Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

Hello, I am interesting in this mod too. Looks promising, and when I will finish Fallout Ressurection 1.5 then I will try EcCo mod. So, Phobos, do your best with this mod, please!
Other projects? :) Sounds interesting, could you please say more?
Well, I'm not far into the game, level 7 and just doing quests in Den. I'll keep posting some ideas & feedback while I slowly progress. I must warn you though, my posts can be long.

Some thoughts so far:
I'm doing a melee run and I must say that brass knuckles and spiked knuckles seem somewhat underpowered. My character has 90% unarmed and 6 strength at the moment and fighting against golden geckos and molerats is hard. I usually do like 1-4 damage with knuckles on. I think that b. knuckles could do 3-6 dmg instead of 2-5 (fallout wiki) and for spiked knuckles I would raise dmg to 6-10.
I like that those geckos and molerats deal massive damage to me, but I'd also like to hurt them more. I'm not going to find any powerfist soon. Likewise, the Sledgehammer could deal more damage; you can imagine how much even a ,,weak'' hit would hurt! 6-12 dmg per hit maybe? I bet that Sulik would approve. Would be cool if hammers would have some bonus chance to cripple the enemy, but I don't know if that's doable.

Generally speaking, you could add more cool and non-invasive stuff. For example, it's great that you can gather skin from molerats, but it would be great too if the player could skin wolves for pelts (maybe tribals would eagerly buy them?) or gather eggs from dead mantises. For fun, for money or just to make a ''trapper'' playthrough more viable and realistic.
I thought that the outdoorsman skill could affect the prices of furs/gathered body parts like barter does or even modify the amount of stuff you can harvest from dead mutants (let's say that a skilled hunter could cut some eggs out of the mantis' abdomen while a newbie could not).
Would be reasonable imo if the player could automatically learn gecko skinning with high enough outdoorsman skill (not having to rescue Smiley).

I'll write more later :)

As I said, I adore this mod and I think that it can become quite popular - those 25 past pages doesn't stand for nothing! You shouldn't be surprised at all!
Hello, I am interesting in this mod too. Looks promising, and when I will finish Fallout Ressurection 1.5 then I will try EcCo mod. So, Phobos, do your best with this mod, please!
Wow. Coming from the author of my favorite modding tool these words mean a lot.
PS: are you going to release f2wedit source code? There were some features missing ;)

Other projects? :) Sounds interesting, could you please say more?
Currently sfall (it was partly rewritten and some new engine features are being added). Also trying to get back into Falltergeist (FO engine remake), not sure how successful that will be. And there's a game prototype I'm trying to make for myself (in Lua).

Not sure If I'm going to make serious additions to this mod any time soon, but as soon as I'll finish Sfall 4.0 I'll consider doing a bug fix and balance tweak release. I should've done it a LONG time ago :)
I've posted that before, but just to remind - please consider nerfing Morton brothers gangs. They are basically impossible to do on hardcore until endgame.
are you going to release f2wedit source code? There were some features missing
F2wedit coding was stared 12 years ago, the code is poor with comments in Polish, not optimised, I am afraid you can't understand much things. Written in Delphi 7. Better make a list of bugs/new features etc. I will implement them. So this is why I dont want to public release source code.
However I will send you code by private message in several days.
A quick question - is it possible to find Traps and Barter books in some shops or can I possibly buy them from random caravan masters? For example, I was lucky during random encounter to meet merchant with 3 Scout Handbooks. Well, I've bought two Traps books in Vault City, but I found only one Barter book so far (was lying somewhere). How many Traps/Barter books can I find anyway?

I'm at level 18 and loving all your tweaks & additions!:-D

Yeah, I clicked the 'info' button on my character, and that worked. XD

Thanks though.

Mmmmmmm not much to craft, admittedly crafting isn't a Fallout thing anyway.

What's with the blue shotgun shells? Those more powerful or something?
You can learn more recipes throughout the game, if you installed that option.
I didn't use the shells much. Check their stats.
Lately I've been playing Fallout 2 with Restoration Project and I'm already in San Francisco, having been in every place and done everything on my way 'til there. I just stumbled upon this very interesting mod and now I have to ask, is it "too late" to get everything out of this mod? I have really low barter and such. Or will it damage my recent save if I'd downloaded this? Anyhow, when I'm going to start new playthrough, this mod will be among the first things to have!
Mmmmmm, played this mod a lot, it's...


I played with low charisma, so that's probably why everything costs half of my kidneys to buy.

But as with Vanilla, the game devolves to 'steal and loot the most amount of G11E's and power fists you can from the Hub dudes'.
Lately I've been playing Fallout 2 with Restoration Project and I'm already in San Francisco, having been in every place and done everything on my way 'til there. I just stumbled upon this very interesting mod and now I have to ask, is it "too late" to get everything out of this mod? I have really low barter and such. Or will it damage my recent save if I'd downloaded this? Anyhow, when I'm going to start new playthrough, this mod will be among the first things to have!
You can start using the combat rebalance part of the mod straight away. It was designed to be playable from old saves.
I'm not sure if it's a bug... is it intentional that you have to to kill the tribals near Broken Hills twice while doing bounty hunting for the NCR? At least I had to kill the same tribal before the policeman accepted Bone Amulet and gave me that $5000 run. Maybe I'll test it some more, that was strange.

I've never liked stealing. People use savescumming too often. It should require way higher skill, maybe even 150%, to steal somebody's gun or a stimpak.

I was busy lately so I haven't completed the game with your mod yet. Still playing though - could you please tell me where can I find more Traps & Barter skill books?

What do you think about adding new weapons from F2 mods like Fallout 1.5: Resurrection? I'd guess that you are sceptical, but some of those weapons are really cool (especially their upgrades/variants, like pistol made from sawed-off sniper rifle or sawed-off combat shotgun). Weapons like stun baton or browning rifle wouldn't hurt I think. If the new weapons will be rare enough or not too powerful I don't think that they would screw the balance.

I remember reading an old interview with Josh Sawyer where he criticised combat in Fallout 2. He basically said that halfway through the game the player is swimming in ammo (as if ammo was growing on trees) and that too many enemies are using ranged weapons. He also said that the early game balance was ok but in the endgame it was terrible - you'll either crit those enclave patrols to death or they will crit&kill you. Late game combat is way too crit-dependant.

But I'm not fighting the enclave with your mod installed yet.
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Yeah the balance was really screwed in vanilla, and RP made it only worse. That's why this mod was born.
I really don't remember where I put those skill books, the should be in some of the shops I think. One was added to Vic's house IIRC.
I haven't played Resurrection yet. I really need to finally play some of those mods like Nevada and get to polishing the mod. Got really tired working on sfall, need some break like actual game-design instead of asm/C++ necromancy :D
I wish there was more variance in weapons.

The jump from 10mm pistol to its higher tier 44 magnum is pretty crazy.

I wish they went for NV weapon variance, with 9mm and .22 pistols being early tier.