Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

I have noticed one funny thing when it's related to the Arroyo timer and Hakunin, it's if you don't return to Arroyo when the Enclave attack it after the appropriate time or having retrieved the G.E.C.K. The Chosen One gets dialogue options related to finding the kidnapped tribe even if he/she didn't ever return to Arroyo and inspect the damage. Also, it's completely ruins even if I complete the game and return home to the village...dying Hakunin talks, I already have the (two) GECK(s) and saved meh people.
Is this still the case in the RP? I honestly don't care much for the main quest, and I rarely make it to the Oil Rig.
Does the RP (and the UP) edit only critter protos, or does it edit Master.dat directly?
I know it does it for the recruitable NPCs (namely Vic and Cassidy), but are other critters also changed this way?

Let's say I want to edit a critter, and the UP/RP does some changes to it (say, update robots' EMP resistance).
Will those changes be in a separate proto file when the RP/UP is installed, or do I have to extract Master.dat?
Well, what do you know, Mentats DIDN't help! (IN 5) I have the message in my inventory, I have the quest in Pip-Boy and everytime I talk to Vegeir, he says I'm supposed to deliver that message to Modoc, but that damn guard just won't budge. Here's my save: http://www.4shared.com/zip/bu__JB2Sce/SLOT03.html

So Ale I just started up your save, opened the door talked to the guard and he let me out.

Here you go http://www.4shared.com/folder/GszPROkZ/_online.html Does that work?
I did literally nothing else, so I should not have somehow messed with your progress in anyway.
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I literally laughed my ass off when I've discovered there is a door in front of that guard that you're supposed to open first and then talk to him. I use high resolution and it's pretty dark there, so I didn't see it ^_^ What's even more funny is that I've recently replayed the entire game with TWO normal IN characters and I don't remember opening any door... anyway, THANKS.

What you want to do is use RP's manual installation archive instead, before those critter protos get packed into master.dat to prevent levelup issues with NPC companions. That's what Killaps installer does.
So, pull proto folder out from main folder, edit the files then they need to be packed into master.dat BEFORE starting the game. I believe, other critters protos don't need to be in master.dat though to function, just read-only. Since they only come in one version unlike NPCs' ones (levelup stages), but I'd pack in the whole folder just in case.:wink:
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I literally laughed my ass off when I've discovered there is a door in front of that guard that you're supposed to open first and then talk to him. I use high resolution and it's pretty dark there, so I didn't see it ^_^ What's even more funny is that I've recently replayed the entire game with TWO normal IN characters and I don't remember opening any door... anyway, THANKS.
If it makes you feel better my first ever play-through about 16 years ago now had me stuck in the same spot for over an hour.
I literally laughed my ass off when I've discovered there is a door in front of that guard that you're supposed to open first and then talk to him. I use high resolution and it's pretty dark there, so I didn't see it ^_^ What's even more funny is that I've recently replayed the entire game with TWO normal IN characters and I don't remember opening any door... anyway, THANKS.
If it makes you feel better my first ever play-through about 16 years ago now had me stuck in the same spot for over an hour.

Long ago, before I knew that I could politely "shove" party and some non-party NPCs, and before I knew the "wait ten minutes" trick (to trigger random walking/running), I reloaded my game to an earlier save after I got stuck (surrounded) in the entryway to Renesco's. :oops:

What you want to do is use RP's manual installation archive instead, before those critter protos get packed into master.dat to prevent levelup issues with NPC companions. That's what Killaps installer does.
So, pull proto folder out from main folder, edit the files then they need to be packed into master.dat BEFORE starting the game. I believe, other critters protos don't need to be in master.dat though to function, just read-only. Since they only come in one version unlike NPCs' ones (levelup stages), but I'd pack in the whole folder just in case.:wink:
Thank you, that helps! I don't mind the NPC critters, just all the non-NPC ones. I was wondering if the non-NPC critters were the ones that end up as read-only, or if some of them also go in the Master.dat along with the NPCs.
Oh come on this thread should already be closed by now, we should move on to next version. I wonder how Killap doing nowadays, he has been silence lately as far as it seems.
Harsh winter is roaming across the USA, sure he's dug himself a den and sleeps now.
How can there be so many bugs with every new version, it's just insane... I have a feeling the bugs will never actually be gone.
oh cool, Tandi's son shits himself to death and stops attacking me. Such a thing would usually be scripted by reaching a low amount of hp, which would be impossible to do with companions anyway, that's why I always avoid him. However, I just scared him. By shooting him and missing twice with a Rocketlauncher xD

Cool to see that such an intimitation is actually scripted somewhere somehow.