Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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PastaMasta said:
I don't know if this is related to the RP directly, but when playing in 1280x800 resolution it works fine for a while and then when I exit out of the game and try to play again this error message comes up.

"You have selected graphics mode 4 or 5, but d3xdx9_42.dll is missing. Switch back to 0, or install an up to date version of DirectX."

My DirectX is up to date as far as I know. I've looked around ddraw but im not exactly sure what I should even be looking for to fix the problem. :P

Any help would be appreciated again. XD

Copy that file into your F2 directory. It might solve that problem.
I don't know which OS you use but
I'm playing in the same resolution under XP SP3 and I have no problem but I don't
use the dx9 option from sfall.

In your fallout2 folder, check the file ddraw.ini,
srcoll down, and when it comes to "Graphics", check if the
"mode=" value is set to 0, if not, do it.

Relaunch the game, and see if it works.

You also might want to update your directx to the latest version (feb2010?) because when I set the graphic mode to 4 (dxd9 fullscreen) I have no problem either...

PastaMasta said:
I don't know if this is related to the RP directly, but when playing in 1280x800 resolution it works fine for a while and then when I exit out of the game and try to play again this error message comes up.

"You have selected graphics mode 4 or 5, but d3xdx9_42.dll is missing. Switch back to 0, or install an up to date version of DirectX."

My DirectX is up to date as far as I know. I've looked around ddraw but im not exactly sure what I should even be looking for to fix the problem. :P

Any help would be appreciated again. XD

No, you are not using the most recent version of DirectX 9. Try this program:


February 2010 directx 9 runtimes. Your error message hints that you do not have that installed.

This should really be in the Restoration project installer, perhaps the dxwebsetup.exe (200k) should be included, and the installer would detect if DirectX needs to be updated.
How do we apply the updates because I've got the file on my computer (Windows ME) and I have no idea how to apply the update, reply quickly please.
The Regular One, I understand you are referring to Update 2d (2.0.2d) of the Restoration Project? Simply copy the contents of the .rar file into your Fallout 2 directory.
I'm in the Shi Submarine but I have no idea how the hell am I supposed to disable these damned torpedos. Was in here for 2 hours now clicking everywhere like mad and I found 2 containers with some items but still have no idea what am i supposed to do.
New bug inside the Enclave:

The President won't drop his key card anymore after his dead. There's nothing to loot on him.

There's also nothing on him if you try to pickpocket him.
Is it possible to rustle the brahmin and solve the rustling brahmin quest without losing 60 karma?

sorry if this has already been asked, but has anybody spoken to Krom in the primitive tribe and had the game stop working?

Thanks for all your hard work Killap and eveybody else who made this RP possible!
Wonderful update, though I'm having errors with Broken Hills quests. Finding the people underground.. I find them, but I can't tell Marcus or the man with the missing wife and when I tell Frances I think.. arm wrestling mutant. The game crashes when I convince him to leave town.
OK, so I've been to the Mr. Chemmie! and the ERSI fluid still doesn't come up in the menu. Do you need to have looked at something or have a certain requirement?
OK, so I've been to the Mr. Chemmie! and the ERSI fluid still doesn't come up in the menu. Do you need to have looked at something or have a certain requirement?
[spoiler:4496a7fe1b]Yes, you have to go to the blue level where the stasis pods are, and use the computer, it will tell you that you need the ERSI fluid. Then you have to back to Mr. Chemmie to make it.[/spoiler:4496a7fe1b]
I found some sort of bug: The PA figure for Cassidy does not have a pistol animation so when he was using a pistol he reverted to a regular animation with the helmet.
Bugs I've encountered:

1. I have no ambient music. Sound effects, etc. work fine.

WinXP SP3, 1024x768 res, RP 2.0.2d. Not using DX9.

2. In Klamath

[spoiler:d35a51cd16]Trapper Town level with Keeng Rat: Body with 10 mm pistol is already a pool of blood when I enter the first time . The pistol cannot be accessed until the blood disappears. I came back a week later to get it.[/spoiler:d35a51cd16]
Bugs I've encountered:

1. I have no ambient music. Sound effects, etc. work fine.

WinXP SP3, 1024x768 res, RP 2.0.2d. Not using DX9.

2. In Klamath

[spoiler:9fadac843a]Trapper Town level with Keeng Rat: Body with 10 mm pistol is already a pool of blood and pistol cannot be accessed until the blood disappears. I came back a week later to get it.[/spoiler:9fadac843a]
The Shi Sub was kinda disappointing, it was very small and took me less than a minute to complete the objective. Nice new art though...
kevinnguyen said:
So many bugs/glitches for me to play this game
I was expecting a minimal bugs release after 2 years of waiting
Oh well, I guess I'll keep waiting (may be for another 2 years) :roll:
I would be very surprised if this was bug-free on release. No matter how many testers you have, when a large amount of people start playing the game (rather than just testing parts of it looking for bugs) they will always find more. The best testers are usually the community. If you want to play this without bugs I suggest waiting a month or two and then downloading whatever patches have been released. In my experience it's always a bad idea to buy and start playing a game the day it's released: There will always be patches released later on.

And I've got to say I didn't run into that many bugs. Only major thing I couldn't do was finish Broken Hills (missing people), one quest in the Abbey (big deal) and I couldn't enter the EPA at all (black map bug - not everyone seems to be getting this though). The rest of the bugs that I noticed was pretty minor stuff, like some floater saying "Error" instead of what he's supposed to say, things like that. It's still very playable.

Gee, sounds like I'm advertising the RP or something. Anyway my point is I don't think Killap or the testers did a bad job. Having to fix minor stuff post-release is just expected.


Also, about the EPA black map bug - has anyone found a work-around for this, since apparently only a few people get it?

I would also be interested to know what installation options everyone who got the EPA bug used. (I used the Windows installer and did not install mutant armor or the high-res patch.) Everyone who got the bug probably has something in common.
@The Regular One
That's not a bug, some of animations are short a few sets (which is understandable, considering the zillions of frames that must be edited to make them). I suggest you just pretend Cassidy keeps his helmet on at these times so stray ejected cartridges don't fly into his eyes. :D

On the music issue, that could be several things. Did you do a minimal install of FO2, or a humonguous install? Also check to see where your fallout2.cfg file is looking to find its music files; if it's a cd then you'll either have to put your FO2 cd in while you're playing, or copy some files over and change the path in fallout2.cfg.

I played for a few hours in the wilderness around Arroyo levelling up against scorpions, geckos, and plants and then entered Klamath to do a few quests. I encountered the following problems:

--Random encounter map "coast5.map" is a game-breaker, as its scroll-blockers are set so closely around the player's spawn point (in front of the cave entrance) that the exit grid can never possibly be seen or reached (I'm not using that newfangled high-res stuff, I'm still at 640 by 480 fullscreen). Since I was just simply "stuck" when I got this map the first time I quit the game without saving, opened the map in the Mapper, and moved the eastern line of scroll blockers much farther east. A little later I got an encounter on coast5.map again and everything was fine due to the fix I made (since the map wasn't in my savegame file yet).

--On the Mountain1 and Mountain2 random encounter maps, the upper right spawn point at tile 17475 is too far north; every time I've hit this map with enemies at that spawn point, most of the enemies are "behind the mountain" and I have to stand and watch as they walk to the right off the edge of the map (i.e. around the giant mountain tile) and then back onto the map (through the exit grid) to get to me.

--The person who mentioned several pages back that the broc flowers and xander roots in the Arroyo Garden map aren't stacking was correct. I think the problem is that the plants that randomly spawn there from time to time won't stack with the ones placed by hand on the map. I ran around the map in the Mapper and picked up all the plants I could find (after turning off the trees); all the plants of each kind stacked together in the Mapper (since the random ones weren't included). This also happens with brocs and xanders from random encounter maps (the ones with a random chance of appearing all stack with each other, but not with ones that were intentionally placed on a map anywhere). I'm not sure I understand the problem here since there's only one pro file for each type of plant in the RP (that I could find), the map script looks okay (nor do any of the items have scripts attached), and it doesn't look like the plant items placed on the map have any special characteristics that would distinguish them from the randomly spawned ones. The same issue exists with some of the regular knives placed on the ground in desert random encounter maps (i.e. they don't stack with other knives).

--I guess I just don't really understand how the Torr/brahmin rustling/Duntons stuff is supposed to work. I talked to several people around Klamath about the strange bugmen, noticed the cattle having different brands, and then talked to Torr and agreed to help him guard the brahmin. I killed the scorpions (Torr stood and watched while I killed them all), got a message in the message box that I had saved the brahmin, approached the Duntons (who ran away), and clicked on Torr to talk to him. He said something like "Thanks for saving the moo-moos" in float text each time I clicked on him. I looked at and then picked up the radscorpion limbs from the shed and, since there was nothing else to do, I left the pasture map. Now Torr has disappeared from Klamath (I left town and came back but he's still nowhere to be found), and if I ask Ardin about her missing cattle I only have one possible line to give her: "Um, nevermind.". If I talk to the Duntons about brahmin rustling, they say something like "You better keep quiet if you know what's good for you"; I can either agree to keep quiet, or tell them off (at which point they attack me). Did I miss some important part of this quest?
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