Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

Yea, i have Talking Heads, last version worked with it so it didnt even cross my mind that would have been the issue, dont worry about hotfixes, take your time, the mod is awesome, talking heads ecco and rp mods are the only reason i think more than half of the players still stick with fallout 2 :))
Yea, i have Talking Heads, last version worked with it so it didnt even cross my mind that would have been the issue, dont worry about hotfixes, take your time, the mod is awesome, talking heads ecco and rp mods are the only reason i think more than half of the players still stick with fallout 2 :))

Next version will have full built-in compatibility with both Talking Head mods. I want to release 0.9.1 as soon as I get to at least Den in my playtest and figure out some issues with mod installation.
New release:

  • fixed several broken global scripts
  • fixed several bugs with crafting UI
  • fix missing map tweaks in Redding
  • better exp for kill reduction (based on total exp per kill type)
  • portion of throwing crit chance bonus now depends on Luck
  • small adjustments to starting stats (skills & AC)
  • tweaked starting recipes and added a few items to Arroyo and Klamath to take advantage of crafting and traps early
  • remaining uses of a Spike Trap now shown in description
  • added full built-in support for Talking Heads and THAT mod
  • remove/decreased some unnecessary town demands
  • various small fixes and balance tweaks after playtest (Arroyo, Klamath)
  • updated sfall to latest dev version

Apart for Talking Heads, tested a few popular mods for compatibility:

Inventory Filter (2.0.2 from github):
- SmartBarter option seems to cause issues with barter, avoid!
- Otherwise no issues so far

- Don't use with default settings! Some of them has conflicts with EcCo features
- Disable the following (EcCo already includes similar changes):
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Hi, me again :)), awesome changes, i do have a question, do u think there is a way to make it compatible with "Companion Expansion" mod?, as u change a few things in some maps, it makes the npc's for the mod to not respond, and some cases not even spawn. So far i like the changes of the Den, but for some reason Metzger becomes a coward... if u dont steal his weapon, sometimes he just runs away from u, if u do steal his weapon, he will always run away, dunno if its intended or a side effect, the rest, top notch.

Dont shoot me please, love the mod will use it all the time, just a few things that i noticed:), thanks for all the hard work u do.
he will always run away
Do you use 0.9.1? I noticed a similar issue before when testing some stuff, but not sure yet if this is something from my changes or how vanilla worked. What I've found that enemies run away when their to hit chance is too low. I did increase the base armor class (by changing AG multiplier from 1 to 1.5), but this should only affect hit chance by 5% at 10 agility only, so not sure. Can also be caused by some of sfall tweaks from previous years.. but I think people would notice that already.. or maybe ObjCanHearObjFix may be causing that. Maybe try to set it to 0? (nevermind, it's only relevant to some scripts and combat AI is entirely unscripted). I will observe AI for more unusual behavior. Luckily, we got all the game's code mapped and dissected these days, should be much easier to track down any such issue.

do u think there is a way to make it compatible with "Companion Expansion" mod
Certainly. But I need to take a look at that mod and implement a compatibility patch. In my current playthrough I don't use it (I felt the game had enough companions already). Can't promise anything. If you can get in touch with the author of that mod, to know what exactly it changes, then I can give a better estimate.
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Do you use 0.9.1?
Yes, i would not report something that seems out of place if i was not using the latest version

(I felt the game had enough companions already). Can't promise anything. If you can get in touch with the author of that mod, to know what exactly it changes, then I can give a better estimate.

I left some messages on his page, for some reason the discord is either closed, or the link dead, he is the same guy that made TH.

Will update if i get a response from him, and will w8 to try/test the new version of the mod :))
I left some messages on his page, for some reason the discord is either closed, or the link dead, he is the same guy that made TH.
I didn't realize that) I'm in contact with him on Discord, so that's not a problem.

it makes the npc's for the mod to not respond, and some cases not even spawn.
Ok I looked at the files. So far found only 2 conflicts: the ectrapper script (a minor change that replaced dialogue-based barter with regular barter) and ai.txt (which isn't even in released version yet, I only recently edited it). Can you please describe in detail every issue you had? I'll see if it's possible to have a built-in compatibility with his mod, similar to how I did with Talking Heads. He doesn't change any maps directly, which is great. He adds new scripts in scripts.lst, but that's not a problem for me because I never added any normal scripts (and never planed to). So it shouldn't be hard.

Edit: after closer inspection of the files, I don't think there are any serious conflicts with the mod itself. May be some minor issues due to conflicts with map update that shouldn't prevent new characters from spawning.
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Well with the ones in New Reno, did not have any problems, most likely because u did not change anything there in this version, but with the ones in the Den, Lara and Ceri; the first time i would enter the second area of the Den [Metzger location], i would either get a game breaking error, [most likely because of the conflict of the mods], after the game restart, i would still get the error, or the game will chose one of the mods that will overwrite the game, either the one from CE, with Ceri spawned, and guards equiped with handguns [smallest chance, only happened once in around 12 tries], or the one that from your mod, with some guard equiped with rifles, and the coward Metzger, Ceri not spawned, and Lara with her normal dialog, happened every other time after the error on a new save.

After i get one of the outcomes, the error never happens on the same save, [need a new game for it to happen again], also i failed to find a trigger point for the stabilization, tried, going directly in the 2nd area, not interacting with another npc, going to the 3rd area, then to the 2nd, entering from every dirrection of the "area change trigger", i got the best results with it if i entered from the north [top side], but i still got errors from that part, and experienced stabillization from the others as well. Also i had 2 tries when i had no error at all... tried a few times just making a new char and rushing to the Den, i belived i messed something up and wanted to figure up what exacly :)
Well with the ones in New Reno, did not have any problems, most likely because u did not change anything there in this version, but with the ones in the Den, Lara and Ceri; the first time i would enter the second area of the Den [Metzger location], i would either get a game breaking error, [most likely because of the conflict of the mods], after the game restart, i would still get the error, or the game will chose one of the mods that will overwrite the game, either the one from CE, with Ceri spawned, and guards equiped with handguns [smallest chance, only happened once in around 12 tries], or the one that from your mod, with some guard equiped with rifles, and the coward Metzger, Ceri not spawned, and Lara with her normal dialog, happened every other time after the error on a new save.

This sounds very strange. Can you send me some save game before you enter that Den map? I inspected the mod the other day and discussed it with Goat_Boy. There was no serious conflicts, only some minor stuff. The random behavior you describe just can't happen. The game doesn't "guess" which files to load, it loads stuff according to what's in the files. Can you show me your mods folder and mods_order.txt ?

Map conflict is not possible because Ceri spawns via script on map enter, while my changes are via modified .map files. The difference might be explained if you started a new game with an older version of EcCo or Companion mod (with a different Den map), went to Den, saved at some point, then tried to load that old save. Because maps are persisted in saves in the state they were when you first entered the map.

I plan to make a compatibility patch for Companion mod later, but it can only fix a script issues related to scripts.lst difference, a minor AI packet differences.

I also tested Metzger again, he doesn't run away in my current version. I'll release an updated version soon, but I doubt that's related to changes since 9.1.
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Made 3 saves, didnt get the error on either of them... i have even more questions now... i have no ideea what made the error pop up... because it only happened in that place... damn it, anyway, other than the lack of error, ceri did not spawn on either of them. Most likely Lara will have her default dialog after i finish her quest, cant say for sure without doing it.

The mods that i use are only RP, TH, THAT, EcCo and CE.

Sorry for the wrong information... will try to figure what that error was... that will be an adventure because nothing changed with my setup or the game since then...


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The mods that i use are only RP, TH, THAT, EcCo and CE.
Add companion expansion files to mods_order.txt after talking heads mods but before EcCo.

My theory: you started the game with 0.9 which had an older sfall without mods_order.txt support and CE, then updated to 0.9.1 but didn't add mod to the mods order.

We expected a bit of a confusion as we transition to the new mods order system. But hopefully this will help to avoid issues similar to this once everyone gets to know how to use the load order.

Anyway, if this helps, I'd still not recommend playing this way until there's a compatibility patch to avoid certain issues. I'll see if I can cook something up for 0.9.2.
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Yes, i had the 9.0 version, and then instaled with the .exe, to 9.1... that must have been the issue... i will do a clean instal on 9.2, and double check the mods_order.txt to make sure everything is in order, so i dont report bogus problems :)

thank you for all the help, and work u put in this
Yes, i had the 9.0 version, and then instaled with the .exe, to 9.1... that must have been the issue... i will do a clean instal on 9.2, and double check the mods_order.txt to make sure everything is in order, so i dont report bogus problems :)
I just re-uploaded the installer. There was a minor issue in mods_order.txt. Plz check the updated instructions on github. Make sure compatibility patch is loaded last.
A must have mod along with RPU,talking heads and the new companion mods. Makes barter+other skills usefull and the crafting stuff is great.

@phobos: Did you remove the traps book from Klamath? Can the barter books be bought anywhere or they are located in certain areas and merchants?
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EcCo v0.9.3

The changelist is rather long, so I won't copy it here. The main new things are new steal mechanics, better anti-theft behavior for NPC's, some doors/containers buffed, some perks buffed, and a whole lot of polishing/balance changes, especially around crafting.

Also make sure to download the latest Maps Updated, I've repacked that as well with a bunch of new bug fixes from RPU git.

Haven't got time to update companion expansion patch, so if you use that better wait a bit. CE gets constantly updated recently so it's hard to keep in sync.
EcCo v0.9.3

The changelist is rather long, so I won't copy it here. The main new things are new steal mechanics, better anti-theft behavior for NPC's, some doors/containers buffed, some perks buffed, and a whole lot of polishing/balance changes, especially around crafting.

Also make sure to download the latest Maps Updated, I've repacked that as well with a bunch of new bug fixes from RPU git.

Haven't got time to update companion expansion patch, so if you use that better wait a bit. CE gets constantly updated recently so it's hard to keep in sync.

Tempting offer..

tell'ya what.. add a modified version of NovaRain's "new SkillBook mechanic" so that party members coiuld read the skillbooks too, when skillbook is applied to them via backpack menu. The time would pass ( with a fadeout/fadein) based on the given npc's intelligence inputed into reading formula.

this way there would be no dumbass sulik running forth getting himself killed because he would have enaugh chace to hit now. cough myron, lenny, cough could get a boost too, first aid book for lenny as well and dean's electronic for vic, anyways I'm quite sure that when guns and bullets have no cap anymore, players would really like to give excess skillbooks to benefiit their party npcs.
if EcCo gets that, heck I'll give this new version a try, and a new Fo2 playthrough after several years of playing all the total conversion mods :p
this way there would be no dumbass sulik running forth getting himself killed because he would have enaugh chace to hit now. cough myron, lenny, cough could get a boost too, first aid book for lenny as well and dean's electronic for vic, anyways I'm quite sure that when guns and bullets have no cap anymore, players would really like to give excess skillbooks to benefiit their party npcs.

I'm not sure about it. I thought vanilla books were fine to boost your skill level quickly to some "good" level around 100, anything more - you need to invest skill points. This cap makes total sense to me, since even with harder economy you can still buy tons of books. So I don't really dig this skill book idea from NovaRain.

As to buffing party member's skills with books.. I don't think that's needed. Instead, since party members have leveling system, you can boost their primary combat skills by editing level prototypes. Personally, I don't remember ever having problem with low chance to hit for Sulik, he has like 150% Small Guns at max level or something.
As for the other characters you mentioned - maybe worth tweaking their skills as well.

I think directly influencing party member's development goes against one of the main pillars of FO 1/2: it's a personal story. You can choose your companions, but you can't directly control them like in party-based RPG. This way they feel like NPC's with their own character and not just dolls you manipulate how you want.
I too really like your mod. If you don't mind, I also have one idea. STR boost of all types Power Armors could be reduced to (maximum of) 2. I think the fact that you can get 3-4 STR from an armor makes it quite unappealing to have high natural STR.