Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

This article which link I found on the RPG Codex has little to do with the topic being discussed here but I don't think it is important enough to give it an article of its own.


I only caught the gist of it through the post on the RPG Codex. I of course already know what Todd said in this interview as it has been said before, and even if he said that Obsidian would be handling another Fallout game chances were small that the success of FNV would be recreated as a lot of the people who worked on it have left Obsidian by now.

It just still irks me that Bethesda will always be running the Fallout franchise until either it becomes unprofitable or the company perhaps goes broke and is forced to sell its assets like Interplay under Herve Cain did.

Now more than ever I wish there was a spiritual successor I could move on to, or any other game franchise I feel as enraptured about as I did about a lot of game franchises in my first twenty years.

I rather hate that I have become the bitter old man that television sitcoms and cartoons tend to mock because of their overdone praising of the past but I just don't feel like following the crowd and praising games that I inside find incredibly mediocre and designed to appeal to a large segment of the population who are in geneal devoid of taste or any intellectual curiosity.
This article which link I found on the RPG Codex has little to do with the topic being discussed here but I don't think it is important enough to give it an article of its own.


I only caught the gist of it through the post on the RPG Codex. I of course already know what Todd said in this interview as it has been said before, and even if he said that Obsidian would be handling another Fallout game chances were small that the success of FNV would be recreated as a lot of the people who worked on it have left Obsidian by now.

It just still irks me that Bethesda will always be running the Fallout franchise until either it becomes unprofitable or the company perhaps goes broke and is forced to sell its assets like Interplay under Herve Cain did.

Now more than ever I wish there was a spiritual successor I could move on to, or any other game franchise I feel as enraptured about as I did about a lot of game franchises in my first twenty years.

I rather hate that I have become the bitter old man that television sitcoms and cartoons tend to mock because of their overdone praising of the past but I just don't feel like following the crowd and praising games that I inside find incredibly mediocre and designed to appeal to a large segment of the population who are in geneal devoid of taste or any intellectual curiosity.

You spoke to my very soul - and I'm not even that old! But I already accepted the harsh reality that Fallout is dead and I won't bother complaining about it (no offense). I share the unpopular opinion of actually enjoying Fallout 3 as a gaming experience and even though it hurts my rep around these parts I'll forever be grateful it exists. But not to Bethesda, they can go screw themselves.

I think it's time to move on. I haven't played a brand new AAA game in ages. Seems like everything that comes out now is pure garbage because the industry is only concerned with maximizing profits above giving the consumer a worthwile product.

Blame the idiotic masses that throw cash at these highwaymen and like sheep clap every time an animated CGI trainwreck of a trailer is shown at E3 only to see the same people complain a year later that particular game sucked, only for them to repeat the cycle all over again.

Damn, I've become a cynical bastard in my youth. :mad:
Zenimax only allowed Obsidian to make Fallout New Vegas, so they could bankrupt Obsidian using their old scummy techniques. I bet they wanted to destroy Obsidian so people wouldn't keep saying Obsidian makes better RPGs and it's better than Bethesda.

Since all the dirty tricks Zenimax/Bethesda Softworks used in the past to shutdown and/or acquire other studios seemed to have been used against Obsidian too. Unfortunately for Zenimax, Obsidian managed to finish the game in time (although much shorter than planned) and also managed to get funds through kickstart and their fanboys.

Now Zenimax knows that Obsidian has enough fan support with fat wallets to keep it going, so it gave up on trying to destroy/acquire them... At least for the time being.

Sorry for the double post. But this warrants a new post.

Bethesda updates on it's Beta release information:


We’re blown away by the response to the B.E.T.A. Still sorting out the details but we’ll start letting you break-it in October. First on XB1, then PS4 and PC.

Of notice is that Beta will be released only one month before public release and it will also be released first for XB1 and only after that for PS4 and PC. Also of notice, Bethesda doesn't know that "Beta" is not an acronym...

The comments are full of fanboys but I was surprised that it seems balanced in terms of fanboys and people complaining.
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Actually I am noticing a split in fanboy opinion online with Fallout 4 and now 76. This is the one that undoes the goodwill they accumulated. Check out even the mainstream gaming sites and you will see a lot more people calling it for what it is.
Actually I am noticing a split in fanboy opinion online with Fallout 4 and now 76. This is the one that undoes the goodwill they accumulated. Check out even the mainstream gaming sites and you will see a lot more people calling it for what it is.
But those are all "people that hate Bethesda, and stuck in nostalgia, not accepting change and evolution!"... Right? :lol:
Okay there is something I need to confess, there is actually one thing I do like about Fallout 76

Everyone "gasp!"

I actually like some of the new mutant/creature designs, even if they are based on Virginian mythology and sightings of cryptids (taking inspirations from such sources is not bad)
Though the most extreme mutants are suppose to be the result of FEV or genetic engineering I like the idea that these are perhaps single generation mutants and I feel that they are actually wasted on a multiplayer only game.

If anything why did Bethesda not go with this angle from the start, other than bringing back Ghouls (with way way less mindless ones), why did the Bethesda Fallout team not design and include these type of mutants from the start. (mostly because they probably either were not allowed, could not come up with these ideas, or were just bent on copying Fallout 1 and 2's creature repertoire)

Fallout 3 and 4 would still suck but at least we could say "Well at least the East coast has its own unique mutants".
More information about anti-griefing that actually seems to make griefing and trolling easier :rofl::

I skimmed it and by what I understand...

A level 5 character with a knife has a chance of defeating a level 80 PA with a minigun because they "normalize" the PvP... This is so stupid :lol:.

I can already see trolls making a low level character just to grief and make it a "wanted criminal". It will probably only take a few minutes and your griefer character is ready to be used :lol:.

And the bounty on their head comes out of their own caps? Well, no problem, with what I just said, a low level character that was just made will have no caps anyway...

Anti griefing systems alright :roll:.

The more info about this game that comes out, the more it shows it will be shit.
More information about anti-griefing that actually seems to make griefing and trolling easier :rofl::

I skimmed it and by what I understand...

A level 5 character with a knife has a chance of defeating a level 80 PA with a minigun because they "normalize" the PvP... This is so stupid :lol:.

I can already see trolls making a low level character just to grief and make it a "wanted criminal". It will probably only take a few minutes and your griefer character is ready to be used :lol:.

And the bounty on their head comes out of their own caps? Well, no problem, with what I just said, a low level character that was just made will have no caps anyway...

Anti griefing systems alright :roll:.

The more info about this game that comes out, the more it shows it will be shit.
It shows that in their attempt to maximize profits they will lose their core fanbase.



Stolen from the Bethshitposter known as Makabb off Codex:

-Every other level will give you a Card-Pack in addition to the usual leveling process - Contains perkcards from any of the special's and can include an item (example from Q&A being a piece of Gum which lets the player lose hunger at a slower rate
-Can combine same cards for increased effect
-There are hundreds of cards in 76.
-Can change the look of your character at anytime (including sex)
-level 50 is the cap for increasing special (*can continue leveling and gaining perk cards beyond this cap)
-We want an element of danger without griefing." When player engages you for PvP, he'll do a limited amount of damage until you engage back.
-When a player kills another player who did not engage in PvP, that player will become Wanted.
-Wanted players will have a bounty placed on their head with the reward coming out of their own caps. Wanted players won't be able to see other players on the map.
-Killing another player who does not engage in combat yields no rewards (I believe when Todd said this, he meant a cap's reward. I believe you'll still be able to take the other players Junk.
-When you die, you'll drop your Junk (crafting mats)
-Can choose to Ignore a player, which will then hide your location on the map to that person.
-Players will show up on the map in general area location (non specific)
-Respawning: Spawn anywhere you've unlocked including Vault 76. Pay caps to fast travel (more caps the further a location is.)
-Pacifist Flag mode (won't accidentally pvp)
-Players enter a downed state before death and can be revived by another player
-Charisma affects the sharing of higher point perks, rewards from group quests and the price why you barter. Good for group players. But also good for loners, such as the lone wanderer perk or some aid perks.
-Luck now also affects durability and condition of loot
-Ammo has weight


RadAway CURES mutations? Sounds legit.
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It shows that in their attempt to maximize profits they will lose their core fanbase.



Stolen from the Bethshitposter known as Makabb off Codex:

-Every other level will give you a Card-Pack in addition to the usual leveling process - Contains perkcards from any of the special's and can include an item (example from Q&A being a piece of Gum which lets the player lose hunger at a slower rate
-Can combine same cards for increased effect
-There are hundreds of cards in 76.
-Can change the look of your character at anytime (including sex)
-level 50 is the cap for increasing special (*can continue leveling and gaining perk cards beyond this cap)
-We want an element of danger without griefing." When player engages you for PvP, he'll do a limited amount of damage until you engage back.
-When a player kills another player who did not engage in PvP, that player will become Wanted.
-Wanted players will have a bounty placed on their head with the reward coming out of their own caps. Wanted players won't be able to see other players on the map.
-Killing another player who does not engage in combat yields no rewards (I believe when Todd said this, he meant a cap's reward. I believe you'll still be able to take the other players Junk.
-When you die, you'll drop your Junk (crafting mats)
-Can choose to Ignore a player, which will then hide your location on the map to that person.
-Players will show up on the map in general area location (non specific)
-Respawning: Spawn anywhere you've unlocked just like previous Fallouts. Pay caps to fast travel (more caps the further a location is.) Early locations are free
-Pacifist Flag mode (won't accidentally pvp)
-Players enter a downed state before death and can be revived by another player
-Charisma affects the sharing of higher point perks, rewards from group quests and the price why you barter. Good for group players. But also good for loners, such as the lone wanderer perk or some aid perks.
-Luck now also affects durability and condition of loot
-Ammo has weight
-Start out with all Specials at 1

This is really stupid. I thought it would just be a MMO with a Fallout skin, but it is much worst than that. It is grief friendly in a way I had never seen before. Those perk cards seem horrible and totally stupid too...
I never thought it would be worst than I what I could think... But I am genuinely surprised by how bad it all seems to be.
This is really stupid. I thought it would just be a MMO with a Fallout skin, but it is much worst than that. It is grief friendly in a way I had never seen before. Those perk cards seem horrible and totally stupid too...
I never thought it would be worst than I what I could think... But I am genuinely surprised by how bad it all seems to be.

But wait...THERE'S MORE!


Gum with awful jokes "the funnies"... It's official Fallout is being made for little kids now.

It's being made by people that REALLY PUSH THE 50's angle.

Posting this for the chat as well.

God these fuckers don't play games. These are PR mouthpieces doing damage control.

On Todd Howard looking like shit:

Tuber1 - cause the entire fallout community has been shitting on him since fallout 76 was announced..

Tuber2 - They've been shitting on him since fallout 4

Since Fallout 4 you say?

Ok, so JUNK is going to be a new meme. Yay.
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I think it's time to move on. I haven't played a brand new AAA game in ages. Seems like everything that comes out now is pure garbage because the industry is only concerned with maximizing profits above giving the consumer a worthwile product.

Me neither for the most part. I buy AAA games when after years past they go on sale and are at like 10 bucks at most just to see what they were all about but I never get hyped for anything at this point.

Hell, I love Resident Evil (the true tank control games) and when they announced they were going to remake RE2 I was actually excited as I knew they could remake a tank control game as they did it for RE1 years ago but when I saw the gameplay video of RE2R I just felt disappointed. Looks good on its own merits but... God damnit I wanted a tank control game. They seem to think there isn't an audience for it but there is. Why does everything have to be first or third person or even isometric or top down? Fixed camera angle with tank controls is a unique gameplay formula that some people genuinely enjoy but they discarded that for a RE4 approach to gameplay perspective.

That was the one time where I felt like maybe not all is lost, maybe there is some small bit of hope in a remake at least. But nope. I had already moved on from REvil but RE2R was the one chance to draw me back in and it failed.

Basically, everything I loved is a hollow shell of its former self or dead. Problem is that it'd be easier to move on if there was a spiritual successor to move on to but when there isn't one it is easy to feel bitter that you aren't being catered to.

I moved on from that too. I don't expect to see another Fallout game, be it FO1/2 or FNV. I don't expect to see another Chrono Trigger. I don't expect to see another REvil game. And I don't expect anyone to truly pick up the torch and continue where they left off.

It's time to move on fully and look elsewhere for new experiences and hope that they don't fall prey to the money milking machine concept so many other franchises we grew up with have.

But hey, it doesn't mean I'll stop flinging shit at Bethesda like an ape. I find it fun. No point being bitter and angry about it. Just have a laugh, squat, shit and fling it at them while giggling maniacally. ;)


Oh and Bethesda is suing someone for daring to sell his copy of their game that he never opened cause he got it for Playstation 3 or 4 and intended to buy the console but later chose to spend the money on his PC instead so he had no use of the copy so he wanted to sell it:

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Fish said:
Hell, I love Resident Evil (the true tank control games) and when they announced they were going to remake RE2 I was actually excited as I knew they could remake a tank control game as they did it for RE1 years ago but when I saw the gameplay video of RE2R I just felt disappointed. Looks good on its own merits but... God damnit I wanted a tank control game. They seem to think there isn't an audience for it but there is. Why does everything have to be first or third person or even isometric or top down? Fixed camera angle with tank controls is a unique gameplay formula that some people genuinely enjoy but they discarded that for a RE4 approach to gameplay perspective.

That was the one time where I felt like maybe not all is lost, maybe there is some small bit of hope in a remake at least. But nope. I had already moved on from REvil but RE2R was the one chance to draw me back in and it failed.

Basically this. I will no doubt eventually play Remake 2, but it isn't really a worthy Remake now. It doesn't contain the main element that made Remake great.

Mr Fish said:
Basically, everything I loved is a hollow shell of its former self or dead. Problem is that it'd be easier to move on if there was a spiritual successor to move on to but when there isn't one it is easy to feel bitter that you aren't being catered to.

I moved on from that too. I don't expect to see another Fallout game, be it FO1/2 or FNV. I don't expect to see another Chrono Trigger. I don't expect to see another REvil game. And I don't expect anyone to truly pick up the torch and continue where they left off.

It's time to move on fully and look elsewhere for new experiences and hope that they don't fall prey to the money milking machine concept so many other franchises we grew up with have.

But hey, it doesn't mean I'll stop flinging shit at Bethesda like an ape. I find it fun. No point being bitter and angry about it. Just have a laugh, squat, shit and fling it at them while giggling maniacally. ;)

This too.