Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

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Hello, thanks again for this!

I will post the bugs on the wiki and here, for now, here's it:

Seeing that I goto San Fran at the start of the game, here's what I have so far:

First - Sheng can be stolen from, failed, planted at, failed and nor he nor his mutants attack.

Second - If he tries to kill you, only he kills you, not his mutants.

Third - If you kill Wong (I didn't), just as you use the poison - A new scientist instantly spawns.

Sheng's house can be looted without any consequences.

Fifth and not really a bug - There's no way to tell Wong that the seeds are bad and stop him from taking them. This can be avoided by dropping the seeds before talking to him.
Jerico said:
Reported at wiki, i'll email you the save game if you so wish.
Please post the save game online. Don't email me save games. They will get lost in my account of mass emails.

@everyone: Thanks again for reporting and the kind words. Remember, post to the wiki (with save games!!!), but you can also mention here in the event that someone has a solution or can instantly tell you it's user error. ;)

I can't personally answer all the questions asked here, my RL schedule is a bit out of control right now, so I ask that everyone helps each other out.

Maybe in a week I can sit down and start addressing the issues brought up, though from skimming through this thread they seem minor. I'll also keep you all posted on the translation process. I'll hopefully be getting back in contact with those who helped with this in the past.
Asking in here for the second time since I've not get a clear answer whether if 'New animations 2' mod works without conflicts/problems with RP or not, thanks.
Out of my respect, this thread should be longest i TRY to finish reading.

thank you from the bottom of my wallet. From Thailand's fallout serie

The bald dude badly needs smoking animation! Right now a thick bush of hair pops up suddenly on his baldy dome, when taking a smoke break.
Color Problem Again

I'm having the same color issue with 2.2 as I think I had with the first RP (but not the previous one). I don't see that discussed here so I guess for some reason I'm the only one experiencing it. I wonder have I done something wrong? The solution was explained previously but I'm no expert like others here so would someone please explain what I can do to correct the color problem? Thank you!
Philos, what type of install did you use (manual, auto, custom, etc) what is your OS (incld. 32 bit / 64), video card and did you install F2 into a directory other than program files?

For me, Win7 64 and installed into G:\games, I get messed up colors by default. To fix it, I go into the installation director, launch "f2_res_Config" and use DirectX 9 and 16 bit colors. I think the 8 bit color mode is responsible for that problem if you're using an OS newer than WinXP.

Thank you - I finally found the config file & set it to DirectX & 16 as you suggested & the colors are now correct!
After installing I receive this error message when I try and start the game, "The instructions at 73726574 referenced memory at 73726574. The memory could not be read," at which point the game crashes. After uninstalling the restoration project it starts up just fine. Any thoughts?

When I attempt to use the installer version on Steam the app registers /program files x64 as being "program files" and will not install.

I had my old disc still and know enough to do a manual install and am really loving it but did want to let you know about that.
Darek said:
coldroll said:
Found a minor (maybe Vanilla glitch) at the end of the Temple of Trials, before you exit the guy you fight at the end takes all your items including your spear and you never get it back.
And the stuff is not in the chest in the previous room?

Oops I never noticed the chest false alarm. :oops:

All of my later 2.1.2b saved games had a bug that caused the game to crash if I returned to the Ghost Farm. I copied the SAVEGAME files to a different folder, completely uninstalled the game, reloaded, and used the new 2.2 version and the saved games work fine! To check it I uninstalled everything again and reloaded it with the old patch and got the original crashes. I cleared it again and loaded 2.2 again and it's clean. You definitely cleared the bug. Congrats again.

...Oh, and I love the new Fog of War & extended scroll options in the screen settings. It makes the game much more edgy.
Gallia said:
killap said:
@Those having issues with the Steam/GOG install, please gather all the issues together. It sounds like my installer is overly conservative with the program files directory check and it's screwing you all over. I think it's actually perfectly fine to install to the default Steam directory, but my installer is not letting this happen.

I'm not sure where to post this, since it's not a bug, but getting the GoG version to work is easy, just execute the game from the fallout.exe in the main folder. Don't use the shortcuts GoG provides.
THANK YOU! That damn shortcut kept freezing my computer; I was at wits end...

And thank you, killap, and all contributors, for the years (literally!) of work you've given us.
BrecMadak said:
Asking in here for the second time since I've not get a clear answer whether if 'New animations 2' mod works without conflicts/problems with RP or not, thanks.
Here's my stance combining mods with my work. As soon as you install a mod that isn't part of the RP installer and try to use it with the RP, you break your 'warranty' with me. Basically, all bug reports become questionable to me. The Miria mod for the longest time was breaking games horribly for people when combined with the RP.

I don't personally have time to test these mods and they all might work perfectly with the RP now, but they haven't passed through my screening, so I can't guarantee things won't explode for you.

I will be releasing source files for the RP, so hopefully this will help make mods more compatible.

So yeah, I can't guarantee you that any mods besides the ones bundled with the RP will work. You're on your own for that. ;)

@GOG users: Sounds like it's worth mentioning in the readme or perhaps a pop-up after the installer that the shortcut should be avoided. Any other setup issues worth noting?

@Steam users: As I said, sounds like my installer is overly conservative here. I think someone on this thread got the RP to work with the Steam install though. I'll hopefully release an update to address this install problem.

Sounds like I'll have to buy copies of each of the above to truly ensure the install process is smooth as butter. Eh, should have done this before release...
killap said:
BrecMadak said:
Asking in here for the second time since I've not get a clear answer whether if 'New animations 2' mod works without conflicts/problems with RP or not, thanks.
Here's my stance combining mods with my work. As soon as you install a mod that isn't part of the RP installer and try to use it with the RP, you break your 'warranty' with me. Basically, all bug reports become questionable to me. The Miria mod for the longest time was breaking games horribly for people when combined with the RP.

I don't personally have time to test these mods and they all might work perfectly with the RP now, but they haven't passed through my screening, so I can't guarantee things won't explode for you.

I will be releasing source files for the RP, so hopefully this will help make mods more compatible.

So yeah, I can't guarantee you that any mods besides the ones bundled with the RP will work. You're on your own for that. ;)

@GOG users: Sounds like it's worth mentioning in the readme or perhaps a pop-up after the installer that the shortcut should be avoided. Any other setup issues worth noting?

@Steam users: As I said, sounds like my installer is overly conservative here. I think someone on this thread got the RP to work with the Steam install though. I'll hopefully release an update to address this install problem.

Sounds like I'll have to buy copies of each of the above to truly ensure the install process is smooth as butter. Eh, should have done this before release...

Found a setup issue in GOG.

In the .cfg, it was leading to an odd folder for music files, which resulted in no music. Was an easy tweak fix.

Also GOG has it's music in Sound\Music, not Data\Sound\Music. Again, an easy .cfg tweak.
Killap, you are awesome! Fallout 2 is installed and ready for playing. I've been patiently waiting for the pack and not playing the game for a long time. And this moment is now!

And one question out of curiosity - was there a red haired female player model in version 2.1.2 or am I mistaken? Because I can't find it in 2.2.
eXalted said:
Was there a red haired female player model in version 2.1.2 or am I mistaken? Because I can't find it in 2.2.

Nope, no red head ladies currently in the Restoration Project, maybe one day.
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