by name and then he generalises about meds,weapons and armors teachers in locations.i was interested in a list with the names of the teachers if it exists

- Arroyo Bridge - Minoc - Blades.
- Klamath Trapper Town - Nameless trapper near barrel - Leather Jacket.
- Den West - Smitty - Explosives.
- Den East - Mom - Food.
- Den West - Vic - Blades.
- Modoc Main - Balthas - Leather & metal armor.
- Redding Downtown - Dr. John - First Aid drugs.
- Vault City Vault - Dr. Troy - Advanced drugs.
- Vault City - Valerie - Electronics.
- Gecko Junkyard - Skeeter - Tools.
- Vault 15 Library - Computer - Electronics + Advanced Electronics
- Wasteland - Any deathclaw - A special melee weapon.
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- Arroyo Bridge - Minoc - Blades.
- Klamath Trapper Town - Nameless trapper near barrel - Leather Jacket.
- Den West - Smitty - Explosives.
- Den East - Mom - Food.
- Den West - Vic - Blades.
- Modoc Main - Balthas - Leather & metal armor.
- Redding Downtown - Dr. John - First Aid drugs.
- Vault City Vault - Dr. Troy - Advanced drugs.
- Vault City - Valerie - Electronics.
- Vault 15 Library - Computer - Electronics + Advanced Electronics
- Wasteland - Any deathclaw - A special melee weapon.
Thank you very much
Hi. I haven't played this mod yet because I haven't gone to FO2 on my playlist again but I've kept a keen interest in your work since the beginning.

"Thermic lance". Not sure about it yet, but I want to have end-game spear as alternative to the likes of Super Sledge with very high damage and penetration. There is Piston Spear from Tactics already in the mod (with weapon perk to negate 80% armor DT), but if I make it end-game capable, there will be too big of a gap between Sharpened Spear (tier 0, Arroyo weapon) and Piston Spear. I'm thinking about Sharpened -> Piston -> Plasma/Shock Spear progression.

You could always add more FOT spears. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_Tactics_weapons#Spear

So you might go with:

Sharpened Spear > Snake Spear (Sharpened Spear + Poison) > Festering Spear (+poison) > Barbed > Serrated Blade > Piston > Diamond Spear > Dynamite > Plasma/Shock Spear.

Could even play with it a bit, like adding:
- Atlats, Javelins and Pillums as throwing-specialized spears
- Short spears, think Hasta (1 range instead of 2 in exchange for some advantage)
I released a new version: https://github.com/phobos2077/fo2_ecco/releases/tag/v0.9.5

The main focus this time was rewriting and polishing crafting system, adding more measures for viable Melee/Throwing builds, adding a few lower-tier weapon choices for Big Gun and Energy Weapon builds, making First Aid skill more useful and some other stuff. See full changelog at the link.

Thanks for the new update.;)
I totally agree the idea of adding some new weapon to smooth the gap between end-game energy weapon and big gun. The huge gap that exists in the original game simply make the energy weapon and big gun run too difficult.
By the way, does this new version support save from version 0.9.4 ?
If so, I can then happily switch my playthrough to version 0.9.5 now.
New script-based healing skill usage system:

  • Charges instead of probability to remove kits/bags. One charge is depleted for every healing attempt, successful or not. Every cripple effect is counted separately.
  • Tools work like Doctor's bags for robots, but never deplete.
  • Fixed many bugs and inconsistencies.
  • Buffed HP restore amount per use.
  • More HP is restored when critical success is rolled vs skill.
  • 4 healing actions per day instead of 3.
  • All numeric settings configurable.
  • Completely independent from the rest of the mod. Can be used with other mods/TC's, as long as sfall is recent enough.
  • Robot repair kits would have a finite number of replacement parts, and would plausibly degrade over time/uses. I understand that pliers are not a repair kit (and shouldn't degrade under reasonable use), but pliers don't repair damaged parts either.

  • The PC already has six healing actions per day (three from Doctor, and three from First Aid), but is more importantly limited to healing only three critical injuries per day.
    Does this mean that the PC now has eight (or more) healing actions per day, and of these how many critical injuries can be healed? Also, does the new change take into account for elapsed time? (Where First Aid & Doctor both take a different amount of time to complete each attempt.)
Robot repair kits would have a finite number of replacement parts, and would plausibly degrade over time/uses. I understand that pliers are not a repair kit (and shouldn't degrade under reasonable use), but pliers don't repair damaged parts either.

I plan to move kit settings to ini as well, so this can be tweaked.

Does this mean that the PC now has eight (or more) healing actions per day
4 actions per skill. So if you use all 3 skills, you get 12 actions (but repair only works on robots).

and of these how many critical injuries can be healed?
4 as well. This is also configurable. Why do you want to limit number of critical injury heals per day?

Also, does the new change take into account for elapsed time? (Where First Aid & Doctor both take a different amount of time to complete each attempt.)
Yes, 60 minutes per action for Doctor, 30 for the other ones, this hasn't changed yet.
Why do you want to limit number of critical injury heals per day?
Because they are serious impediments, and it means that the PC must decide who gets what treatment option [per day], depending on the severity of their injuries [assuming a party]. Stim-Paks don't cure critical injuries, so the limitation makes correcting them precious—or expensive.

(Possibly depending on skill-level & stats) the First Aid skill takes half an hour per attempt, while the Doctor skill takes a full hour per attempt; this can factor into radiation exposure, or other timed events in the game. Healing critical injuries takes twice as long as cuts & bruises.

Adding extra uses diminishes the value of the choice made about who to heal, and with what treatment.

It's similar to the way that PC stats define the character's weaknesses—what they can't do.
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Because they are serious impediments, and it means that the PC must decide who gets what treatment option [per day], depending on the severity of their injuries [assuming a party]. Stim-Paks don't cure critical injuries, so the limitation makes correcting them precious—or expensive.

Vanilla logic doesn't limit how many injuries you can heal at once. So in that regard, it is more limited than before. But anyway, this limit can be changed easily later. The important thing here is that healing skills are much more effective at restoring HP and should be worth investing into.

To make them more relevant I'm going to slow down or disable healing while traveling. Currently it is bugged in FO2 (heals once per real time second, which doesn't make sense balance-wise), so an sfall update will be required for that. But I think it will be worth it.