Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

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@Every reporting issues, please post to the wiki or it will be lost here. And if someone could gather issues posted here and put them on the wiki, that would be greatly appreciated.

@Those having issues with the Steam/GOG install, please gather all the issues together. It sounds like my installer is overly conservative with the program files directory check and it's screwing you all over. I think it's actually perfectly fine to install to the default Steam directory, but my installer is not letting this happen.

Maybe I'll buy both these version so that I can get the install process right. I still just have the original F2 disc and the one that had both F1 and F2 in the same case.

Glad everyone is enjoying all this and thanks for the kind words. Sounds like some issues did slip through, but that was inevitable. So heh, yeah, expect an update for it. (final x 100) But probably not until the Russian translation is done! Well, unless some showstoppers come up...

Matthews said:
Just noticed that when using Gamma Gulp on Lenny (the new skin), he says "Error" in green text once, and no effect from the drink occurs. Sadly overwrote that savefile, but it should be repeatable (only tried once so far).
Fook, yeah those new lines got lost somewhere along the way. Found a previous commit that had it. YAY regressions.

HSQ said:
Some bugs found playing this version for about 2h.

1. When you come with Sulik to his tribe nothing happens, as i remember in 2.1.2 there was script of his movement and dialogs with tribe chief. Maybe i'm wrong, but he just stays in bottom of the map, and all you can do is talk to him twice with "Ok." option and than "Ok. Come with me".

2. Some grammar mistakes when talking with trader (quest from same Tribe Village).

Gonna report some more as soon as i'll find them.
Need save games and more info for both these. please.
How do I disable forced reload animations? It just kinda irritates me to see my character wipe their forehead every reload. (Pistol models)
killap said:
Need save games and more info for both these. please.

My bad, I got no experience in testing new stuff, so i rewrite all those saves. By the way one more problem I found.

1. When you have to attack Church (in Den) with Laura (don't know the exact name) script bugging and noone is attacking guards, you can solve this by attacking by yourself, or just talk to Laura? and right after that you'll be teleported to party house (second part of killing-march), and I don't know would those guards be alive when you came to Church right after quest is done, because I'm sure Laura? would mark it as done after you end those party in house.

p.s. Tell me what should I do when I will found bug next time?

p.s2. I'd like to ask, can problem be with original F2 files that are in conflict with RP 2.2., because I'm sure a lot of new testers are using different versions of F2, from G.o.G to Fargus, 1C e.t.c.
HSQ said:
p.s. Tell me what should I do when I will found bug next time?
He already said what you had to do whenever you found one, and you are repeating for the second time... Just read the main post.
BrecMadak said:
HSQ said:
p.s. Tell me what should I do when I will found bug next time?
He already said what you had to do whenever you found one, and you are repeating for the second time... Just read the main post.

Thank you kind sir.
Thank you killap for giving us reasons to replay many times through the years one of the best cRPGs ever made! Respect!
killap said:
@Those having issues with the Steam/GOG install, please gather all the issues together. It sounds like my installer is overly conservative with the program files directory check and it's screwing you all over. I think it's actually perfectly fine to install to the default Steam directory, but my installer is not letting this happen.

I'm not sure where to post this, since it's not a bug, but getting the GoG version to work is easy, just execute the game from the fallout.exe in the main folder. Don't use the shortcuts GoG provides.
A couple of comments:
I'm playing the restoration project as a female character. As a result I can't cure Fannie Mae of her addiction.
Also, I took the quest from the vault village and then went straight to Gecko and talked to Brain. As a result, McClure acted as though he had heard of the issue before and discussed it with me, even though he hadn't.
Thank you

Thank you Killap and all others involved in this amazing modding project. To think that arguably the greatest damn game ever just keeps on getting better and better thanks to efforts such as this...it brings a tear to my eye. I salute all of you modders that make these masterpieces even better! :salute:
Congratulations Killap! This is the best mod for the best game since ever! By the way, i want to ask bout unlimited party members. How, where or when or what i supposed to do to achive that ( im just a gamer, sadly, i dont have any experience in scripting and such)... Help!!
Found a minor (maybe Vanilla glitch) at the end of the Temple of Trials, before you exit the guy you fight at the end takes all your items including your spear and you never get it back.
coldroll said:
Found a minor (maybe Vanilla glitch) at the end of the Temple of Trials, before you exit the guy you fight at the end takes all your items including your spear and you never get it back.
And the stuff is not in the chest in the previous room?
Thank you all that were involved in creation of the RP. Fallout 2 simply isn't Fallout 2 without it :clap:
I'm posting a crash report from a friend who doesn't have an account on NMA, if that's okay:

Dont save in the Kaga encounter.

I found him once and he mopped the floor with me, found him again and saved at the start of combat, died again and the save game no longer runs.

"The instruction at 00456380 referenced memory at 000003ec
The memory could not be read from

Click OK to terminate the application"

there does not seem to be a solution (apart from restarting cause im an idiot and only used 1 save slot) it also may not be the restoration project that caused it, it could be coincidental
Never save in combats, really. Using one saveslot is to be asking for trouble, and saving in combat tends to corrupt the savefiles, so sadly there's only him/herself to blame. Learn by trial and error, the hard way. Done that myself numerous times, it does work.
Congrats on the release!

I have one question. It seems that this new version includes the blonde girl made by rainman created in a 3d program right? But, straight after he did the blonde girl that way, he also made the redhead, and he gave permission for the RP to use them both. So why is the redhead not in? And can she be included?

Odd, all the fade out/ins seem really slow, I thought I remember some of those being instant. Am I not remembering things correctly?
If I set my colors to 8 bit it is instant, but the color distortion returns... hmm..

Then when I set it to direct 9 x (defaulted on 7) it fixes the color thing but it doesn't fade instantly anymore

Oh I'm dumb editing ddraw.ini file itself to use the proper mode has fixed my issue...
Sorry killap I found a bug =)

I entered Slaver Camp, killed all the bad guys, freed the slaves in the outside pen, and proceeded to the pen inside the shack to find Kurisu. After Suliks and Kurisus reunion there is a dialog option where you are supposed to attack somebody outside(they hear a crack), even thou there are no bad guys alive anymore. Once you choose the "attack" dialog option the current dialog ends, and you are back at the normal game, but if you try to talk to Kurisu again the only dialog option is "no is not safe yet" and the dialog ends. If you try to open the slave pen door the dialog interface comes up again and same problem only option is "no is not safe yet". You must choose the "sneaking away" dialog option from the beginnig in order the to avoid this bug.

Reported at wiki, i'll email you the save game if you so wish.

EDIT: Savegame download link added to wiki
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