Fakenews website Screenrant lies about Fallout

But not anymore. In their latest ranking of RPG:s PC Gamer puts Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate 2 and Planescape Torment in the very bottom of their list.
To be fair, this doesn't seem like a ranking but if it is, it really is hilariously bad.

Fuck Screenrant anyway, I'm pretty sure they just pump out clickbait.
it seems really disrespectful that modern gaming journalists are trying to give normies this impression that

new game=good

old game= archaic and bad and should no longer exist.

they and others with this mind set act like people only played a game once as a kid and never revisited it. the nostalgia argument.
it seems really disrespectful that modern gaming journalists are trying to give normies this impression that

new game=good

old game= archaic and bad and should no longer exist.

they and others with this mind set act like people only played a game once as a kid and never revisited it. the nostalgia argument.

I think this is because some of them ARE normies, who actually feel this way.
Imagine saying you shouldn't read books from the 19th century or that you shouldn't watch movies from the 70s. That would be absurd. But with games it's ok.
Imagine saying you shouldn't read books from the 19th century or that you shouldn't watch movies from the 70s. That would be absurd. But with games it's ok.

people rewatch old movies and tv shows.

so why can't people go back and play old video games wiith out being shunned?
I was more annoyed by Fallout 1 and 2 placement than New Vegas's. The retarded "the graphics and combat are outdated" made it worse.

Clickbaity or not, that article is still dumb as shit regardless.
" no other artistic medium is constantly dismissed by it's own community. a community that is willing to dismiss and disrespect anything that came out more then 5 years ago in favor of the more prettier flashier cinematic version."
I think we could out this topic to bed now, I've seen from other places that their articles are click bait. I think I've seen like one article of theirs I actually liked (it was a ranking of the worst Spider-man stories), otherwise their articles have been kind of bland.
They did a David Lynch one recently and while it was hard to disagree with it, they had some weird choices in there which didn't fit the rest of the list (it was a top 10 best lynch villains and they had the crowd from Elephant Man in there).

I'll say we should just ignore clickbait like this from now, there's nothing to be gained from it besides a funny thread for like a day. The more we drag it out, the more boring it becomes.
Imagine saying you shouldn't read books from the 19th century or that you shouldn't watch movies from the 70s. That would be absurd. But with games it's ok.
My favorite thing about this is that people often say the old Fallouts had a lot of technological limitations that they had to deal with. Doesn't every game have this issue? What's that matter? FPS and other action oriented games were also "limited by technology" of their time.

It feels like they say that as if the games would have been just like Bethesda Fallout if it weren't for this limiting tech. I doubt people will look back at Fallout 3 and say the same thing. Which is now 13 years old. Older than Fallout 1 was when Fallout 3 released. Not a lot of people are going to adore Fallout 5 and look back at Fallout 3 and say, "Yeah, it's good if you can get past how outdated it is." These people don't mean outdated or limited by technological advancement. They mean they don't like turn based games and/or anything that isn't real-time action.
Imagine unironically praising Fallout 3 and 4's story. That's where screenrant is at. Imagine thinking Fallout being a shooter matters in judging its quality.
journos have been drilling into peoples heads that new= better since the beginning.

even back when 3d was new they tried pushing this narrative that 2d is now outdated and should be forgotten.
I definitely remember 2D sprite based fighting games getting shat on by "gaming" journos because it wasn't 3D. Well, the 2D fighting games have aged like fine wine, and a lot of the 3D games from the early 3D era just look terrible now.
New is better for them. They need new exciting things to review and write articles about. Also, they tend to suffer from the fact they only play recent releases for their jobs and many of them likely aren't playing older games at all. Like nothing beyond 5 years ago. They're usually comparing shit to the other recent shit that came out.
I definitely remember 2D sprite based fighting games getting shat on by "gaming" journos because it wasn't 3D. Well, the 2D fighting games have aged like fine wine, and the a lot of the 3D games from the early 3D era just look terrible now.
3D fighters have always bored me. 2D is where it's at for fighting games. I don't care if the models are body scans, pixels, or fully 3D rendered dudes. Just keep my up button to jump and the down button to crouch. None of that rotating.
I definitely remember 2D sprite based fighting games getting shat on by "gaming" journos because it wasn't 3D. Well, the 2D fighting games have aged like fine wine, and a lot of the 3D games from the early 3D era just look terrible now.

Funny thing is, it took about 20 years for 3D fighting games to advance enough to be comparable to hand-drawn sprites. Guilty Gear Xrd is impressive because it goes out of its way to look 2D.

Tech limitations when discussing Fallout 1 & 2 are weird, because I feel like they fell into the sweet spot for isometric games, when 2D was looking pretty great, and 3D hadn't replaced it yet. The art and the tech were aligned, and as a result, they still look as good as they did at the time.